Veterans Today’s Gordon Duff: Caught, Israel Orchestrating World War


On record: Interview With US General Wesley Clark (Ret.): US Government Planned To ‘Take Out 7 Countries In 5 Years’: ‘Starting With Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Finishing Off Iran’ (Video)

Caught, Israel orchestrating world war (PressTV, by Gordon Duf, April 27, 2013):

The Israeli “security publication,” DEBKA, a key part of their “war through deception” campaign against the world, has now made it inexorably clear, Israel is putting into motion their “final solution,” a campaign to pit nation against nation.

The result, the planet a smoldering ruin, Israel ruling over the ashes and mass graves, is a foregone conclusion, at least to Netanyahu and his worldwide terrorist network.

DEBKA openly admits plans to move Israeli troops into Syria and Iraq, to “con” Turkey, Jordan and the Arab and Gulf States into a war intended to, not just destroy Iran and Pakistan but China and Russia as well, pitting them against NATO in the fatal Armageddon they and their followers believe will ensure Satan’s dominion over man.

Do people really think like that?

Yes, they actually do, the Zionists, the Neocons, and the Dominionists, a vast worldwide network of financial criminals, corrupt politicians and power-mad tyrants. In America, those now seeking to stage a military coup in the United States, submit to full Israeli control and lead the world into a new “dark age.”

Conspiracy theory? Of course, very much so, but not just a theory but plans long whispered now made clear, plans impossible to misconstrue.

Read moreVeterans Today’s Gordon Duff: Caught, Israel Orchestrating World War

Senate Legislation: US Must Back Israel War On Iran

TRAITOR US Senator Lindsey Graham

US must back Israel war on Iran: Senate legislation (PressTV, March 2, 2013):

A bipartisan group of US senators are pushing for a legislation to force the government to prop up any military action that the Israeli regime adopts against Iran in “self-defense.”

The non-binding measure, introduced by Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ), is actually aimed at pushing President Barack Obama to intensify sanctions against Iran and will be unveiled during the upcoming conference of the pro-Israeli lobby in the US, American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Washington DC this weekend.

“If the Government of Israel is compelled to take military action in self-defense, the United States Government should stand with Israel and provide diplomatic, military, and economic support to the Government of Israel in its defense of its territory, people, and existence,” the resolution reads.

“This is not a green light to Israel to do anything other than defend itself (and a promise that) we will be there,” Graham, a member of the Senate’s Committee on Armed Services, said at a press conference, the Huffington Post reported.

“In the event Israel had to take preventive action, we would have their back,” Graham added.

Read moreSenate Legislation: US Must Back Israel War On Iran

IRAN WAR: What U.S. Mainstream Media DOES NOT Want You To See! (Documentary)

Related info:

Aussie Government Whitewashes FBI Assassination/Rendition Try For Former Spy (Veterans Today)

Top U.S. Senator Calls For Investigation Of Bush False Flag Terror Plot (Veterans Today)

The Truth About The Woman Who Stopped The 2007 Invasion Of Iran (Veterans Today)


– On record: Interview With US General Wesley Clark (Ret.): US Government Planned To ‘Take Out 7 Countries In 5 Years’: ‘Starting With Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Finishing Off Iran’ (Video)

IRAN WAR EXPOSE: What U.S. Media DOES NOT want you to see! (Veterans Today, Feb 4, 2013):

Meet the Woman Who Stopped War Against IranThe Story of Gwenyth Todd, Editorial Board Member, Veterans Today

Press TV’s documentary program “Untold Truths” reveals documentary film about the life and experiences of former White House Middle East policy adviser, Gwenyth Todd, who has escaped to Australia to keep safe from FBI prosecution.

This documentary speaks for itself.


Part 2


Veterans Today ran  a series of articles on Gwenth’s story last summer when her lawyers finally came around to understanding that if she got her story out there would no longer be a reason to kill her so she could not. This sometimes takes a little time to sink in.

