Largest grid-tied lithium ion battery system deployed today in San Diego

Largest grid-tied lithium ion battery system deployed today in San Diego:

On Friday, Southern California utility San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) held a small press conference in Escondido to show off its brand new energy storage facility, a 30MW battery system capable of storing 120MWh of energy, which can serve 20,000 customers for four hours. SDG&E also introduced a 7.5MW battery system built in El Cajon, CA.

H/t reader kevin a:

“A tonne of coal produces roughly 2 MWh of energy i.e. 2 MW for an hour.
60 tonne of coal for 120MWH power
coal is 50$ tonne *60 = $3000 an hour for coal.
Lithium cost about 20,000 a tonne.”

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Scientists Find Nuclear Waste Off San Diego Coast – Fukushima’s Problems Now Felt In Local Ecosystem – Prof. Most Worried About ‘Pools’ Of Cesium

TV: Scientists have found nuclear waste off San Diego coast — Fukushima’s problems now being felt in our local ecosystem — Professor most worried about finding ‘pools’ of cesium — “Time will tell how this plays out” (VIDEO) (ENENews, Feb 4, 2014):

ABC San Diego, Feb. 3, 2014 –Steve Atkinson, 10 News: There continues to be serious concerns about whether radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster has reached our shores.

Fox 5 San Diego, Feb. 3, 2014 (Emphasis Added):

Read moreScientists Find Nuclear Waste Off San Diego Coast – Fukushima’s Problems Now Felt In Local Ecosystem – Prof. Most Worried About ‘Pools’ Of Cesium

Alert: Leaking And Damaged Nuclear Power Plants In The US (Video)

Just DON’T eat ANY kind of seaweed!

Even before the Gulf of Mexico disaster and Fukushima I advised people NOT to eat any kind of seafood.

See also:

Hanford, WA: 89 SIEVERTS Per Hour Detected In Soil Only 1,000 Feet From Columbia River!!!

YouTube Added: 05.02.2012

YouTube Added: 05.02.2012