Australia Denies Benefits To Parents Who Won’t Vaccinate


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–  Australia denies benefits to parents who won’t vaccinate (News24, April 12, 2015):

Sydney – Australians who refuse to vaccinate their children will no longer receive child care subsidies and family tax benefits, Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced on Sunday. 

The widely anticipated government crackdown comes as Australia sees an increase in the number of so-called vaccine objectors.

“The choice made by families not to immunise their children is not supported by public policy or medical research nor should such action be supported by taxpayers in the form of child care payments,” Abbott said.The government will on January 1 remove a “conscientious objection” provision and permit exemptions only on strict medical or religious grounds, he said.

Parents who cite religion would have to be affiliated with a religious group with a registered objection approved by the government. 

Read moreAustralia Denies Benefits To Parents Who Won’t Vaccinate

Sherri Tenpenny, DO: The Many Disorders That Come From Iodine Deficiency (Video)

As much as I would like to recommend different varieties of seaweed (not just because of their high iodine content), I can’t.

Even before Fukushima and the Gulf oil ‘spill’ seaweed has been highly contaminated with arsenic, mercury and other heavy metals.

I also highly recommend NOT to eat any other kind of seafood as it is all heavily contaminated.

At the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology in 2007 (= BEFORE Fukushima)



In this video, Sherry Tenpenny, DO speaks about the deficiency of iodine as well as the disorders that it causes. She goes into detail about the individual conditions caused by iodine deficiency and how to treat them.

Why is Australia’s vaccine mafia desperately trying to silence this brilliant scientific researcher?


Why is Australia’s vaccine mafia desperately trying to silence this brilliant scientific researcher? (Natural News, Jan 13, 2015):

Australia’s vaccine zealots are the most rabid extremist wing of the vaccine medical mafia, and they’ve engaged in tactics like issuing death threats to vaccine educators to try to silence them. Now, they’re trying to get the Australian government to ban the travel visa of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, a pro-informed-consent educator who has conducted more research into vaccine adverse effects and safety risks than almost anyone else speaking out today.

Here’s the shocking interview about the Australian travel blockade of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, broadcast on the Next News Network with Gary Franchi:

Australia’s vaccine mafia, it turns out, is absolutely terrified that citizens of Australia might learn the truth about vaccine exemptions, toxic vaccine ingredients (like mercury) and the growing global epidemic of vaccine-damaged children.

Read moreWhy is Australia’s vaccine mafia desperately trying to silence this brilliant scientific researcher?

Vaccines – Dr. Toni Bark Hosts Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Answer And Discuss Questions Posed By Viewers Of The Documentary ‘Bought’ (Video)

Oct 31, 2014

Join us as Dr. Toni Bark hosts Dr. Sherri Tenpenny as they answer and discuss questions posed by viewers of Bought movie.

See more at

Related info:

‘Bought’ (Documentary – Official Trailer)