Your body is owned by the government: Hillary Clinton supports mandatory vaccines

Hillary Bill Clinton Evelyn de Rothschild

Your body is owned by the government: Hillary Clinton supports mandatory vaccines:

As the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announces their new plan to detain individuals and medicate them against their will, the government is stating very clearly: your body isn’t yours. Individual rights no longer exist. You are our subject.

This is the antithesis of freedom, a mockery of personal liberty, and an open invitation for abuse.

A Clinton CDC would initiate a witch hunt against those who seek health freedom and natural immunity

Make no mistake about it. These new CDC police state powers, under a Hillary Clinton presidency, would be procured, endorsed, and set into motion. This is because Clinton believes in mandatory vaccinations. If Clinton takes control of the CDC, then there will be a covert war against individuals who seek freedom from the medical system.

Those who do not comply with rigorous CDC vaccine schedules will be tracked down as if they are vector of disease, a menace to society. Those who rely on their own immune system to ward off illness will be stalked and hunted down like they are witches. Just like in Nazi Germany, the officers will just do their jobs and follow CDC orders.

A Hillary Clinton presidency will inevitably unleash a culture of forced healthcare. We’ve already seen this kind of force initiated with the passage of the Affordable Care Act, which now coerces individuals to pay into the health insurance industry or face erroneous fines for failing to comply. A Hillary Clinton presidency would further depart from individual liberty, taking away a person’s right to treat themselves how they best see fit.

A Hillary Clinton presidency will unleash a culture of authoritarian vaccine pushers who suddenly gain the so-called authority to arrest people and have them forcibly vaccinated. A preview of this atrocity is already being carried out on children. Governments, hospital authorities, and vaccine pushing pediatricians’ already try to project authority over parents, using the “Child Protective Services” to kidnap children from parents who may simply want a second medical opinion for their child. This is why it’s important to stay armed and trained in self defense. It’s no coincidence that Clinton advocates for government control over your body and government control over firearms, drastically limiting your rights to self defense.

Who owns your body?

There are several reasons to refuse a vaccine, but these reasons don’t matter if the government claims ownership over your body. Under these authoritarian circumstances, you are being declared property of some higher authority. With over 50 shots being pushed on toddlers in their first six years of life and with over 250 new vaccines in development, how will this forced experimentation affect you and your children for years to come? More importantly, what have we become if we allow ourselves to submit our bodies to the authority of these pharmaceutical companies and their so-called authority?

That’s why this election is important, for rejecting slavery and for choosing health care freedom. An individual is responsible for their own health. The many facets of the natural immune system are always at work and rely on interconnected factors involving lymph movement, vitamin D manufacture, detoxification, cord blood, breast milk antibodies, microbiome diversity, stress management, cellular oxygen and energy production, and synergy of nutritional elements. The inevitable spread of communicable disease is necessary for individuals so they can naturally acquire and strengthen their immune system in real time. Stopping this natural process by detaining individuals and forcing compliance to endless vaccine mandates only perpetuates compromised immunity in the long run. (Vaccines are full of toxic elements too.)

Healthcare freedom and science transparency desperately needed

We need better public knowledge about the benign viruses and bacterium that we must face. The hype and fear surrounding outbreaks should be replaced with a better understanding on how to naturally strengthen the immune system. Also, we need transparency to better understand what our man made science of vaccines is doing to our genetics and brain function. You cannot continue to bypass the body’s exocrine system and gastrointestinal filters with vaccine pathogens that are grown in aborted fetal cells or animal cells, and expect to strengthen an individual’s immune system. Vaccines destroy individual immunity over time, changing the very nature by which people are exposed to pathogens. Also, several vaccine given at once, are a threat to a child, not a protection. The adjuvant in the vaccines, typically aluminum, are used to inflame the immune system to respond, but how does this barbaric method lead to autoimmune reactions, allergies, and nervous system disorders later in life?

There’s no way of proving that vaccines are the sole reason why people have acquired immunity to a specific strain of virus or bacteria. It’s only a belief that vaccines prevent illness, apparently not backed up by results in real life. There needs to be greater clarity with the “science” with greater understanding of how nutrition utilization is the safest way to strengthen the body to fight inevitable pathogens, that don’t have to deadly and debilitating.

Most importantly, at the end of the day, it should always be your body, your choice.

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