
If you are experiencing difficulties making a donation, make sure you are using an-up-to-date version of your web browser (Firefox, Chrome or whatever browser you are using).

(((If you are using an add-on that is blocking scripts, like NoScript, then you have to unblock

The system (PayPal) has been checked and it does work.

Anybody else out there experiencing difficulties making a donation?

Let me know.

Aiguilles de Chamonix, Rh?e-Alpes, France

Sixteenth donation in 2015.

Infinite Unknown reader U.W. donated $30.

Thank you for your support!

*  * *

Donations in August: $50

Donations In July: $50

Donations in June: $80

Donations in May: $65

Donations in April: €10

Donations in March: $15, €10

Donations in February: €10

Donations in January: $175, €10

* * *

Donations in 2015: $435, €40

1 thought on “Donation”

  1. To M.,

    Not sure whether you want me to approve your comment or not.

    Just play around a little if it doesn’t work.

    It should work like this:

    1. Fill in the amount you want to donate.

    2, Select the country you are from. After that the page should automatically reload and be in English in your case.

    3. If you already have a PayPal account, then you just have to log in. If not, then you have to fill out the form in order to create one.

    Hope that helps.

    Thank you for your support,


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