Read moreIRAN WAR: What U.S. Mainstream Media DOES NOT Want You To See! (Documentary)

U.S. Approved Israeli Bombing Of Syria … And May Join The War At Any Moment

U.S. Approved Israeli Bombing of Syria … and May Join the War at Any Moment (ZeroHedge, Feb 4, 2013):

Israel claims it bombed a weapons convoy, while Syria claimed that a research facility was hit. Who is right?


Time reports:

Israeli warplanes struck several targets inside Syria overnight Tuesday, including a biological weapons research center that was reportedly flattened out of concern that it might fall into the hands of Islamist extremists fighting to topple the government of Syrian president Bashar Assad, Western intelligence officials tell TIME.

The irony is thick, as the U.S. is directly backing the Islamist extremists fighting to topple the Syrian government.

Time continues:

A Western intelligence official indicated to TIME that at least one to two additional targets were hit the same night, without offering details. Officials also said that Israel had a “green light” from Washington to launch yet more such strikes.

But the U.S. isn’t just an arm-chair quarterback … it may directly join in the action:

One Western intelligence official told TIME the U.S. military was poised to carry out similar airstrikes around Aleppo if rebels threaten to take sites associated with weapons of mass destruction in that region.

Read moreU.S. Approved Israeli Bombing Of Syria … And May Join The War At Any Moment

Syria Threatens ‘Surprise’ Response To Israel Air Raid – Iran And Russia Pile In

Syria Threatens “Surprise” Response To Israel Air Raid; Iran And Russia Pile In (ZeroHedge, Jan 31, 2013):

In the aftermath of yesterday’s surprising attack by Israel on Syrian soil, an act which any prior justification notwithstanding is a clear act of war sovereign aggression, it was only a matter of time before Syria responded, at least diplomatically at first. And as we also noted yesterday that “Iran has previously warned that any attack on Syria is the same as an attack on Iran” it was safe to assume that Iran would have a thing or two to say in response as well. Earlier today they did just that, with Syria warning that a “surprise” response to the Israel attack is forthcoming, while the “Iranian deputy foreign minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian said the attack “demonstrates the shared goals of terrorists and the Zionist regime… It is necessary for the sides which take tough stances on Syria to now take serious steps and decisive stances against this aggression by Tel Aviv and uphold criteria for security in the region.” Finally yesterday we wondered “how Russia and/or China which have made clear that Syria is a strategic geopolitical center for both in the past will react”, and today we know: “Russia, which has blocked Western efforts to put pressure on Syria at the United Nations, said that any Israeli air strike would amount to unacceptable military interference.” So far nothing from China, which has in the past let Russia be its proxy on Syrian matters.And while the rhetoric has soared on all sides, it remains to be seen if Syria will indeed challenge Israel or if it will retain its bluster, an act which will simply invite Bibi to launch ever more offensive sorties until one day something finally does snap.

From Reuters:

Syria protested to the United Nations on Thursday over an Israeli air strike on its territory and warned of a possible “surprise” response.

Read moreSyria Threatens ‘Surprise’ Response To Israel Air Raid – Iran And Russia Pile In

Israeli Jets Bomb Syrian Military Site

Israeli Jets Bomb Syrian Military Site (ZeroHedge, Jan 30, 2013):

In what was the first clear instance of aggression by Israel toward Syria, overnight Israeli jets conducted a bombing run over a military site in Syria, targeting what according to Israel was a military convoy heading to Lebanon. As Al Arabiya reports: “Israeli jets bombed a convoy on Syria’s border with Lebanon on Wednesday, sources told Reuters, apparently targeting weapons destined for Hezbollah in what some called a warning to Damascus not to arm Israel’s Lebanese enemy. “The target was a truck loaded with weapons, heading from Syria to Lebanon,” said one Western diplomat, adding that the consignment may well have included anti-aircraft missiles. The overnight attack, which several sources placed on the Syrian side of the border, followed warnings from Israel that it was ready to act to prevent the revolt against President Bashar al-Assad leading to Syria’s chemical weapons and modern rockets reaching either his Hezbollah allies or his Islamist enemies.”

