Arnie Gundersen: I’m now not eating Pacific Ocean fish — Bio-accumulation of Fukushima nuclear waste concerning — Effects of lower-level radiation worse than predicted

I’ve advised everybody to not eat fish/seafood since 1997, because it is totally contaminated mercury .

Gundersen: I’m now not eating Pacific Ocean fish — Bio-accumulation of Fukushima nuclear waste concerning — Effects of lower-level radiation worse than predicted (VIDEO) (ENENews, Jan 9, 2014):

Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education, Jan. 9, 2014:

At 0:30 in — We’ve spoken to other scientists we respect; radiation chemists, environmental engineers and ocean biologists,  and we all agree that while the contamination of the Pacific Ocean is serious, it’s not as dire as some bloggers are urging you to believe. […] According to the National Academy of Sciences BEIR VII report, and contrary to what the nuclear industry would like you to believe, all radiation is harmful. The math is quite simple — the more radiation you receive, the bigger the risk, the less radiation you receive, the smaller the risk. […] However, many scientists also believe that radiation effects are actually worse at low levels than the BEIR 7 report predicts — and we at Fairewinds support that analysis. In Dec. 2012 radiological biologist Ian Fairlie wrote an excellent article detailing the discrepancies […]

At 5:00 in — [The Pacific is] being contaminated by water leaking from Fukushima Daiichi. Is the ocean safe? If I lived on the Pacific coast, I would feel free to swim in the Pacific Ocean, and run along the beach on a foggy morning. The amount of man-made radiation is currently quite low. But I do remain concerned about eating fish caught in the Pacific Ocean because the government is not releasing data about bio-accumulation of radioactivity in the Pacific Ocean fish. Until there’s a fully transparent radiation database on fish, eating them is a risk I personally have chosen to avoid.

Some doctors and scientists are somewhat more concerned about radiation exposure while at the beach, especially for young children:

Watch the new Fairewinds video here

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