Podesta emails showed Facebook colluded with Clinton, Assange reminds

H/t reader kevin a.

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John Podesta Unloads On “Absolutely Crazy, Unfit” Trump

John Podesta Unloads On “Absolutely Crazy, Unfit” Trump:

John Podesta, Hillary’s former campaign manager and the target of one of the most devastating/embarrassing political email leaks of all time, sat down with Politico for a one-hour interview which served primarily to confirm that he’s still a sore loser who has simply not come to terms with the fact that he backed a flawed candidate in 2016.

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Andrew Breitbart Tweet Before His Death Adds Fuel To Podesta D.C. Sex-Trafficking Ring – #Pizzagate

As a side note: Remember when Breitbart’s coroner, Michael Cormier died of arsenic poisoning a few months after Breitbart died?

Andrew Breitbart Tweet Before His Death Adds Fuel To Podesta D.C. Sex-Trafficking Ring:

Pizzagate isn’t going away… There’s more to this.

Less than a month before his 2011 “heart failure”, Andrew tweeted about Hillary Clinton’s long-time friend and campaign manager John Podesta:

Andrew Breitbart is making news even in death.

Read moreAndrew Breitbart Tweet Before His Death Adds Fuel To Podesta D.C. Sex-Trafficking Ring – #Pizzagate

WikiLeaks’ Assange: ‘A 14-year-old kid could have hacked Podesta’ emails

WikiLeaks’ Assange: ‘A 14-year-old kid could have hacked Podesta’ emails:

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told Fox News’ Sean Hannity in an exclusive interview that a teenager could have hacked into Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s computer and retrieved damaging email messages that the website published during last year’s election campaign.

“We published several … emails which show Podesta responding to a phishing email,” Assange said during the first part of the interview, which aired on “Hannity” Tuesday night. “Podesta gave out that his password was the word ‘password’. His own staff said this email that you’ve received, this is totally legitimate. So, this is something … a 14-year-old kid could have hacked Podesta that way.”

Assange also claimed that Clinton herself made “almost no attempt” to keep her private emails safe from potentially hostile states during her tenure as secretary of state.


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Podesta: “FBI Only Contacted Me After Wikileaks Started Dropping My Emails” – #Pizzagate

Podesta: “FBI Only Contacted Me After Wikileaks Started Dropping My Emails”:

The man who is undisputedly ground zero of the “Russian hacking campaign”, former Clinton campaign chairman, John Podesta, whose emails provided an in-depth glimpse into the illict practices of the top echelon of US politics, and certainly the Clinton campaign itself, confirmed accusations of “pay-to-play” lobbed against the Clinton Family Foundation, and exposed the incestuous relationship between the Clinton dynasty and the “free press”, which was revealed to be at times nothing more than the Public Relations arm of the Clinton campaign, spoke on NBC’s Meet The Press this morning and claimed that the FBI did not tell him about Russia hacking into his email account until two days after WikiLeaks began publishing the hacked messages online.

“The first time I was contacted by the FBI was two days after WikiLeaks started dropping my emails,” Podesta told NBC’s Chuck Todd.

Read morePodesta: “FBI Only Contacted Me After Wikileaks Started Dropping My Emails” – #Pizzagate

Hillary Tells Angry Donors She Lost Because Of Putin, Comey Letter

Hillary Tells Angry Donors She Lost Because Of Putin, Comey Letter:

Hillary Clinton attempted to explain to a group of exasperated donors (in the words of a Midwestern fundraiser “I’m not putting another fucking dime in until someone tells me what just happened“) why she lost. Her reasoning, echoing John Podesta’s whiney op-ed (and every mainstream media narrative) is simple – it wasn’t her flaws, it was FBI Director Comey and Russian President Vladimir Putin that caused her defeat.

When Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine greeted the very top fundraisers and donors to their failed campaign at New York’s Plaza Hotel on Thursday evening, Politico reports that many of them had one simple question in mind: Where’s the autopsy?