More on the target and location of the attack:

Read moreIsraeli Jets Bomb Syrian Military Site

Commitee Of 300 Member Jean-Claude Juncker Compares 2013 To 1913: ‘The Year 1913 And The Year 2013 Have Endless Parallels’

Le Premier ministre Jean-Claude Juncker lors de la réception de nouvel an pour la presse (Luxembourg Government, Jan 7, 2013):

Här President vum Conseil de Presse, léiwe Fernand,
Frënd Minister Fränz,
Dir Dammen an Dir Hären,Et ass eigentlech ni schwéier fir am Ufank vun engem neie Joer eppes ze soe wat iwwert ee ganzt Joer dréit. Mä meeschtens ass dat wat ee seet iwwert ee ganzt Joer beschränkt op dat Joer wat war, well dat Joer wat kënnt gesäit ee jo nëmmen ondäitlech.

Dat Joer wat eriwwer ass, a wann ech mech op d’Press konzentréieren, déi jo awer nëmmen een Deel vun der Lëtzebuerger Realitéit duerstellt, war u sech kee gutt Joer. Mir hu Frënn a Kollegen aus dem Pressewiese verluer, deene mir méi oder manner no stoungen, mä déi awer jiddwereen op seng Fassong a mat senger Eegenaart a mat sengem Temperament, mat sengem Typus ee Stéck Lëtzebuerg duergestallt huet. A déi gi vermësst an déi wäerte feelen an déi wuessen an där Aart a Weis wéi si waren, och net op een natierleche Sprong no.

Et war och ee schlecht Joer, well mir ee ganze Koup, am lëtzebuergesche Sënn vum Wuert Koup, Presseorganer verluer hunn. Et ass ni eng gutt Nouvelle wann ee Presseorgan seng Aktivitéiten astellt. Dat deet ëmmer, wann een d’Zeitunge gär huet, e bësse wéi an och dat ass ee Verloscht deen een ze bekloen huet an dat ass ee Verloscht deen och net kann ersat ginn duerch Neies wat géif spontan nowuessen.

Et war awer och ee Joer wou vill, muenech Presseorganer sech nei ugedo hunn. Ech wëll hei déi eenzel net besichen, muss awer nach eng Kéier soen, datt ech fannen, datt deen neie Journal extrem gutt gemaach ass. Dat ass ee Pleséier fir en an den Hänn ze hunn, net ëmmer ee Pleséier fir mech fir en ze liesen, mä awer ee Pleséier fir en an den Hänn ze hunn. Den Inhalt ass zwar méi wichteg wéi d’Form, mä d’Form ass awer net onwiesentlech, well d’Verhältnis zu den Zeitungen, dat ass och ee Fillen, ee Spieren, ee Richen, ee Bliederen. Woumat ech gläichzäiteg gesot hunn, datt ech kee grousse Konsument vun Online-Déngschter sinn. Well déi richen ech net, och wa si heiansdo schlecht richen an déi kann ech net erueweren, well ech sinn net fräi an der Wiel vun deem wat ech wëll liesen.

Mir sinn an engem Joer ukomm 2013, wat eng besonnesch Bedeitung huet, wann ee sech fir Geschicht interesséiert. Ech sinn e bëssen iwwerrascht driwwer – à moins datt ech dat iwwersinn hunn, mä esou eppes iwwersinn ech selten – datt an der Lëtzebuerger Publizistik sech net mat der Bedeitung vum Joer 1913 a mat deem wat zanterhier geschitt ass beschäftegt gëtt. Ganz am Géigesaz zum Rescht vun der internationaler Publizistik, wou dat een dominéierend Thema vun der Joreswend war.1913, well mir am Joer 13 sinn a well an der Zuel 13 jo Mueneches dra läit. Mir huet d’Zuel 13 iwweregens ëmmer Gléck bruecht, dat wëll ech just als Virwarnung hei soen. Am Joer 13 läit vill Mysteriéises, vill Hannerfrotes an am Joer 1913 ass villes geschitt wat net ouni Parallelen ass mam Joer 2013. Am Joer 1913 war d’ganz Welt der Meenung d’Welt wier an der Rei. War d’Globaliséierung enorm wäit geschratt, méi wäit wéi déi net geschichtskundeg wëssen. Well d’Globaliséierung vum Joer 2013 ass net fundamental verschidden vun der Globaliséierung vum Joer 1913. D’Globaliséierung ass duerch den 1. Weltkrich ënnerbrach ginn an huet rëm réischt zu sech selwer fonnt mat alle Verirrungen déi an der Globaliséierung leien, nom Enn vum kale Krich. Mä wie weess hei am Land nach wat de kale Krich war?

