Meet The New Lunatic Loose in West Wing: Trump’s National Security Adviser John Bolton

As Uber-Hawk John Bolton prepares to take over as national security adviser on Monday, Ray McGovern looks back at when Bolton was one of the “crazies” in the George W. Bush administration.

Meet The New Lunatic Loose in West Wing:

Authored by Ray McGovern of ConsortiumNews

John Bolton’s March 22 appointment-by-tweet as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser has given “March Madness” a new and ominous meaning.  There is less than a week left to batten down the hatches before Bolton makes U.S. foreign policy worse that it already is.

During a recent interview with The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill  (minutes 35 to 51) I mentioned that Bolton fits seamlessly into a group of take-no-prisoners zealots once widely known in Washington circles as “the crazies,” and now more commonly referred to as “neocons.”

Beginning in the 1970s, “the crazies” sobriquet was applied to Cold Warriors hell bent on bashing Russians, Chinese, Arabs — anyone who challenged U.S. “exceptionalism” (read hegemony).  More to the point, I told Scahill that President (and former CIA Director) George H. W. Bush was among those using the term freely, since it seemed so apt.  I have been challenged to prove it.

I don’t make stuff up.  And with the appointment of the certifiable Bolton, the “the crazies” have become far more than an historical footnote.  Rather, the crucible that Bush-41 and other reasonably moderate policymakers endured at their hands give the experience major relevance today.  Thus, I am persuaded it would be best not to ask people simply to take my word for it when I refer to “the crazies,” their significance, and the differing attitudes the two Bushes had toward them.

Read moreMeet The New Lunatic Loose in West Wing: Trump’s National Security Adviser John Bolton

Ron Paul: Neocons Are Back With A Big War Budget & Big War Plans

“This isn’t a conspiracy theory. This is conspiracy fact…”

Neocons Are Back With A Big War Budget & Big War Plans:

By Ron Paul

On Friday, President Trump signed the omnibus spending bill for 2018. The $1.3 trillion bill was so monstrous that it would have made the biggest spender in the Obama Administration blush. The image of leading Congressional Democrats Pelosi and Schumer grinning and gloating over getting everything they wanted — and then some — will likely come back to haunt Republicans at the midterm elections. If so, they will deserve it.

Even President Trump admitted the bill was horrible. As he said in the signing ceremony, “there are a lot of things that we shouldn’t have had in this bill, but we were, in a sense, forced — if we want to build our military…”

This is why I often say: forget about needing a third political party – we need a second political party!

Trump is admitting that to fuel the warfare state and enrich the military-industrial complex, it was necessary to dump endless tax dollars into the welfare state.

Read moreRon Paul: Neocons Are Back With A Big War Budget & Big War Plans

The World According To (Neocon & Zionist) John Bolton… In His Own Words (Video)

The World According To John Bolton… In His Own Words:

Trump’s new national security adviser has been branded a bully, abrasive and ‘unhinged’. Here are some of his most outspoken statements…

John Bolton is set to replace HR McMaster as Donald Trump’s national security adviser in a Lazarus-like resurrection for a man regarded as among the most hawkish of American politicians. 

The US president announced the move on Thursday afternoon.

Bolton will become Trump’s third national security advisor in less than 15 months. Last year, Michael Flynn was forced to step down because of his failure to disclose that he discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador in Washington before Trump took office.

Bolton is a Bush-era defence under-secretary and former ambassador to the UN, and one of the signatories to the influential, pre-9/11 neo-conservative “Project for a New American Century”, which openly called for the unilateral removal of Saddam Hussein.

Described by critics as abrasive, confrontational and, in one case, “unhinged”, Bolton was accused of manipulating US intelligence on weapons of mass destruction before the Iraq war and of abusive treatment of his subordinates.

Read moreThe World According To (Neocon & Zionist) John Bolton… In His Own Words (Video)

Trump Presidency = Bush and Obama’s 3rd Term

Told you so BEFORE the election.

Americans had no choice whatsoever!

Yes, it’s a big club…

Donald Trump In 2008: “Hillary Is A Great Friend Of Mine. Her Husband Is A Great Friend Of Mine.” (Video)


Trump Presidency = Bush and Obama’s 3rd Term:

Trump rightly criticized George W. Bush for getting us into the disastrous Iraq war.

