Lord Rothschild Warns Investors: ‘Geopolitical Situation Most Dangerous Since WWII’

lord-rothschildGeorge Soros As The Fighting Uruk-hai With Jacob Rothschild As Saruman

Lord Rothschild Warns Investors: “Geopolitical Situation Most Dangerous Since WWII” (ZeroHedge, March 5, 2015):

For Lord Rothschild, preserving wealth has “become increasingly difficult,” recently, as he warns, rather ominously, “we are faced with a geopolitical situation as dangerous as any we have faced since World War II.” Furthermore Lord Rothschild summarizes his thoughts briefly, eloquently, and ominously… as he touches on the global debasement of fiat currencies, disappointing growth (in light of massive monetary stimulus), and extreme stock market valuations. As Rothschild Wealth Management noted last year, equities are not well supported by current valuations, while monetary policy is limited by high debt levels and interest rates that are already close to zero… exposing equities to a potentially sharp correction.



“Buy when there’s blood in the streets.”
– Nathan Mayer Rothschild

Rothschild agent John D. Rockefeller:

“The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets.

Die Rothschilds - Eine Familie beherrscht die Welt

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