Mä ier et zum kale Krich komm ass, hate mir ee Joer 1913, wou d’Mënsche gemengt hunn de Fridde wier fir éiweg Zäite geséchert. Liest no, bis op ganz wéineg Ausnamen, d’Literatur – besonnesch déi däitsch an déi éisterräichesch an déi slavesch, mat Ausnam vun der serbescher Literatur – vum Joer 1913. Do gesitt Dir eng Friddensgleewegkeet déi ongebändegt war. An déi a kengerlei Hisiicht de Stuerm verroden huet, dee schonn am Joer 1914 iwwert Europa fir d’éischt am éischte Weltkrich a fir d’zweet am zweete Weltkrich eragebrach ass. Dat Joer 1913 huet onendlech vill Parallele mam Joer 2013. Oder d’Joer 2013 huet onendlech vill Parallele mam Joer 1913. Jiddweree wier gutt beroden déi Joere mateneen ze vergläichen, 13 an 13. An déi 100 Joer déi dertëschent leien an och déi Tatsaach ze wierdegen, mat deem ofkléngenden Enthusiasmus deen déi Würdegung mat sech bréngt, datt mir och am Joer 1913 gemengt hunn de Fridden wier definitiv geséchert, well mir deemools 42 Joer Fridden an Europa hannert eis haten. An eis Generatiounen, obschonns si näischt domat ze dinn hunn, bretze sech nawell gären domat, datt mir et nach ni fäerdeg bruecht hunn esou laang Friddensperioden an Europa ze erhalen, wéi déi déi mir hunn. Et ass richteg, si ass méi laang wéi hir Virgängerin vum Enn vum 19. Jorhonnert – an deem 19. Jorhonnert si meng Grousselteren nach gebuer – an deem wat mir elo hunn. D’Saache leien no beieneen an d’Saache beréiere sech wéi ech hoffen op eng net dramatesch Aart a Weis.

Read moreCommitee Of 300 Member Jean-Claude Juncker Compares 2013 To 1913: ‘The Year 1913 And The Year 2013 Have Endless Parallels’

‘West Moves In For Syrian Endgame And War On Iran’

See also:

US, French Troops Prepare For Syria Invasion In Response To ‘Chemical Weapons’ Threat


On record: Interview With US General Wesley Clark (Ret.): US Government Planned To ‘Take Out 7 Countries In 5 Years’: ‘Starting With Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Finishing Off Iran’ (Video)

Originally from Belfast, Ireland, Finian Cunningham (born 1963) is a prominent expert in international affairs. The author and media commentator was expelled from Bahrain in June 2011 for his critical journalism in which he highlighted human rights violations by the Western-backed regime. He is a Master’s graduate in Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in journalism. He is also a musician and songwriter. For many years, he worked as an editor and writer in the mainstream news media, including The Mirror, Irish Times and Independent. He is now based in East Africa where he is writing a book on Bahrain and the Arab Spring.

‘West moves in for Syrian endgame and war on Iran’ (PressTV, Dec 5, 2012):

US President Barack Obama’s renewed warning against Syria this week, that any use of chemical weapons by Syrian government forces is a red line triggering direct military assault on the country, can be seen as the Western powers moving towards their endgame of “regime change.”

Washington first raised the specter of Syrian chemical weapons several months ago and warned then that it would be forced to act militarily in order to “secure” such alleged stockpiles.

Now the American president and his officials are rekindling fears of this contingency, with the added alleged development that the Syrian government of President Bashar Al Assad has become so desperate to survive that it is preparing to mobilize chemical warheads.

