Partisans in the German forest: ‘Syrians’ practice killing German police officers in Brandenburg – Partisanen im deutschen Wald: Syrer üben in Brandenburg die Ermordung deutscher Polizisten

(‘Syrians’ = More often than not migrants from countries like Afghanistan (and what have you), who claim to have ‘lost’ their passport and are pretending to be from Syria. Also a lot of those ‘Syrian Rebels’ (= ISIS, Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda) have made their way into Europe.

Partisanen im deutschen Wald: Syrer üben in Brandenburg die Ermordung deutscher Polizisten:

Von MANFRED ROUHS | Der 24-jährige Fayez Kanfash hat in Deutschland Manches erreicht, wovon viele seiner Landsleute in Syrien nur träumen können: Ein schönes Leben, regelmäßige Einkünfte, eine Zwei-Zimmer-Wohnung im brandenburgischen Luckenwalde und mehr als eine Million Abonnenten auf Youtube. Mit jedem Video, das er dort hochlädt, mehrt er seinen Ruhm in der europäischen arabischen Community. Einen Höhepunkt erklomm seine Popularität, als er einen Mann mit Macron-Maske vor laufenden Kameras durch Berlin-Neukölln trieb und symbolisch auspeitschte (PI-NEWS berichtete).

Muslimische Helden fürchten nichts und niemanden, außer Allah. Was also täte Kanfash, wenn die deutsche Polizei ihn jagen würde? Nun, er würde den Beamten im brandenburgischen Wald auflauern, sie überwältigen und töten. Wie das dann aussähe, zeigt sein jüngstes Video.

Der Dreh erinnert an jugoslawische Kinofilme über den zweiten Weltkrieg aus den 1970er Jahren. Sie verherrlichen den Partisanenkrieg Titos gegen die deutschen Besatzer, die als roboterhaft handelnde Vollidioten inszeniert wurden, denen die umsichtig und heldenhaft kämpfenden Kommunisten den wohlverdienten Todesstoß versetzten. Ich habe diese Filme in den 1980er Jahren gesehen und mich gewundert, warum Jugoslawien von Deutschland Wiedergutmachung für Massenerschießungen an Partisanen und ihren Helfern forderte, obwohl die doch laut filmischer Darstellung annähernd unbesiegbar gewesen sein sollen. Nach diesen widersprüchlichen Eindrücken war seinerzeit meine Fähigkeit, Mitgefühl für die Tito-Partisanen zu entwickeln, nicht so stark ausgeprägt, wie es mein Geschichtslehrer für wünschenswert hielt, womit ich mir in der Schule Ärger eingehandelt habe.

Ein gutes Vierteljahrhundert später droht mir ein ähnliches empathisches Missgeschick: Nehmen wir einmal an, die echte deutsche Polizei würde Herrn Kanfash festnehmen und ihm dabei versehentlich den Arm auskugeln, was ja sehr schmerzhaft sein soll, dann würde ich es wahrscheinlich erneut nicht hinbekommen, darüber im offiziös eingeforderten Ausmaß moralisch entrüstet zu sein …

Das Video zeigt, welchen Stellenwert Polizisten für die heutige deutsche politische Klasse haben. Der Staat lässt muslimische Partisanen gewähren, die deren Ermordung üben. Er erlaubt ihnen die kampflose Einreise nach Deutschland und besorgt ihnen eine schöne Bleibe und verhätschelt sie. Und die öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien dieses States inszenieren jeden als gefühlloses Monster, der sich in deutschen Landen etwas mehr Partisanenbekämpfung wünscht.

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#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 24, 2020 EDN): Germany Closes Border to Fight Coronavirus Spread… Except for Migrants German Interior Ministry bans foreign visitors but says asylum seekers are still welcome

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#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 22, 2020 EDN): UK: Kurdish migrant admits to plotting terror attacks against Germany – VIDEO: Aggressive fighting-age invader uses pre-teen daughter as a battering ram against Greek border guards – Germany: Borders are closed due to the coronavirus epidemic… except for migrants

Read more#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 22, 2020 EDN): UK: Kurdish migrant admits to plotting terror attacks against Germany – VIDEO: Aggressive fighting-age invader uses pre-teen daughter as a battering ram against Greek border guards – Germany: Borders are closed due to the coronavirus epidemic… except for migrants

