The Renewed Push for Deeper North American Integration


The Renewed Push for Deeper North American Integration (Be Your Own leader, Jan 29, 2015):

The globalist plan to incrementally merge the U.S., Canada and Mexico into a North American Union has been ongoing for years. While at times, the agenda appears to have seemingly stalled, current efforts to expand the trilateral partnership show that it is alive and once again gaining steam. With NAFTA as the foundation, the renewed push for deeper North American integration continues on many different fronts.

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Your Medical Info Is Now Being Integrated With Your Drivers License! (Press For Truth Video)

Dec 15, 2014


Merging medical information with your drivers license information. It’s all about increased concentration in this North American Union. Dan Dicks of Press For Truth talks to Kelly Scott Kolodiazny, a medical cannabis user who renewed his drivers license only to find his medical marihuana ID planted on the drivers’ license card. He can’t get answers as to why his drivers abstract now has his medical information.

“ICBC, the RCMP, border guards… Why do all these people need my medical information? That’s between me and my doctor. And it shouldn’t be between anybody else.”

New Seal Of 5th Army North Symbolically Declares North American Union


See also:

US NORTHCOM Troops Wearing UN Colors

NAU-USANORTH Logo (Infowars, Nov. 2, 2009):

Editor’s note: An Infowars reader sent a photo and write-up on the United States Army North logo.

From the USANorth website (linked below): “US Army North (USARNORTH), as the Joint Force Land Component Command (JFLCC) and the Army Service Component Command (ASCC) to US Northern Command, conducts Homeland Defense (HD), Civil Support (CS) operations and Theater Security Cooperation (TSC) activities in order to protect the American people and our way of life.”

From the NORTHCOM website:

“U.S. Army North, the Army component of U.S. Northern Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colo., organized the event as part of its mission to support civil authorities during disaster.

The exercise is designed to fully coordinate the support that active military forces could be asked to provide states and the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the event of a major hurricane, said Maj. Gen. John Basilica, who commands U.S. Army North’s Operational Command Post 1.”

In other words, an in-your-face violation of Posse Comitatus.

As it’s said, a picture says a 1000 words. So I don’t think we need a “memo” to figure this one out.

Read moreNew Seal Of 5th Army North Symbolically Declares North American Union

The U.S. Dollar Is Being Destroyed

The global economy is falling apart all around us. We can expect a continued rise in the price of gold and silver as it is becoming increasingly apparent that the Federal Reserve, the U.S. government and even Alan Greenspan are doing everything they can to destroy the value of the U.S. Dollar. In fact, the policies currently being implemented by the establishment is criminal because by devaluing the U.S. Dollar they are indirectly robbing from the American middle class by destroying the purchasing power of everyone’s bank accounts that are denominated in U.S. Dollars. At this point it is becoming increasingly clear that the establishment wants a weaker U.S. Dollar considering some of the insane policies they are implementing and insane things that they are saying.


What makes this rise in precious metals particularly interesting is the fact that the IMF has been dumping gold on to the market and gold continues to move up in value. The manipulation of the gold market is starting to fail as is the policy of managing a slow decline of the U.S. Dollar without a parabolic rise in precious metals. The rise in silver has been particularly spectacular rising around $1 in price yesterday and it shows no signs of slowing down. At this point we could easily see gold at $1,000 an ounce and silver at $20 an ounce within the next month or two. So why is all of this happening? Let’s take a look at some of the news that has come out in the past few days.

Read moreThe U.S. Dollar Is Being Destroyed