Read more‘West Moves In For Syrian Endgame And War On Iran’

Gerald Celente: The Start Of WW3 – Israel Says They Have Right To Defend Themselves – ‘I Don’t Support Murder’ (Video)

YouTube Added:21.11.2012

If Nostradamus were alive today, he’d have a hard time keeping up with Gerald Celente.
– New York Post

When CNN wants to know about the Top Trends, we ask Gerald Celente.
– CNN Headline News

There’s not a better trend forecaster than Gerald Celente. The man knows what he’s talking about.

Those who take their predictions seriously … consider the Trends Research Institute.
– The Wall Street Journal

A network of 25 experts whose range of specialties would rival many university faculties.
– The Economist

Veterans Today’s Gordon Duff: Nuclear Christmas, A False Flag In America To Blame On Iran


See also:

German ‘Dolphin’ Submarine Loaded With A 500 KILOTON HYDROGEN BOMB ‘DISAPPEARS’ While Being Tracked By The NSA, MI6 And Every Sophisticated Device NATO Owns

Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, a combat infantryman, and Senior Editor at Veterans Today. His career has included extensive experience in international banking along with such diverse areas as consulting on counter insurgency, defense technologies or acting as diplomatic representative for UN humanitarian and economic development efforts. Gordon Duff has traveled to over 80 nations. His articles are published around the world and translated into a number of languages. He is regularly on TV and radio, a popular and sometimes controversial guest.

Nuclear Christmas, a false flag in America to blame on Iran (PressTV, Nov 28, 2012):

There are strong confirmations that one or more nuclear weapons, known to have been stolen but kept from the public to “prevent panic,” may well be deployed in American cities by extremist elements with probable ties to a foreign intelligence agency.

This scenario was the basis of the television show “Jericho” several years ago. However, this time there are real culprits and real motivations, both the overthrow of the government of the United States and the naming of Iran as a “scapegoat.”

The plot has been tracked to groups within the Pentagon, several government agencies and wealthy and powerful extremist backers of Netanyahu and, in particular, the “Gulf Cartel” operating from Mexico that has penetrated nearly all levels of government, law enforcement and the military across the country.

Using surprisingly direct language, President Obama has officially confirmed this conspiracy.

Six days ago, the President of the United States, on his official public website, issued a warning about “government insiders” who were planning “violent acts” against the “government and the nation.”

Read moreVeterans Today’s Gordon Duff: Nuclear Christmas, A False Flag In America To Blame On Iran

Giving Thanks That It Has Not Come To This: The Day The World Ended – WW3 Simulation (Video)

Giving Thanks That It Has Not Come To This (ZeroHedge, Nov 22, 2012):

On occasions such as the increasingly binary-outcome world in which we exist today, it is perhaps more important to give thanks not for what has happened, but for what has not, such as this fictional and dramatic potential outcome.

For your Thanksgiving entertainment pleasure:


There Will Be War In The Middle East

There Will Be War In The Middle East (Economic Collapse, Nov 14, 2012):

The military action that we are watching in the Middle East right now is just a preview of coming attractions.  Tensions in the region are rising with each passing day, and all sides have been anticipating future conflicts and preparing for war for decades.  It would be wonderful if everyone could sit down, forgive each other and agree to quit fighting, but that is not going to happen.  Most of us that live in the western world have a very difficult time understanding the mindset of those immersed in these conflicts.  In the Middle East, there are vendettas and grudges that go back literally thousands of years.  Children are raised in schools where they are taught to bitterly hate their enemies from the time that they are first able to speak.  As Americans, we have forgiven former enemies such as Germany and Japan and we just expect that everyone else should be able to forgive as well.  But that is simply not the way that it works over there, and there is no long-term solution in the Middle East that is going to be acceptable to all sides.  Right now, Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, Syria and Iran are all preparing for war.  Hopefully cooler heads will prevail in this current crisis, but that will only delay the inevitable.  There will be war in the Middle East.  Yes, politicians such as Barack Obama will do their best to broker more “peace agreements”, but even the declaration of a “Palestinian state” will never stop the fighting.  In fact, it would just set the stage for more war.  I don’t mean to sound pessimistic about the region, but the truth is that there will be more war until it is not possible to fight any longer.  Any “peace plan” will just be a pause in the warfare.But hopefully the current crisis in the Middle East will not immediately erupt into a full-blown regional war.  That would not be good for the global economy.  In fact, that would not be good for anyone at all.