But now Trump’s presidency is turning into Bush’s third term …

Trump is appointing John Bolton as his National Security Adviser.

Who’s Bolton?

He’s one of the key architects of the Iraq war, who  previously admitted that the Iraq war was about oil, not protecting the United States from weapons of mass destruction. And see this.

He has also openly called for partition of Iraq and Syria into a number of different countries … as Bolton’s beloved Neocons have been planning for over 20 years.

Slate notes:

Read moreTrump Presidency = Bush and Obama’s 3rd Term

Spies, Hollywood And Neocons Team Up To Create New War Propaganda Firm To Push For #WW3

And why not use some Hollywood actors to advocate war with RUSSIA?

What could possibly go wrong?

Spies, Hollywood And Neocons Team Up To Create New War Propaganda Firm:

“We have been attacked. We are at war.”

So begins a video released today by The Committee to Investigate Russia, an organization founded by When Harry Met Sally director Rob Reiner and neoconservative senior editor of The Atlantic David Frum. The video, which stars Morgan Freeman and is rife with patriotic images of American flags, soldiers and bald eagles, continues as follows:

Imagine this movie script: A former KGB spy, angry at the collapse of his motherland, plots a course for revenge. Taking advantage of the chaos, he works his way up through the ranks of a post-Soviet Russia, and becomes president. He establishes an authoritarian regime, then he sets his sights on his sworn enemy: the United States. And like the true KGB spy he is, he secretly uses cyber warfare to attack democracies around the world. Using social media to spread propaganda and false information, he convinces people in democratic societies to distrust their media, their political processes, even their neighbors. And he wins.

Vladimir Putin is that spy, and this is no movie script.

Read moreSpies, Hollywood And Neocons Team Up To Create New War Propaganda Firm To Push For #WW3

In Angry Tweetstorm, Ron Paul Lashes Out At “Neocon” Trump

In Angry Tweetstorm, Ron Paul Lashes Out At “Neocon” Trump:

Roughly around the time Trump started his Afghanistan speech, Ron Paul tweeted out a cautiously optimistic note: “Hoping for the best in tonight’s @realDonaldTrump speech but fearful that foreign intervention is only going to get worse.  #Afghanistan.” Alas it was not meant to be, and over 20 tweets later in what proved to be the angriest tweetstorm of the night, Ron Paul had come to a conclusion: Trump is now nothing more than the latest neocon, one whom even Lindsey Graham applauded.

Below is a chronological rundown of Ron Paul’s progressively angier tweets, as he was live commenting on Trump’s speech:

Read moreIn Angry Tweetstorm, Ron Paul Lashes Out At “Neocon” Trump

RIP Jim Marrs (Author, Researcher, 1943 – 2017) – The Rise Of The 4th Reich: The Nazification Of America – (Videos)

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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Reign of Propaganda – “If truth has a chance it is in a different country than America…”

The Reign of Propaganda:

By Paul Craig Roberts

Masters of propaganda from its inventor, Jewish public relations expert Edward Louis James Bernays, to the Nazi Minister of Propaganda Paul Joseph Goebbels, agree that a lie can be turned into truth by constant repetition.

The more pure the lie, the more complete the success in turning it into The Truth. Lies partly based in fact or half-truths open themselves to factual challenge. For a propagandist the best lie is a lie unfettered by even a distant relationship to truth. Such a lie can be turned into such self-evident truth that no evidence is necessary. As Nikki Haley and Hillary Clinton put it: “Evidence! We don’t need any stinking evidence. We know Russia hacked our election!

For the typical American, who doesn’t know anything, the confidence of the former Secretary of State and “rightful President of the USA” and the confidence of President Donald Trump’s own Ambassador to the United Nations are sufficient to convince them that the lie that Russia stole the US presidency for Trump is true. We all know it. Why? Because we have all heard it endlessly repeated for many months. As one acquaintance said: “If it were false, surely the media would have exposed it.” This insouciant naivete is characteristic of Western populations.

