6 thoughts on “Sheriff Joe Arpaio On Obama Investigation: 10 Times Worse Than Watergate; Biggest Media Blackout in History (Video)”

  1. Mitt Romney’s Mexican father, hmmmmm…….Are the simple minded “BIRTHERS”, going to ask Romney for his birth certificate? We all know this was never about a birth certificate, if it was then these same people would be asking Romney for his. It’s about small minded people who hate African Americans and do not have the brains to review a President’s policy so they make something up.

    Lets be clear none of these dullards have won a case in the “U.S. Courts”, maybe in their simple minds (if they have any) but not in our “U.S. Courts”, so unless Birthers/ teabaggers, whatever you want to be called, win a court case, we will continue to see as dullards, liars or racist or maybe all three. Deal with that baby!

  2. Lets be clear none of these dullards have won a case in the “U.S. Courts”, maybe in their simple minds (if they have any) but not in our “U.S. Courts”, so unless Birthers/ teabaggers, whatever you want to be called, win a court case, we will continue to see as dullards, liars or racist or maybe all three. Deal with that baby!

    News Flash, little jooey will never take his case to court because he has no case. Deal with that baby!

  3. Boo, hoo, hoo, “They are all elite puppets serving their elite masters and not the American people, 4th Reich”, bla, bla, bla: They are elected by your neighbor, father, mother, sister and brother. You only have yourself to blame for it. You are the problem for not educating yourself.


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