Vaccines Based On Medical Fraud … For Over A Hundred Years

Vaccines have been based on medical fraud for over a hundred years (Natural News, April 29, 2012):

The concept of vaccinating to immunize began in 1796, when British apothecary (pharmacist) Edward Jenner inserted cowpox pus under the skin of an eight year old boy. Jenner based his experiment on an unsubstantiated rumor that anyone who had experienced cowpox would be immune to smallpox.

Over the next couple of years, Jenner vaccinated others with cowpox to immunize them against smallpox. Without any actual proof of efficacy and safety, Jenner impressed King George III enough with a bogus immunization guarantee that he was awarded the equivalent of today’s $500,000.

Read moreVaccines Based On Medical Fraud … For Over A Hundred Years

As Children’s Brains Are Being Eaten By Vaccines, Parents Urged To Ignore The Symptoms And ‘Soothe’ Their Babies

As children’s brains are being eaten by vaccines, parents urged to ignore the symptoms and ‘soothe’ their babies (Natural News, April 22, 2012):)

A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics suggests that administering one or more of the five “Ss” — swaddling, side/stomach position, shushing, swinging, and sucking — to babies in conjunction with their childhood vaccine regimens can help alleviate the physical and emotional stress typically brought about by this highly-invasive medical tradition.

Swaddling babies, or wrapping them in a warm blanket after they are vaccinated, as well as placing them in certain positions can help reduce their levels of anxiety, say researchers. Gently shushing them while rocking them or giving them a pacifier can also help to make the vaccination process move along much more smoothly and less painfully.

Though these measures do absolutely nothing to address the potential neurological damage caused by vaccines, researchers say they can “soothe” babies and help them to stop crying. According to Dr. John W. Harrington from Eastern Virginia Medical School and Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters in Norfolk, the methods serve as a “distraction” from the pain caused by the needles.

For their study, Harrington and his colleagues divided 234 two- and four-month-old babies into four study groups, two of which received the five Ss after their vaccinations. They found that those who received these interventions experienced less visible pain, grimacing, and frowning, according to Reuters, and they cried less.

Read moreAs Children’s Brains Are Being Eaten By Vaccines, Parents Urged To Ignore The Symptoms And ‘Soothe’ Their Babies

Study: Polio Vaccine Campaign Causes 12-Fold Increase In Deadly Paralysis Condition In India

See also:

Swine Flu Vaccines Cause 17-Fold Increase In Narcolepsy, Horrified Scientists Discover

Study: Polio vaccine campaign in India has caused 12-fold increase in deadly paralysis condition (Natural News, April 17, 2012):

The mainstream media has been busy hailing the supposed success of India’s polio vaccine campaign over the past few years, with many news outlets now claiming that the disease has been fully eradicated throughout the country. But what these misinformation puppets are failing to disclose is the fact that cases of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP), a much more serious condition than that caused by polio, have skyrocketed as a result of the vaccine’s widespread administration.

A recent report published in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics (IJME) explains that, clinically, NPAFP is indistinguishable from polio paralysis. But according to the Office of Medical & Scientific Justice (OMSJ), NPAFP is twice as deadly as polio paralysis, and yet was not even an issue in India prior to the rollout of the massive polio vaccine campaigns.

In 2011, for instance, the year in which India was declared to be polio-free, there were 47,500 known cases of NPAFP, which is a shockingly high figure under the circumstances. And based on data collected from India’s National Polio Surveillance Project, cases of NPAFP across India rose dramatically in direct proportion to the number of polio vaccines administered, which suggests that the vaccines were responsible for spurring the rapid spread of this deadly condition.

Read moreStudy: Polio Vaccine Campaign Causes 12-Fold Increase In Deadly Paralysis Condition In India