#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 21, 2020 EDN): Watch: “Youths” Looting, Fighting At Supermarkets In London & Paris – Spain: Pair of men arrested for ramming car into Spanish airport, yelling Islamist slogans – Erdo?an won’t stop migrants from entering Europe despite closing Greek, Bulgarian borders – Belgium: Illegal migrants released from detention facilities due to coronavirus problems – Kenyan Man Stoned To Death By Mob “For Having Coronavirus”

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#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 20, 2020 EDN): Videos Show Looting, Fights at Supermarkets in London & Paris – Migrants Riot At German Refugee Camp, Display ISIS Flags Over COVID-19 Quarantine …threaten to burn down the facility. – England: Illegal migrants being tested for coronavirus while medical staff aren’t – Flashback: Migrants rioting and fighting Greek police on the island of Lesbos – French police officers try to enfore the #Corona-curfew in a French #NoGoZone but get attacked by youth gangs with powerful fireworks

Read more#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 20, 2020 EDN): Videos Show Looting, Fights at Supermarkets in London & Paris – Migrants Riot At German Refugee Camp, Display ISIS Flags Over COVID-19 Quarantine …threaten to burn down the facility. – England: Illegal migrants being tested for coronavirus while medical staff aren’t – Flashback: Migrants rioting and fighting Greek police on the island of Lesbos – French police officers try to enfore the #Corona-curfew in a French #NoGoZone but get attacked by youth gangs with powerful fireworks

#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 19, 2020 EDN): ‘Please Stop Shooting Each Other’: Baltimore Mayor Begs Residents To Keep Hospital Beds Clear For Coronavirus Patients

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#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 18, 2020 EDN): Immigrants violently defy coronavirus quarantines in Germany, Hungary – Bosnia & Herzegovina: Security Minister calls for illegal immigrants to be removed from streets – Greece: 50,000+ migrants denied entry since Erdogan opened the gates – Migrants locked down in Greece and Serbia as coronavirus prevention measure – Are coronavirus and the migrant crisis Europe’s perfect storm? – Around 500 migrants conducted a coordinated attack on the Greek border checkpoint Kastanies Evros – Organized Crime? Robberies By Suspects Wearing Virus Masks Reported Across East Coast

Just wait for the planned total financial collapse, then we are talking about a ‘perfect storm’…

Read more#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 18, 2020 EDN): Immigrants violently defy coronavirus quarantines in Germany, Hungary – Bosnia & Herzegovina: Security Minister calls for illegal immigrants to be removed from streets – Greece: 50,000+ migrants denied entry since Erdogan opened the gates – Migrants locked down in Greece and Serbia as coronavirus prevention measure – Are coronavirus and the migrant crisis Europe’s perfect storm? – Around 500 migrants conducted a coordinated attack on the Greek border checkpoint Kastanies Evros – Organized Crime? Robberies By Suspects Wearing Virus Masks Reported Across East Coast

#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 17, 2020 EDN): Denmark and Norway close borders for everyone but ‘asylum seekers’ – Slovenia: Arrested illegal migrants showing coronavirus symptoms – The migrant invasion into Europe is still intensifying – “Refugees” don’t want to self-quarantine so police has to show up to protect the public from them – 1,000 Michigan Children to Receive $80m for Being Sexually Abused in State Institutions

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#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 16, 2020 EDN): Germany: Fighting-age Iraqi migrant attacks driver with axe in Munich, cuts off half of his face – Belgium: Immigrants rob 77-year-old woman on crutches in Antwerp – Funny how immigration only works one way – Sweden: Teacher says those opposed to the Muslim headscarf have no place in the country – Serbia: Anti-migrant protesters vow to protect the people – Greek Invasion: Ship with nearly 200 illegal migrants runs aground on Greek island – Evil grooming gang are jailed for a total of 70 years after treating a vulnerable 15-year-old girl from Sheffield as a ‘piece of meat’

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#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 15, 2020 EDN): Greece Erects Massive Concrete Blocks On Border To Halt Migrant Wave From Turkey

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#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 14, 2020 EDN): Belgium: Gang of ethnic minority ‘youths’ attack women in Londerzeel, call her a ‘dirty smelly white person’ – Beautiful New Germany (Video) – Report: Sexual abuse allegations double against UN civilian staff in one year – Greece: Prime Minister praises international effort to secure the “shield of Europe” – EU to offer economic migrant invaders on Greek islands 2,000 euros to go home