Read moreDr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Reign of Propaganda – “If truth has a chance it is in a different country than America…”

Catherine Austin Fitts: HOW TO SAVE OUR NATION & OUR LIVES BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE – This Is a Farm and We Are Being Harvested (Video)



Trump and Putin are both elite puppets, like Obama, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Gorbachev, Merkel, Sarkozy, Blair, Macron, Brown, Cameron, May,…

… and they are all Freemasons.

And by the way both Bill Clinton AND Donald Trump are friends with Jeffrey Epstein AND Ghislaine Maxwell, who procured those young women for Epstein.

“Epstein likes to tell people that he’s a loner, a man who’s never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” Source

Catherine Austin Fitts: HOW TO SAVE OUR NATION & OUR LIVES BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE – Two Sets of Books at HUD – This Is a Farm and We Are Being Harvested:

In an earlier interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, the discussion was brought up over where HUD money has been possibly siphoned off to. Catherine Austin Fitts suggested that private defense contractors (what has been referred to as a “parallel system of finance” controlled by the “deep state”) had taken over HUD and were running it. There was according to Catherine Austin Fitts, “$3.3 trillion missing From HUD (Housing and Urban Development) and the Department of Defense (DoD) in Fiscal Years 1998 thru 2000”.

Read moreCatherine Austin Fitts: HOW TO SAVE OUR NATION & OUR LIVES BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE – This Is a Farm and We Are Being Harvested (Video)

Ron Paul Warns Iran Is In The Crosshairs: “Neocons Are Still Writing The Script”

Neocons Are Still Writing The Script:

By Ron Paul

Iran has been in neocon crosshairs for a very long time. U.S. Presidential Administrations come and go, Democrat and Republican, but the neocon script has remained the same.

President Trump, voted in as an “outsider,” has adopted the insider script.

Today’s speech in Saudi Arabia was crafted by Trump’s neocon Senior Policy Advisor Stephen Miller.

Miller’s “long-time mentor” is David Horowitz. Here are Horowitz’s thoughts on Bush’s invasion of Iraq:

Read moreRon Paul Warns Iran Is In The Crosshairs: “Neocons Are Still Writing The Script”

Secretary of State? Bolton Advises Trump to “Confront Russia, China, Iran and Embrace War Forever”


Secretary of State? Bolton Advises Trump to “Confront Russia, China, Iran and Embrace War Forever”:

This article was written by Kurt Nimmo and originally published at his Another Day in the Empire site.

Editor’s Comment: At this point, Americans should be getting awfully tired of the false promises and empty dreams that are continually sold, and which so regularly ring hollow. Despite a campaign based around opposing the establishment, normalizing relations with Russia and pulling back from the failing empire, Donald Trump’s rumored pick for Secretary of State – John Bolton, who served as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. under George W. Bush – is advocating for a neocon platform of expanding war, and taking on the major powers.

If put into action, this disastrous policy would lead to only one thing: world war. Trump must be persuaded to cut ties with this crowd and fulfill the promise of draining the swamp, but it remains to be seen if this will possible.

John Bolton: Trump Needs to Confront Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and Embrace Forever War

by Kurt Nimmo

Because Donald Trump has zero foreign policy chops, he will delegate that job to his new secretary of state. With every passing day, it appears the person to fill that job will be John Bolton, a diehard neocon.

On Saturday Bolton spelled out what he considers to be the foreign policy priorities of the new administration.

Read moreSecretary of State? Bolton Advises Trump to “Confront Russia, China, Iran and Embrace War Forever”

Hillary Threatens Russia With War – Neocon Media Doesn’t Even Notice (Video)


Hillary Threatens Russia With War – Neocon Media Doesn’t Even Notice (Video):

Paul Joseph Watson is on a roll lately.

His commentary is spot-on regarding the media giving Hillary a free pass for out-of-control Russia-bating, Russia bashing, and basically, irresponsible war-mongering.

It is going to backfire badly on her.

His recent videos about Hillary’s ‘Trump is a Racist‘ speech, and Hillary’s health problems were excellent too.   His video of a month ago about Hillary’s health problems went viral, getting almost 4 million views, and was a major catalyst in public awareness that something is seriously wrong.

By the way, she looks terrible in this video, there is definitely something going on with her health.