Read moreHillary Tells Angry Donors She Lost Because Of Putin, Comey Letter

Julian Assange Crushes Obama Narrative: “Our Source Is Not The Russian Government” (Video)


Julian Assange Crushes Obama Narrative: “Our Source Is Not The Russian Government”:

As Obama gets set to announce retaliation efforts against the Russian government for “hacking” the 2016 election, Julian Assange has come forward, once again, to confirm that his source is not the Russians.  Appearing on the Sean Hannity radio show, Assange had the following to say:

Assange:  “Our source is not the Russian government.”

Hannity:  “Let me be clear, Russia did not give you the Podesta documents or anything from the DNC?

Assange:  “That’s correct.”

Meanwhile, even James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence who oversees the 17 intelligence agencies that Hillary loved to quote during the campaign, confirmed, after the election, that he had no “good insight” into where WikiLeaks received they’re information.

Read moreJulian Assange Crushes Obama Narrative: “Our Source Is Not The Russian Government” (Video)

“Infuriated” #Pizzagate Podesta Slams “Broken” FBI, Demands “Serious, Sustained Response” Against Russia

“Infuriated” Podesta Slams “Broken” FBI, Demands “Serious, Sustained Response” Against Russia:

First things first, John Podesta lost and so we are surprised at the temerity of the demands in his Washington Post op-ed today“The more we learn about the Russian plot to sabotage Hillary Clinton’s campaign and elect Donald Trump, and the failure of the FBI to adequately respond, the more shocking it gets,” he begins…

Read more“Infuriated” #Pizzagate Podesta Slams “Broken” FBI, Demands “Serious, Sustained Response” Against Russia

#PIZZAGATE CONFIRMED? Journalist Reveals Verified Tip On D.C. Pedophile Ring

PIZZAGATE CONFIRMED? Journalist Reveals Verified Tip On D.C. Pedophile Ring:

Charles C. Johnson, the groundbreaking journalist behind GotNews.com, has gone public on Facebook with a powerful story that he chose not to publish years ago – and the story adds more weight to the pedophile ring being uncovered by PizzaGate researchers.

Johnson’s story centers around Ryan Loskarn, the former chief of staff of a powerful U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn). Johnson was told about a
gay pedophile ring in Washington, D.C. – and Loskarn was caught and arrested for his involvement.

Read more#PIZZAGATE CONFIRMED? Journalist Reveals Verified Tip On D.C. Pedophile Ring

MUST WATCH!!! #PizzaGate Is Real ! (Mirrored from Reality Calls) (Video)


Video source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4OP-…
Suscribe to her channel and spread out the information : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9vw…
On vimeo : https://vimeo.com/192609062
On Dailymotion : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x530…
On rutube : https://rutube.ru/video/e723f23c3b679…

Related info:

Study: Injecting Old Mice With Blood Plasma Of Teenage Humans Reverses Ageing

H/t reader kevin a:

“Marina Abramovic is 70 years of age?”

Marina Abramovic does NOT really look anywhere near as young as shown in these photos.

However, it is possible to look, feel and really be a lot younger than your age, WITHOUT moving to the dark side.

For this you have to drink the “blood” of the carrot, spinach, red beets, other veggies and herbs, … i.e. juicing …. , and eat baby seeds, … i.e. sprouts …, and drink distilled water.

So all you have to do is to educate yourself about correct breathing, water, a healthy diet, exercise and the power of your mind in order to make a huge difference on your health and longevity.

See for yourself:

Amazing Story Of 70 Year Old Woman Finds The Fountain Of Youth – Ageless Woman Annette Larkins Interview (Video)

Interview With 72-Year-Old (Ageless) Raw Vegan Annette Larkins (Video)

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#PizzaGate the Documentary, Pedophilia involving Podesta Emails, Clinton, Obama, David Brock, DNC (Video)


H/t reader squodgy:

“The Powers that Be use the world’s Secret Service at their will.

Wherever the secret service can engineer dirt, they will, for the PTB.”

