California Mobilizes Hundreds Of Thousands Of Citizens To Clean-Up RADIOACTIVE Beaches

Thousands Flock to Clean-Up Radioactive Beaches (The Resistance United, Jan 9, 2014)

2 thoughts on “California Mobilizes Hundreds Of Thousands Of Citizens To Clean-Up RADIOACTIVE Beaches”

  1. First, people have to be suited up in high tech protective clothing and gloves. Next, they need to be trained and certified to make certain they can do clean up without getting sick.
    The worst part is that it will be like shoveling dirt against the tide…..the poisons keep coming, and they are stronger all the time. How can anyone clean up an ongoing disaster? If the storm is over, yes, but this one continues to get hotter and more dangerous all the time.
    I cheer my home state for doing something, but if they are not careful, they will be slammed with thousands of lawsuits by relatives of the workers if and when they get sick……….
    How can they clean radioactive poisons out of the air, sand, water…..? This doesn’t cut it. Cleaning up the debris, only one or two need to be greedy enough to sell off some of it, or not protect themselves properly……….
    Another boondoggle.


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