H/t reader squodgy.

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Hillary Clinton Just Went Full Neocon


Hillary Clinton Just Went Full Neocon:

The transformation is complete. Hillary Clinton has gone full neocon. We always knew she was. Anyone who’s paid attention to her foreign policy votes as a senator or her actions as a secretary of state knows she is the liberal analog of George W. Bush.

That’s why it came as no surprise when former deputy defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz said he would probably vote for her. Wolfowitz, who was one of the architects of the unilateral Iraq invasion in 2003, was also one of the authors of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). The PNAC was a neoconservative think tank spearheaded by former vice president Dick Cheney. At the end of the 1990s, the think tank concluded the world would need a “new Pearl Harbor” to catalyze new military conquests around the world. A couple years later, a new Pearl Harbor happened and ushered in a new era in American governance.

Read moreHillary Clinton Just Went Full Neocon

If the Fact Neocons Are Now Supporting Hillary Clinton Confuses You, Read This


If the Fact Neocons Are Now Supporting Hillary Clinton Confuses You, Read This:

What’s a Neocon to do?

Bill Kristol is downright despondent after his failed search for an alternative to Donald Trump. Max Boot is indignant about his “stupid” party’s willingness to ride a bragging bull into a delicate China policy shop. And the leading light of the first family of military interventionism — Robert Kagan — is actually lining up Neoconservatives behind the Democratic nominee for president of the United States.

At the same time, the Democrats have become the party of bare-knuckled, full-throated American Exceptionalism. That transformation was announced with a vein-popping zeal by retired general and wannabe motivation screamer John Allen at the Democratic convention in the City of Brotherly Love. During his “speech,” a few plaintive protests of “no more war” were actually drowned-out by Democrats chanting “USA-USA-USA!”

Read moreIf the Fact Neocons Are Now Supporting Hillary Clinton Confuses You, Read This

The Chaos In Iraq Is By DESIGN

The Chaos In Iraq Is By DESIGN (Washington’s Blog, June 26, 2014):

Neoconservatives like Paul Wolfowitz planned regime change in Iraq more than 20 years ago … in 1991.

But the goal wasn’t just regime change (or oil).  The goal was to break up the country, and to do away with the sovereignty of Iraq as a separate nation.

The Guardian noted in 2003:

President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt predicted devastating consequences for the Middle East if Iraq is attacked. “We fear a state of disorder and chaos may prevail in the region,” he said.

Read moreThe Chaos In Iraq Is By DESIGN

Russia, Ukraine, Putin And The New Cold War With Abby Martin (Video)


Added: Mar 21, 2014


Russia, Ukraine, and the crisis in Crimea, plus criticizing Vladimir Putin on RT is discussed with Breaking the Set host, Abby Martin. The new cold war, and need to use diplomacy to prevent World War III is looked at with Martin in this Buzzsaw interview hosted by Sean Stone.

When Abby Martin began streaming her thoughts and emotions through a paint brush at 19, she discovered her niche. The elaborate and intricate detail that flows from her onto the canvas in a perfect distribution of dots and swirls reflects this introspective artist’s ability to juggle and organize the chaos of the human mind into a comprehensive piece of fully charged beauty.

Read moreRussia, Ukraine, Putin And The New Cold War With Abby Martin (Video)

Neocons’ Ukraine-Syria-Iran Gambit


Neocons’ Ukraine-Syria-Iran Gambit (Consortium News, March 19, 2014):

Exclusive: The Ukraine crisis – in part stirred up by U.S. neocons – has damaged prospects for peace not only on Russia’s borders but in two Middle East hotspots, Syria and Iran, which may have been exactly the point, reports Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

You might think that policymakers with so many bloody fiascos on their résumés as the U.S. neocons, including the catastrophic Iraq War, would admit their incompetence and return home to sell insurance or maybe work in a fast-food restaurant. Anything but directing the geopolitical decisions of the world’s leading superpower.

But Official Washington’s neocons are nothing if not relentless and resilient. They are also well-funded and well-connected. So they won’t do the honorable thing and disappear. They keep hatching new schemes and strategies to keep the world stirred up and to keep their vision of world domination – and particularly “regime change” in the Middle East – alive.