Beautiful New Germany…

Get those tweets translated…

Bloody hell…

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#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 11, 2020 EDN): Turkey on incoming migrant waves: European states will perish and economies will crash – Turkish propaganda attempts to pass off photos from 2015 from the Hungarian border for present day Greece – Bosnian police transfer hundreds of rough-sleeping migrants to a camp near Sarajavo – ‘Kill Cameras’: As Kids Held at Gunpoint in Raid on Wrong Home, Cops Illegally Stop Recording – Western Europe and Eastern Europe are drifting apart due to different views on mass-immigration to Europe: This videos shows Birmingham vs Warsaw

Get those tweets translated…

War between Turkey and Greece is, as I’ve told you years ago, predicted:

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#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 10, 2020 EDN): Germany: Key figures in Merkel’s CDU want more migrants – Turkish Islamist regime leader calls on Greece to open its borders – Merkel’s globalist coalition opposes the majority of the German people, plans to take in 1,500 “unaccompanied minors” – List of countries that have pledged to help Greece

Read more#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 10, 2020 EDN): Germany: Key figures in Merkel’s CDU want more migrants – Turkish Islamist regime leader calls on Greece to open its borders – Merkel’s globalist coalition opposes the majority of the German people, plans to take in 1,500 “unaccompanied minors” – List of countries that have pledged to help Greece

#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 9, 2020 EDN): EU to fork over another €500 million to the Turkish regime to stop migrants – Hungarian government vows to support Greece as more fighting-aged male migrant amass at the border – Pentagon Deploys Troops To California Border To Block Surge Of Possibly Infected Migrants – Cop Fired, Charged As Chilling Video Shows Him Torture Naked Unarmed Man in ‘Diabetic Event’ – Hate Hoax: Black Woman Carves “White Pride” Into Sidewalk Outside Black-Owned Gym

Black Monday… Part Two: Absolute Carnage!

Read more#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 9, 2020 EDN): EU to fork over another €500 million to the Turkish regime to stop migrants – Hungarian government vows to support Greece as more fighting-aged male migrant amass at the border – Pentagon Deploys Troops To California Border To Block Surge Of Possibly Infected Migrants – Cop Fired, Charged As Chilling Video Shows Him Torture Naked Unarmed Man in ‘Diabetic Event’ – Hate Hoax: Black Woman Carves “White Pride” Into Sidewalk Outside Black-Owned Gym

#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 8, 2020 EDN): EU Chaos: Watch As Turkish Armored Vehicle Pulls Down Border Fence For Migrants (Turkish special forces were also shown pointing their high-powered rifles at the Greek border patrol cars) – Turkish border guards shoot massive amounts of tear gas against Greek border guards on the other side of the Greek border fence while migrant masses shout “Allahu Ahkbar” (Video) – Migrants try to tear down down the Greek border fence, Turkish police provides covering fire! (Video) – As night falls, the migrant attacks on the Greek border guards intensify. Rocks, bottles, rubber bullets, tear gas cannister, molotov cocktails, bolt-cutters, ramming vehicles… everything comes into play at night – Migrants using bolt-cutters, trying to destroy the Greek border fence and storm the border of Greece – Greece farmers use manure from their pig farms as a defense attacking #migrants at the border crossing to Turkey – BBC commentator Ash Sarkar gleefully talks about how the British people are being replaced


…and how about adding some pigs blood to the mix and letting them know?

Read more#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 8, 2020 EDN): EU Chaos: Watch As Turkish Armored Vehicle Pulls Down Border Fence For Migrants (Turkish special forces were also shown pointing their high-powered rifles at the Greek border patrol cars) – Turkish border guards shoot massive amounts of tear gas against Greek border guards on the other side of the Greek border fence while migrant masses shout “Allahu Ahkbar” (Video) – Migrants try to tear down down the Greek border fence, Turkish police provides covering fire! (Video) – As night falls, the migrant attacks on the Greek border guards intensify. Rocks, bottles, rubber bullets, tear gas cannister, molotov cocktails, bolt-cutters, ramming vehicles… everything comes into play at night – Migrants using bolt-cutters, trying to destroy the Greek border fence and storm the border of Greece – Greece farmers use manure from their pig farms as a defense attacking #migrants at the border crossing to Turkey – BBC commentator Ash Sarkar gleefully talks about how the British people are being replaced

#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 7, 2020 EDN): VIDEO Turkish minister: What you have seen so far is nothing compared to what comes next – Total chaos at the Greek-Turkish border – Thousands of migrants continue to try to storm the Greek border during the night – Over 3/4ths of Greek citizens support conservative government’s border policy – Ordinary, patriotic Greeks enlist to defend Europe against a migrant invasion – AOC Encourages Illegals To Participate In 2020 Census – 600 people, aided by Turkish army and military police, threw tear gas at the Greek side of the border overnight – Danish prisons turn overwhelmingly Islamic; non-Muslim inmates abused and forced to participate in Islamic prayer – People smugglers slash price to €13 per migrant, claim Erdo?an gave them ‘instructions’ – Greek firefighters trying to put out the hundreds of fires started y-day by migrants, trying to burn down the border fence; Meanwhile, Turkish police & border guards fire rubber bullets at Greek firefighters

