When Was the Last Time the Yield on German 10-Year Bonds Went Negative?

Question of the Day: When Was the Last Time the Yield on German 10-Year Bonds Went Negative?:

Think back. Many readers have been trading for 10 or 20 years. A few have been trading for 30 or more years. What was it like the last time German 10-year bond yields went negative?

That is sort of a trick question. Most likely you were not alive, no matter how old you are.

As translated from Spanish, my friend Guru Huky posted the answer on his blog today: And the last time the German bond stood negative was …. surprise surprise.

German 10-Year Yield Since 1807


Huky Comments

Yesterday the yield of German bonds entered negative territory. Some will think that all is well and that falls within what could be considered normal, but that there is nothing like taking a look back.

The last time the German bond slipped into negative return was between 1922 and 1923. At that time in Germany succumbed to hyperinflation which left without any value to German bonds yields marked not simply because nobody bought them for those two years.

Mish Comments

Unless you are at least 94 years old you were not born yet. If you are 100 years old and have a memory of German bond yields at age six, I salute you.

This is precisely how distorted thing are. A currency crisis awaits. What shape it takes and where it strikes is still unknown.

When the Fed talks of “uncertainty” this is what they really imply.

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The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)

“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”

He predicted the migrant crisis.

He predicted hyperinflation, financial collapse, revolution, civil war, WW3 and the “3 Days Of Darkness”, which will set in during WW3 and will put an immediate end to all combat operations.

Alois Irmaier made the following prediction in the 50ties:

»Mädchen, du erlebst die große Umwälzung, die kommen wird. (Big changes coming.)

Zuerst kommt ein Wohlstand wie noch nie. (First prosperity like never before.)

Dann folgt ein Glaubensabfall wie nie zuvor. (Then apostasy like never before.)

Darauf eine noch nie da gewesene Sittenverderbnis. (Then immorality like never before.)

Alsdann kommt eine große Zahl fremder Leute ins Land. (Migrant crisis)

Es herrscht eine hohe Inflation. (High inflation)

Das Geld verliert mehr und mehr an Wert. (Hyperinflation)

Bald darauf folgt die Revolution [in Deutschland]. (Revolution)

Dann überfallen die Russen über Nacht den Westen.« (Russian invasion)

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