Now, the neocons have stoked a confrontation over Ukraine, involving two nuclear-armed states, the United States and Russia. But – even if nuclear weapons don’t come into play – the neocons have succeeded in estranging U.S. President Barack Obama from Russian President Vladimir Putin and sabotaging the pair’s crucial cooperation on Iran and Syria, which may have been the point all along.

Though the Ukraine crisis has roots going back decades, the chronology of the recent uprising — and the neocon interest in it – meshes neatly with neocon fury over Obama and Putin working together to avert a U.S. military strike against Syria last summer and then brokering an interim nuclear agreement with Iran last fall that effectively took a U.S. bombing campaign against Iran off the table.

With those two top Israeli priorities – U.S. military attacks on Syria and Iran – sidetracked, the American neocons began activating their influential media and political networks to counteract the Obama-Putin teamwork. The neocon wedge to splinter Obama away from Putin was driven into Ukraine.

Operating out of neocon enclaves in the U.S. State Department and at U.S.-funded non-governmental organizations, led by the National Endowment for Democracy, neocon operatives targeted Ukraine even before the recent political unrest began shaking apart the country’s fragile ethnic and ideological cohesion.

Last September, as the prospects for a U.S. military strike against Syria were fading thanks to Putin, NED president Carl Gershman, who is something of a neocon paymaster controlling more than $100 million in congressionally approved funding each year, took to the pages of the neocon-flagship Washington Post and wrote that Ukraine was now “the biggest prize.”

But Gershman added that Ukraine was really only an interim step to an even bigger prize, the removal of the strong-willed and independent-minded Putin, who, Gershman added, “may find himself on the losing end not just in the near abroad [i.e. Ukraine] but within Russia itself.” In other words, the new hope was for “regime change” in Kiev and Moscow.

Putin had made himself a major annoyance in Neocon World, particularly with his diplomacy on Syria that defused a crisis over a Sarin attack outside Damascus on Aug. 21, 2013. Despite the attack’s mysterious origins – and the absence of any clear evidence proving the Syrian government’s guilt – the U.S. State Department and the U.S. news media rushed to the judgment that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad did it.

Politicians and pundits baited Obama with claims that Assad had brazenly crossed Obama’s “red line” by using chemical weapons and that U.S. “credibility” now demanded military retaliation. A longtime Israeli/neocon goal, “regime change” in Syria, seemed within reach.

But Putin brokered a deal in which Assad agreed to surrender Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal (even as he continued to deny any role in the Sarin attack). The arrangement was a huge letdown for the neocons and Israeli officials who had been drooling over the prospect that a U.S. bombing campaign would bring Assad to his knees and deliver a strategic blow against Iran, Israel’s current chief enemy.

Putin then further offended the neocons and the Israeli government by helping to facilitate an interim nuclear deal with Iran, making another neocon/Israeli priority, a U.S. war against Iran, less likely.

Putting Putin in Play

So, the troublesome Putin had to be put in play. And, NED’s Gershman was quick to note a key Russian vulnerability, neighboring Ukraine, where a democratically elected but corrupt president, Viktor Yanukovych, was struggling with a terrible economy and weighing whether to accept a European aid offer, which came with many austerity strings attached, or work out a more generous deal with Russia.

There was already a strong U.S.-organized political/media apparatus in place for destabilizing Ukraine’s government. Gershman’s NED had 65 projects operating in the country – training “activists,” supporting “journalists” and organizing business groups, according to its latest report. (NED was created in 1983 to do in relative openness what the CIA had long done in secret, nurture pro-U.S. operatives under the umbrella of “promoting democracy.”)

So, when Yanukovych opted for Russia’s more generous $15 billion aid package, the roof fell in on him. In a speech to Ukrainian business leaders last December, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, Victoria Nuland, a neocon holdover and the wife of prominent neocon Robert Kagan, reminded the group that the U.S. had invested $5 billion in Ukraine’s “European aspirations.”

Then, urged on by Nuland and neocon Sen. John McCain, protests in the capital of Kiev turned increasingly violent with neo-Nazi militias moving to the fore. Unidentified snipers opened fire on protesters and police, touching off fiery clashes that killed some 80 people (including about a dozen police officers).

