Hoxsey: When Healing Becomes A Crime (Video)

Gerson therapy:

The Beautiful Truth (Video – Full Documentary – The Many Reasons For Chronic Diseases And The Cure)

‘Dying To Have Known’ (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only – For Cancer That Works!)

The Gerson Miracle (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only – For Cancer That Works!)


Aug 11, 2015

Ken Ausubel’s award winning documentary goes by two names: “Hoxsey: When Healing Becomes A Crime” and “Hoxsey: The Quack Who Killed Cancer.” Watching this film you will see how the AMA and the FDA are the most worthless, murderous corrupt agencies in our government. They are OWNED by Big Agra, Big Pharma and the Rockefeller Foundation.

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The Suppression Of A Natural Cancer Cure

The energy level, the nutritional status and the immune status of a cancer patient are low.

Fill the body with all the vital nutrients it needs and support it in its detoxification process and the body will gradually heal.

The body is holding on as good and as long as it can and is waiting for the moment the owner of the body gets the message on what to do to support it in its effort.

When the body finally has the energy and has regained its strength to reboot the immune system it will take any and all tumors down …

… just like that …

Some cancer cells even turn back into normal cells.

Take a close look at the Gerson Therapy by Dr. Max Gerson (Books 1, [2, 3]) and at the Hippocrates Diet by Ann Wigmore (Books 1, 2).

And Chemotherapy? See THIS.


The Suppression of a Natural Cancer Cure: 

Just three miles from the US border, there is a successful alternative cancer clinic in Tijuana, Mexico. Called the BioMedical Center, it was established there in 1963. According to the Center’s executive administrator, Liz Jonas, its cancer-free success rate is 80 percent. This includes patients abandoned by conventional oncology who have turned to natural cancer cures.

The BioMedical Center may be the oldest alternative cancer clinic in North America. It started in Dallas, Texas, circa 1936 as the Harry Hoxsey Cancer Clinic, and soon became the largest independent cancer clinic in the world, having expanded to 16 other American states.

Hoxsey’s flamboyant, aggressive persona persisted through many decades of the American Medical Association (AMA) attempts to stop him from curing cancer patients. He even won a libel lawsuit in 1950 against AMA head Morris Fishbein and the powerful Hearst Publications group.

Read moreThe Suppression Of A Natural Cancer Cure