Here are some of the most recent developments…

Read moreThere Will Be War In The Middle East

Gerald Celente Nov 5, 2012: ‘Crash, Depression, Currency War, World War’ (Video – 3/5 – German Subtitles)



Gerald Celente, the founder of the Trends Research Institute, at the Marriott Hotel in Munich, Germany, on November 3rd, 2012. Celente was holding a presentation later on on the Internationale Edelmetall- und Rohstoffmesse, the largest precious metals conference in Europe. You can find Gerald Celente at and

Israel: PM Netanyahu’s 2010 Iran Strike Order Rebuffed By IDF & Mossad


Former Head of Mossad Meir Dagan: Israel Government ‘Reckless And Irresponsible’ – ‘I Decided To Speak Because When I Was In Office, Diskin, Ashkenazi And I Could Block Any Dangerous Adventure. NOW I AM AFRAID THAT THERE IS NO ONE TO STOP BIBI AND BARAK’ (Guardian)

Heads Of Mossad And Shin Bet May Have Leaked Plans For Attack On Iran, PM Netanyahu Orders An Investigation (Guardian, Nov. 3, 2011):

… the main suspects are the former heads of the Mossad and the Shin Bet, respectively Israel’s foreign and domestic intelligence agencies.Netanyahu is said to believe that the two, Meir Dagan and Yuval Diskin, wanted to torpedo plans being drawn up by him and Ehud Barak, the defence minister, to hit Iranian nuclear sites.

In January the recently retired Dagan, a hawk when he was running the Mossad, called an attack on Iranthe stupidest idea I’ve ever heard“.

Israeli PM’s 2010 Iran strike order rebuffed by IDF, Mossad – documentary (RT, Nov 5, 2012):

In 2010, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the IDF to prepare fully for a war with Iran. The head of Mossad intelligence service and country’s chief of general staff opposed the move and prevented war with Iran, a documentary claims.­Investigative journalist Ilana Dayan produced an hour-long documentary for Israel’s Channel 2 TV on the decision-making process in Israeli policy towards Iran over the last decade, from PM Ariel Sharon to PM Benjamin Netanyahu.

The film, to be aired late on Monday, poses the question as to how far a politician can go in taking a “no return” decision to assault a foreign state he believes poses a threat to his country and whether he has the authority to do so unilaterally.

The move was made during a meeting of “forum of seven” group that represents only a part of the Israeli government. Netanyahu addressed the now-retired Chief of General Staff Gabi Ashkenazi and actually ordered the head of the Israeli Defense Forces to “set the systems for P-plus,” which means full IDF readiness for an assault. The request met full support of the attending the meeting country’s Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) and Minister of Defense Ehud Barak (AFP Photo/David Buimovich)

The request put Israel on the brink of war with a country that has practically ten times Israel’s population and a modernized, fairly well-armed and respectively more numerous army.

The demand met fierce objections on the part of Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi and the head of the Israeli intelligence service (Mossad) Meir Dagan, who had to step down after that notorious meeting.

The former Mossad chief told Ilana Dayan that Netanyahu attempted to make the IDF attack Iran’s nuclear objects in a “stealing a war’ manner, in other words, without holding consultations with all 15 members of his cabinet.

After his resignation from Mossad, Dagan called that move by Netanyahu “stupid”, reports AFP.