On Feb. 21, in a desperate attempt to tamp down the violence, Yanukovych signed an agreement brokered by European countries. He agreed to surrender many of his powers, to hold early elections (so he could be voted out of office), and pull back the police. That last step, however, opened the way for the neo-Nazi militias to overrun government buildings and force Yanukovych to flee for his life.

With these modern-day storm troopers controlling key buildings – and brutalizing Yanukovych supporters – a  rump Ukrainian parliament voted, in an extra-constitutional fashion, to remove Yanukovych from office. This coup-installed regime, with far-right parties controlling four ministries including defense, received immediate U.S. and European Union recognition as Ukraine’s “legitimate” government.

As remarkable – and newsworthy – as it was that a government on the European continent included Nazis in the executive branch for the first time since World War II, the U.S. news media performed as it did before the Iraq War and during various other international crises. It essentially presented the neocon-preferred narrative and treated the presence of the neo-Nazis as some kind of urban legend.

Virtually across the board, from Fox News to MSNBC, from the Washington Post to the New York Times, the U.S. press corps fell in line, painting Yanukovych and Putin as the “black-hat” villains and the coup regime as the “white-hat” good guys, which required, of course, whiting out the neo-Nazi “brown shirts.”

Neocon Expediency

Some neocon defenders have challenged my reporting that U.S. neocons played a significant role in the Ukrainian putsch. One argument is that the neocons, who regard the U.S.-Israeli bond as inviolable, would not knowingly collaborate with neo-Nazis given the history of the Holocaust (and indeed the role of Ukrainian Nazi collaborators in extermination campaigns against Poles and Jews).

But the neocons have frequently struck alliances of convenience with some of the most unsavory – and indeed anti-Semitic – forces on earth, dating back to the Reagan administration and its collaboration with Latin American “death squad” regimes, including work with the World Anti-Communist League that included not only neo-Nazis but aging real Nazis.

More recently in Syria, U.S. neocons (and Israeli leaders) are so focused on ousting Assad, an ally of hated Iran, that they have cooperated with Saudi Arabia’s Sunni monarchy (known for its gross anti-Semitism). Israeli officials have even expressed a preference for Saudi-backed Sunni extremists winning in Syria if that is the only way to get rid of Assad and hurt his allies in Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

Last September, Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told the Jerusalem Post that Israel so wanted Assad out and his Iranian backers weakened, that Israel would accept al-Qaeda operatives taking power in Syria.

“The greatest danger to Israel is by the strategic arc that extends from Tehran, to Damascus to Beirut. And we saw the Assad regime as the keystone in that arc,” Oren said in the interview. “We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”

Oren said that was Israel’s view even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.

Oren, who was Israel’s point man in dealing with Official Washington’s neocons, is considered very close to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and reflects his views. For decades, U.S. neocons have supported Netanyahu and his hardline Likud Party, including as strategists on his 1996 campaign for prime minister when neocons such as Richard Perle and Douglas Feith developed the original “regime change” strategy. [For details, see’s “The Mysterious Why of the Iraq War.”]

In other words, Israel and its U.S. neocon supporters have been willing to collaborate with extreme right-wing and even anti-Semitic forces if that advances their key geopolitical goals, such as maneuvering the U.S. government into military confrontations with Syria and Iran.

So, while it may be fair to assume that neocons like Nuland and McCain would have preferred that the Ukraine coup had been spearheaded by militants who weren’t neo-Nazis – or, for that matter, that the Syrian rebels were not so dominated by al-Qaeda-affiliated extremists – the neocons (and their Israeli allies) see these tactical collaborations as sometimes necessary to achieve overarching strategic priorities.

And, since their current strategic necessity is to scuttle the fragile negotiations over Syria and Iran, which otherwise might negate the possibility of U.S. military strikes against those two countries, the Putin-Obama collaboration had to go.

By spurring on the violent overthrow of Ukraine’s elected president, the neocons helped touch off a cascade of events – now including Crimea’s secession from Ukraine and its annexation by Russia – that have raised tensions and provoked Western retaliation against Russia. The crisis also has made the continued Obama-Putin teamwork on Syria and Iran extremely difficult, if not impossible.

