New Zealand Prime Minister John Key Flees Press Conference When Confronted On Illegal Spying (Video)

New Zealand Prime Minister Flees Press Conference When Confronted on Illegal Spying (Liberty Blitzkrieg, Aug 20, 2013):

Not to be outdone by leaders in the U.S. and UK acting like spoiled children upon the realization that the citizenry has had enough of their mass surveillance and their bullshit generally, New Zealand’s Prime Minister John Key has decided to thrown a little temper tantrum of his own. During a press conference on a new bill that would allow the country’s Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) agency to conduct warrantless NSA-style spying on citizens, John Key decided to turn tail and run away rather than answer a journalist’s question.

You can just skip to minute 12 in the video below to get to the money shot. Look at the rage and disgust transparent in Mr. Key’s eyes and face as he lashes out at this journalist before running away. These are our “leaders.” It very much reminds me of the encounter with a U.S. Senator that Aaron Swartz detailed before his death (watch the video at the end of the linked post).

YouTube Added: 19.08.2013

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