Read moreIsrael: PM Netanyahu’s 2010 Iran Strike Order Rebuffed By IDF & Mossad

Gerald Celente: Banksters, Collapse, Iran (Video)

YouTube Added: 02.11.2012

October Surprise: US And Israel Prepare To Strike Iran

Surgical strike = WW III

October surprise: US and Israel prepare to strike Iran (RT, Oct 9, 2012):

The United States and Israel are already involved in discussions over how they could soon conduct a joint surgical strike on Iranian nuclear facilities, a source close to the talks tells Foreign Policy magazine.

After months of urging from Israeli authorities for the US to intervene in a rumored Iranian plan to procure a nuke, a source speaking on condition of anonymity tells Foreign Policy’s David Rothkopf that the two allies have come close to signing off on an attack against Iran.

Although no plan of action has been set in stone yet, the source says the attack will likely be from the sky and consist of drone strikes and bomber jets for only “a couple of hours” at best but would not require more than “a day or two” of action.

But while the US has not officially signed onto the strike, the source reports, American involvement would be absolutely necessary in order to effectively take out the structures where Iranian scientists are assumed to be attempting to procure a nuclear warhead.

“To get to buried Iranian facilities, such as the enrichment plant at Fordow, would require bunker-busting munitions on a scale that no Israeli plane is capable of delivering,” Rothkopf writes in the article, published Monday, October 8. “The mission, therefore, must involve the United States, whether acting alone or in concert with the Israelis and others.”

Read moreOctober Surprise: US And Israel Prepare To Strike Iran

Kayani-Putin: When Two Former Spy Masters Meet

Kayani-Putin: When Two Former Spy Masters Meet (Veterans Today, Oct 8, 2012):

It’s not easy to brush away historical enmity that easily. Let’s be clear, Pakistan and Russia have enjoyed “sour”, if not bitter ties especially since the beginning of the Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto days right up to the peak in General Zia ul Haq’s era when the Afghan Jihad was on with full swing, having a US-Saudi-Pakistan nexus on the one side and USSR (now Russia) on the other. The GHQ and Kremlin have preferred to maintain a “neither friend, nor foe” stance for each other.However, deep wounds do sometimes tend to soften up when there are strategic vantage points ready to benefit from. And General Kayani understands it better than anyone else. Known among mid-level officers as “America’s Most Despised Paki Khaki” within the military today, he knows how to play his cards well. By allowing the present government to continue whatever notorious relations it wants with the US government, Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff has kept himself abreast of the typical media onslaught which routinely manhandled former General Pervez Musharraf when he intervened in state matters which are surely no premise for any military man. I have been told by good acquaintances that General Kayani has been discussing some innovative standby plans with the elite advisors in the Strategic Plans Division according to which Pakistan’s armed forces will not only cooperate but rather themselves make way for a standalone ‘Look East’ policy in the best interests of national security. Of course when I say “best interests”, I am not carrying water for the establishment but rather talking in the wider context of the precarious regional developments picking pace, and which many of us rightly believe are bent on putting the world on the verge of another Grand War, if not the anticipated “World War 3?.

Read moreKayani-Putin: When Two Former Spy Masters Meet

No.1 Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente: The Big War of 21st Century Has Begun (Video)

YouTube Added: 23.09.2012

Head Of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards: ‘A War With Israel Will Occur’

Head Of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards: “A War With Israel Will Occur” (ZeroHedge, Sep 22, 2012):

Even as the popular ADHD affliction is preoccupied with who paid what taxes, and whether this poll shows that guy on top or this one, until tomorrow when they flip providing even more meaningless chitchat opportunities, everyone appears to have once again lost sight of the big picture, which is that two US ships continue full steam ahead toward Iran, namely the CVN-74 Stennis aircraft carrier which has crossed the Pacific ocean and is now a week away from its target, and the LHA 5 Peleliu big deck amphibious warfare ship, where they will join two other aircraft carriers and the LHD 7 Iwo Jima as summarized by the graphic below. Why is US naval presence in the Gulf soaring to a concentration not seen since the last Gulf war? The head of the Iran revolutionary guard may have an idea. From Reuters: Israel will eventually go beyond threats and will attack Iran, the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards was quoted as saying on Saturday.

Read moreHead Of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards: ‘A War With Israel Will Occur’