Like other neocon-engineered schemes, there will surely be much collateral damage in this latest one. For instance, if the tit-for-tat economic retaliations escalate – and Russian gas supplies are disrupted – Europe’s fragile recovery could be tipped back into recession, with harmful consequences for the U.S. economy, too.

There’s also the certainty that congressional war hawks and neocon pundits will press for increased U.S. military spending and aggressive tactics elsewhere in the world to punish Putin, meaning even less money and attention for domestic programs or deficit reduction. Obama’s “nation-building at home” will be forgotten.

But the neocons have long made it clear that their vision for the world – one of America’s “full-spectrum dominance” and “regime change” in Middle Eastern countries opposed to Israel – overrides all other national priorities. And as long as the neocons face no accountability for the havoc that they wreak, they will continue working Washington’s corridors of power, not selling insurance or flipping hamburgers.

Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his new book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here or as an e-book (from Amazon and For a limited time, you also can order Robert Parry’s trilogy on the Bush Family and its connections to various right-wing operatives for only $34. The trilogy includes America’s Stolen Narrative. For details on this offer, click here.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: World War 1 All Over Again

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

World War 1 All Over Again (Paul Craig Roberts, March 14, 2014):

The same fools play the same game

Paul Craig Roberts

“If you reduce the lie to a scientific system put it on thick and heavy, and with great effort and sufficient finances scatter it all over the world as the pure truth, you can deceive whole nations for a long time and drive them to slaughter for causes in which they have not the slightest interest.” — Chief French Editor, Behind the Scenes in French Journalism, describing the organization of World War 1 propaganda in France.

Did US Secretary of State John Kerry ask you before he delivered an all or nothing ultimatum to Russia? Did he ask Congress? Did he ask the countries of western and eastern Europe–NATO members who Kerry has committed to whatever the consequences will be of Washington’s inflexible, arrogant, aggressive provocation of Russia, a well-armed nuclear power? Did Kerry ask Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Mexico, South America, Africa, China, Central Asia, all of whom would be adversely affected by a world war provoked by the crazed criminals in Washington?


He did not.

The exceptional, indispensable, arrogant, self-righteous United States government does not need to ask anyone. Washington speaks not merely for itself. Washington represents the country chosen by history (and the neoconservatives) to speak not merely for itself, but for the entire world.

Read moreDr. Paul Craig Roberts: World War 1 All Over Again

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: US is Completely Busted, Non-Delivery Of Gold-Crash The System, War In Ukraine (Video)

YouTube Added: Mar 11, 2014


Economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, “The physical stock of gold in the West to meet delivery demand is diminishing rapidly. So, one day the Chinese will buy 100 tons of gold, and we won’t be able to make delivery. That would crash the system. It would just pop. So, there are things that could crash it suddenly. Regardless . . . the economy is going to gradually sink because there are no jobs, or no good jobs. . . So, there is not a recovery. The U.S. is a busted state. It’s completely busted.”

Read moreDr. Paul Craig Roberts: US is Completely Busted, Non-Delivery Of Gold-Crash The System, War In Ukraine (Video)

Al-Qaeda Now Controls More Territory In The Arab World Than Ever Before

Al Qaeda Now Controls More Territory In The Arab World Than Ever Before (ZeroHedge, Jan 9, 2014):

Remember this?


This was the neo-conservatives’ victory lap when they supposedly achieved one of their main stated goals: to discover and neutralize terrorist organizations, primarily al Qaeda.

Well, things have changed.

Read moreAl-Qaeda Now Controls More Territory In The Arab World Than Ever Before

Neocons Roast Dick Cheney in NYC – Joke About Waterboarding and War Crimes

The cover of the program at the Oct. 7 “Roast of Dick Cheney.”

Neocons Roast Dick Cheney in NYC – Joke About Waterboarding and War Crimes (Liberty Blitzkrieg, Oct 10, 2013):

On Monday night, the disgraced neocon establishment gathered at the Plaza Hotel in New York City to celebrate the depravity of Dick Cheney by having a gigantic laugh about all of the pain and suffering they inflicted on the rest of the world while they held the reigns of power. The event was hosted by Commentary magazine, which is edited by John Podhoretz. Celebrated guests included none other than Donald Rumsfeld himself, who Richard Nixon once described as “a ruthless little bastard, you can be sure of that.” But hey, what’s a couple of jokes centered around crimes against humanity amongst sociopathic friends?