Read more#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 7, 2020 EDN): VIDEO Turkish minister: What you have seen so far is nothing compared to what comes next – Total chaos at the Greek-Turkish border – Thousands of migrants continue to try to storm the Greek border during the night – Over 3/4ths of Greek citizens support conservative government’s border policy – Ordinary, patriotic Greeks enlist to defend Europe against a migrant invasion – AOC Encourages Illegals To Participate In 2020 Census – 600 people, aided by Turkish army and military police, threw tear gas at the Greek side of the border overnight – Danish prisons turn overwhelmingly Islamic; non-Muslim inmates abused and forced to participate in Islamic prayer – People smugglers slash price to €13 per migrant, claim Erdo?an gave them ‘instructions’ – Greek firefighters trying to put out the hundreds of fires started y-day by migrants, trying to burn down the border fence; Meanwhile, Turkish police & border guards fire rubber bullets at Greek firefighters

#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 6, 2020 EDN): UK: 12-year-old British boy beaten bloody and robbed by gang of thugs – Turkey Sends 1,000 Special Forces To EU Border To Prevent Migrant Return

Read more#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 6, 2020 EDN): UK: 12-year-old British boy beaten bloody and robbed by gang of thugs – Turkey Sends 1,000 Special Forces To EU Border To Prevent Migrant Return

#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 5, 2020 EDN): Greek migration minister: All migrants who arrived after March 1st will be deported – Sweden Dems leader visits Greek-Turkish border and tells the migrants: DO NOT come to Sweden – VIDEO: Greek minister outlines the truth of what’s happening at the Turkish border – Turkish regime deploys 1,000 special forces to Greek border to stop migrants from going back to Turkey – Video recorded from the helicopter the Turkish Minister of Interior used while visiting the Turkish-Greek border today – Poland just announced that they’ll be sending soldiers and police to help Greece defend the EU’s MIGRANT INVASION at the Greek border – Europe’s largest ghetto

Read more#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 5, 2020 EDN): Greek migration minister: All migrants who arrived after March 1st will be deported – Sweden Dems leader visits Greek-Turkish border and tells the migrants: DO NOT come to Sweden – VIDEO: Greek minister outlines the truth of what’s happening at the Turkish border – Turkish regime deploys 1,000 special forces to Greek border to stop migrants from going back to Turkey – Video recorded from the helicopter the Turkish Minister of Interior used while visiting the Turkish-Greek border today – Poland just announced that they’ll be sending soldiers and police to help Greece defend the EU’s MIGRANT INVASION at the Greek border – Europe’s largest ghetto

#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 4, 2020 EDN): Border crisis is a threat to Greece’s national security, emergency measures imposed – Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia pledge to help Greece deal with border crisis – Austria’s Chancellor says Erdogan’s opening of the borders is a direct attack on the EU – The number of “refugees” Europe has (legally) accepted since 2015: 2.5 Million VERSUS the number of “refugees” rich Arab countries have accepted since 2015: 0 – Greek Farmers Defending The Border (Photo) – Erdo?an accused Greece falsly of killing two migrants – Migrants trash a Greek orthodox church on the island of Lesbos – More than 1,000 migrant invaders arrived in Malta in first two months of 2020 – Welcome to the East end of London. Knives, machetes, pipes, swords and axes. Enjoy your night out… – Local Greek residents have formed vigilante groups that help the border guards, police & army to catch groups of migrants that have managed to cross the border

Meanwhile in Londonistan…

Read more#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 4, 2020 EDN): Border crisis is a threat to Greece’s national security, emergency measures imposed – Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia pledge to help Greece deal with border crisis – Austria’s Chancellor says Erdogan’s opening of the borders is a direct attack on the EU – The number of “refugees” Europe has (legally) accepted since 2015: 2.5 Million VERSUS the number of “refugees” rich Arab countries have accepted since 2015: 0 – Greek Farmers Defending The Border (Photo) – Erdo?an accused Greece falsly of killing two migrants – Migrants trash a Greek orthodox church on the island of Lesbos – More than 1,000 migrant invaders arrived in Malta in first two months of 2020 – Welcome to the East end of London. Knives, machetes, pipes, swords and axes. Enjoy your night out… – Local Greek residents have formed vigilante groups that help the border guards, police & army to catch groups of migrants that have managed to cross the border