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Reddit Bans “Pizzagate” – “We Don’t Want Witchhunts On Our Site”

‘Witchhunt’? How appropriate …


Meet the Billionaire Pedophile Pal of Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew (Corbett Report – Video):



Reddit Bans “Pizzagate” – “We Don’t Want Witchhunts On Our Site”:

As of earlier today, the subreddit, r/Pizzagate, was officially banned by Reddit which posted the following notice to their site:


For those not familiar with the movement, the “Pizzagate” subreddit was started by a group of Trump-supporting internet sleuths who were attempting to use WikiLeaks’ leaked Podesta emails to connect the Clintons and John Podesta to the convicted sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein.  That said, when the Podesta emails failed to reveal a “smoking gun” linkage, the sleuths instead turned their focus to mulitple “pizza” references in Podesta’s emails which then led to the speculation that those “pizza” references must be code for something far more sinister.

Read moreReddit Bans “Pizzagate” – “We Don’t Want Witchhunts On Our Site”

Huge Breakthrough in D.C. Pedophilia Ring

Huge Breakthrough in D.C. Pedophilia Ring:

TMR Editor’s Note:

Dear Reader,

It is truly imperative that every person of conscience watch the following video.  It provides essential context which is necessary to correctly understand the great volume of information posted below the broken line.



Only after watching the preceding video will it be possible to make sense of the Democrat pedophilia ring that has been broken in Washington, D.C.  When this [ORGANIZED] Satanic ritual child sexual abuse is finished being investigated, it will make the Franklin Scandal and Cover-up look like a garden party.

Read moreHuge Breakthrough in D.C. Pedophilia Ring

The Final Batch? Wikileaks Releases Part 34 Of Podesta Files, Bringing Total To 56,582 Emails

The Final Batch? Wikileaks Releases Part 34 Of Podesta Files, Bringing Total To 56,582 Emails:

In what is likely the last batch of emails, moments ago Wikileaks released Part 34 of the Podesta Emails, which added another 888 emails to the 3,200 emails disseminated this morning.

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Wikileaks Releases Part 33 Of Podesta Emails: Another 3,200 Emails Brings Total To 55,694

Wikileaks Releases Part 33 Of Podesta Emails: Another 3,200 Emails Brings Total To 55,694:

In what may be the final release of Podesta emails, moments ago Wikileaks dumped another 3,213 emails in its 33rd release of Podesta Emails, bringing the total number of emails released to 55,694 less than a day before the presidential election.

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“We Now Know Why Cheryl Didn’t Want Hillary To Run” – Wikileaks Releases Part 32 Of Podesta Emails

“We Now Know Why Cheryl Didn’t Want Hillary To Run” – Wikileaks Releases Part 32 Of Podesta Emails:

That Teneo’s Doug Band was not a fan of Chelsea Clinton, with whom he had a long-running feud as a result of her ongoing accusations that he was taking advantage of Bill Clinton’s presence to enrich himself (even though thanks to a leaked memo we now know for a fact just how Teneo was working as a pass through, pay-for-play vehicle to enrich both Clinton and Band), we have known for a while (and reported on again just moments ago, when in one of the latest Podesta emails, he accused her of using Foundation cash to pay for her wedding).

We now learn that Band was also not a fan of Chelsea’s husband, Marc Mezvinsky, co-founder of the hedge fund Eaglevale Partners, which had received substantial seed funding from Goldman Sachs, and which suffered massive losses with its wrong-way bet on Greek bonds.

Read more“We Now Know Why Cheryl Didn’t Want Hillary To Run” – Wikileaks Releases Part 32 Of Podesta Emails

Wikileaks Releases Part 31 Of Podesta Emails: Total Is Now 50,408

Wikileaks Releases Part 31 Of Podesta Emails: Total Is Now 50,408:

With just two days until the election, WikiLeaks unveiled Part 31 of Podesta Email party moments ago which revealed another 2,574 emails, bringing the total to 50,408.

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