From Buzzfeed:

Former Sen. Joe Lieberman “said something to the effect that it’s nice that we’re all here at the Plaza instead of in cages after some war crimes trial,” recalled one person who was there.

Two attendees said the edgy jokes were in appropriate spirit of a roast; the third found them in poor taste, even in that setting.

“There were some waterboarding jokes that were really tasteless,” the guest said. “I can see the case for enhanced interrogation techniques after Sept. 11 but I can’t really endorse sitting there drinking wine and fancy dinner at the Plaza laughing uproariously about it.”

Read moreNeocons Roast Dick Cheney in NYC – Joke About Waterboarding and War Crimes

8 Reasons Why The New World Order Hates Syria

Why the US, UK, EU & Israel hate Syria (RT, by political analyst Adrian Salbuchi, Sep 9, 2013):

A young, soft-spoken girl living the Syrian tragedy spells it out with far more common sense, truth and honesty than powerful Western governments and their money-controlled mass media puppets.

Identifying herself only as “Syrian, Patriot, anti-Neocon, anti-NWO, anti-Zionist”, early last year she set up her own YouTube Channel (YouTube/User/SyrianGirlpartisan).

In a short (nine-minute) video she explains “eight reasons why the NWO (New World Order) hates Syria.” We would all do well to listen in…

Her ‘Top Eight Reasons Why They Hate Us’ is an excellent wrap-up, applicable to just about every self-respecting country in the world: no Rothschild-controlled Central Bank, no IMF debt, no genetically modified foods, oil and pipelines, anti-secret societies, anti-Zionism, secularism and nationalism.

Read more8 Reasons Why The New World Order Hates Syria

President Obama & President Morsi Plunge Middle East Into Chaos (Veterans Today)

Obama, Morsi, Plunge Middle East Into Chaos (Veterans Today, June 17, 2013, by Gordon Duff):

This week, President Obama  announced that US ”intelligence estimates” conclusively prove Syria has been using chemical weapons in Syria.  The US will now supply weapons and ammunition to Syrian rebels the Washington Post says are, not just Al Qaeda “affiliates” but working to destabilize and “Balkanize” Iraq as well:

“In an audio message posted online, the speaker identified as Baghdadi insists that a merger he announced in April with Syria’s al-Nusra Front, also known as Jabhat al-Nusra, to create a cross-border movement known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant will go on.

Al-Nusra is an al-Qaeda affiliate that has emerged as one of the most effective rebel factions in Syria.”

Read morePresident Obama & President Morsi Plunge Middle East Into Chaos (Veterans Today)

Dr. Webster Tarpley: Coup And Counter-Coup In Washington


Born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 1946, Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley is a philosopher of history who seeks to provide the programs and strategies needed to overcome the current world crisis. As an activist historian he first became widely known for his book George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), a masterpiece of research which is still a must read. AB Princeton 1966, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa; Fulbright Scholar at University of Turin, Italy; MA in humanities from Skidmore College; and Ph.D. in early modern history from the Catholic University of America with emphasis on the role of Venice in the origins of the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648). During 2008, he warned of the dangers of an Obama presidency controlled by Wall Street with Obama: The Postmodern Coup, The Making of a Manchurian Candidate and Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography. His interest in economics is reflected in Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human History Against Oligarchy. His books have appeared in Japanese, German, Italian, French, and Spanish.

Coup and counter-coup in Washington (PressTV, Nov 19, 2012):

Sometimes, generals purge politicians. In 1648, during the English Civil War, Colonel Pride and his troops removed those members of the Long Parliament who opposed military domination; the puppets who remained were called the Rump Parliament.

This year, a cabal of generals evidently believed it could secure the White House for Mitt Romney by staging the Benghazi incident and using it as the signal for a cold coup under cover of elections — probably including computer-generated election fraud — to bring down Obama. They guessed wrong.

Read moreDr. Webster Tarpley: Coup And Counter-Coup In Washington