#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 3, 2020 EDN): “Millions Of Refugees Moving Toward EU”: Erdogan Vows ‘Doors’ Will Not Be Shut – It’s an invasion! – The border cannot be defended if Greece won’t receive help from ALL EU COUNTRIES – Greek farmers are showing in their tractors in their hundreds along the border to help the army, police and border guards to catch any migrants sneaking through the countryside – Hungary will protect its borders “under all circumstances“ – Migrants cheer as Turkish border guards join them and start shooting tear gas cannisters at the Greek border guards – Trumps impenetrable wall…climbed in 4 minutes…cut through in 4 minutes with basic tools from a local hardware store – Documentary on disappearance of teenage yeshiva student links to rabbi jailed for sexual assault – Migrant Shot Dead By Greek Police As Border Clashes Grow

It’s an invasion!…

Gandalf (reading):

“They have taken the bridge and the second hall. We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes, drums… drums in the deep. We cannot get out. A shadow lurks in the dark. We can not get out… they are coming.”

This is NOT a wall. This is a bloody FENCE!…

Read more#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 3, 2020 EDN): “Millions Of Refugees Moving Toward EU”: Erdogan Vows ‘Doors’ Will Not Be Shut – It’s an invasion! – The border cannot be defended if Greece won’t receive help from ALL EU COUNTRIES – Greek farmers are showing in their tractors in their hundreds along the border to help the army, police and border guards to catch any migrants sneaking through the countryside – Hungary will protect its borders “under all circumstances“ – Migrants cheer as Turkish border guards join them and start shooting tear gas cannisters at the Greek border guards – Trumps impenetrable wall…climbed in 4 minutes…cut through in 4 minutes with basic tools from a local hardware store – Documentary on disappearance of teenage yeshiva student links to rabbi jailed for sexual assault – Migrant Shot Dead By Greek Police As Border Clashes Grow

#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 2, 2020 EDN): Erdogan: “Millions” of migrants are on their way to Europe – Greek invasion: 150,000 migrants prepared to land in Lesbos – UK: Scottish teen hospitalized after gang of “Asian boys” beat him and stamped on his head – Babies gathered and smoked at Greek border so they can cry on TV – Message for all illegals! – German Court Rejects Attempt To Enshrine Sharia Law

Read more#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Mar 2, 2020 EDN): Erdogan: “Millions” of migrants are on their way to Europe – Greek invasion: 150,000 migrants prepared to land in Lesbos – UK: Scottish teen hospitalized after gang of “Asian boys” beat him and stamped on his head – Babies gathered and smoked at Greek border so they can cry on TV – Message for all illegals! – German Court Rejects Attempt To Enshrine Sharia Law

#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (March 1, 2020 EDN): Turkish minister: 76,358 migrants headed to Greek border – Turkish TV channel advises migrants about the best way to travel to Europe – Denmark: Over half of African and Middle Eastern migrants are convicted of a crime before age 30 – The situation at the Greek border is escalating – The Greek FARMERS are coming to secure Greece! – Thousands of migrants at the border check point Kastanies between Greece and Turkey battle the Greek border guards – Thousands of migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan & Somalia storm Greek border, shouting “Allahu Ahkbar” – Greek authorites report the migrants in Kastanies fire massive amounts of tear gas cannisters against the Greek border guards – Today, locals on the island of Lesbos burned down a UNHCR (United Nations) migrant reception center, to stop more migrants from disembarking – Orbán Vows To Protect Hungarians As Turkey Opens “Refugee” Floodgate

Now 100,000…

The situation at the Greek border is escalating…

It has begun:

Totally unrelated video…

Read more#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (March 1, 2020 EDN): Turkish minister: 76,358 migrants headed to Greek border – Turkish TV channel advises migrants about the best way to travel to Europe – Denmark: Over half of African and Middle Eastern migrants are convicted of a crime before age 30 – The situation at the Greek border is escalating – The Greek FARMERS are coming to secure Greece! – Thousands of migrants at the border check point Kastanies between Greece and Turkey battle the Greek border guards – Thousands of migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan & Somalia storm Greek border, shouting “Allahu Ahkbar” – Greek authorites report the migrants in Kastanies fire massive amounts of tear gas cannisters against the Greek border guards – Today, locals on the island of Lesbos burned down a UNHCR (United Nations) migrant reception center, to stop more migrants from disembarking – Orbán Vows To Protect Hungarians As Turkey Opens “Refugee” Floodgate

