Mainstream media falls for California wine arsenic HOAX story: wine industry victimized by scientifically illiterate reporting


Mainstream media falls for California wine arsenic HOAX story: wine industry victimized by scientifically illiterate reporting (Natural News, March 23, 2015):

It makes you wonder why the media would sound an hysterical, irrational alarm over 50 ppb of arsenic in wine but remain totally silent about 50,000 ppb of mercury in flu shots which are INJECTED into the body (which is far more toxic than merely swallowing something). It turns out that if you’re concerned about arsenic in wine, you should be at least 100 times more concerned about mercury in flu shots.

The California wine lawsuit claims it found up to 50 ppb of arsenic, then it calls that level “dangerous.” Yet even if levels were ten times higher, they would still only be 500 ppb (0.500 ppm), which would still be lower than the safest rating described on, which is A+++.

This rating system, by the way, is far more strict than the FDA. It was designed around many of the very strict limits set by the European Union, where food contamination is far more strictly monitored than in the USA.

You’ll find far more arsenic in Sushi than wine

In fact, as you can see for yourself at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, common seaweeds have far higher concentrations of arsenic.

For example, I found over 100,000 ppb of arsenic in Kombu Flakes. Yes, 100,000 ppb = 100 ppm.

I also found huge arsenic numbers in Kelp Flakes and Wakame Flakes. These numbers are orders of magnitude higher than the trace amounts detected in California wine.


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