#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Feb 29, 2020 EDN): “This is Poland!” – Erdogan: Expect 30,000 Refugees At Europe’s Borders Saturday After Turkey ‘Opened Gates’ – Erdogan: The ‘gates will remain open’, claims 18,000 migrants amassed the Greek-Turkish border – Greece closes borders, deploys army, helicopters, and naval warships to defend Europe from foreign invaders sent by Turkish regime – Greek border guards deploy tear gas at Turkish land border to defend Europe from foreign invaders – Greece’s Migrant Crisis: “A Powder Keg Ready To Explode” – “He Was Going to Name Names… And Ends Up with a Bullet in Him” – UK: Teenage man with foreign background charged with rape of woman near Gladstone Park in London – Terrorist from Al-Qaeda affiliated group says on his FB profile that he arrived in Greece and he’s on his way to Germany – Erdogan means business: He’s packing thousands of migrants from all over Turkey on buses & trains, sending them to the Greek border

Foreign background = another Muslim migrant?…

Read more#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Feb 29, 2020 EDN): “This is Poland!” – Erdogan: Expect 30,000 Refugees At Europe’s Borders Saturday After Turkey ‘Opened Gates’ – Erdogan: The ‘gates will remain open’, claims 18,000 migrants amassed the Greek-Turkish border – Greece closes borders, deploys army, helicopters, and naval warships to defend Europe from foreign invaders sent by Turkish regime – Greek border guards deploy tear gas at Turkish land border to defend Europe from foreign invaders – Greece’s Migrant Crisis: “A Powder Keg Ready To Explode” – “He Was Going to Name Names… And Ends Up with a Bullet in Him” – UK: Teenage man with foreign background charged with rape of woman near Gladstone Park in London – Terrorist from Al-Qaeda affiliated group says on his FB profile that he arrived in Greece and he’s on his way to Germany – Erdogan means business: He’s packing thousands of migrants from all over Turkey on buses & trains, sending them to the Greek border

#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Feb 28, 2020 EDN): Turkey opens the flood gates and allows MILLIONS of migrants unrestricted passage into Europe – Greece Sends 50 Naval Vessels & Commandos To Block Refugee Wave Out Of Turkey – Hungary prepares itself for a two-front war; invaders from the south and coronavirus – MEP Tarczy?ski: “If you don’t want to be arrested, if you don’t want to be shot, don’t come to the Polish border. It’s as simple as that!” (Video) – Erdogan provides free busses for Afghan migrants, taking them to the border with Greece and Bulgaria – Czech Republic to provide 5.3 million euros to combat illegal migration – UK: Two men and a dog stabbed in Peckham last night – Church In Swedish “No-Go Zone” Set On Fire – Milwaukee Mass Shooter Is A Black Elizabeth Warren Supporter – France: Massive Fire Breaks Out After Immigrant Protest Near Central Paris Train Station; Congolese migrants rioting today in Paris, fighting with police and firefighters (Video)

Gandalf (reading): “They are coming…”

Meanwhile in France…

Read more#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Feb 28, 2020 EDN): Turkey opens the flood gates and allows MILLIONS of migrants unrestricted passage into Europe – Greece Sends 50 Naval Vessels & Commandos To Block Refugee Wave Out Of Turkey – Hungary prepares itself for a two-front war; invaders from the south and coronavirus – MEP Tarczy?ski: “If you don’t want to be arrested, if you don’t want to be shot, don’t come to the Polish border. It’s as simple as that!” (Video) – Erdogan provides free busses for Afghan migrants, taking them to the border with Greece and Bulgaria – Czech Republic to provide 5.3 million euros to combat illegal migration – UK: Two men and a dog stabbed in Peckham last night – Church In Swedish “No-Go Zone” Set On Fire – Milwaukee Mass Shooter Is A Black Elizabeth Warren Supporter – France: Massive Fire Breaks Out After Immigrant Protest Near Central Paris Train Station; Congolese migrants rioting today in Paris, fighting with police and firefighters (Video)

#MigrantCrisis & #Crime (Feb 27, 2020 EDN): Turkish official: Turkey will no longer stop Syrian migrant flow to Europe (Reuters) – Convicted acid attacker who murdered mother of three launches jihadist terror attack at prison guards – Georgetown Official: Illegal Immigrants Are “Freedom Fighters”

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