Radiation in Fukushima City Order of Magnitude Higher Than Official Numbers?

See also:

AND NOW: Japanese Government Sets 100 Millisieverts As New Lifetime Standard

#Radiation in Fukushima City Order of Magnitude Higher Than Official Numbers? (EX-SKF, July 23, 2011):

From someone in Japan posting a short post at this website of a TV program he just saw on July 24 morning (their time):


On TBS Television “Sunday Morning News”. Radiation survey by Doshisha University and Kyoto Seika University of Fukushima City [in Fukushima Prefecture].

U-drain at an elementary school 56.9 microsieverts/hour; Fukushima Prefectural Government building 20.8 microsieverts/hour, Fukushima Railroad Station 2.4 to 22.4 microsieverts/hour. “Hot spot” everywhere. The Doshisha researcher was surprised to see these numbers. Does Fukushima City residents know about this?

I couldn’t find the official radiation number for the Fukushima Prefectural Government building. The radiation at the Fukushima City Hall, about 1 kilometer away, is 0.95 microsievert/hour as of July 23, according to Fukushima Prefecture.

Evacuate NOW!

Read moreRadiation in Fukushima City Order of Magnitude Higher Than Official Numbers?

Alert: Greenpeace Radiation Measurements In Fukushima City: Hot Spots At 500-700 Times Normal!!! (Video)

Daily life in Fukushima: ‘It was like visiting another universe’

Added: 03.07.2011

Jan Beranek, who is with a team of Greenpeace activists investigating the fallout from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, says Japanese are encouraged to return to their normal lives unaware of the dangers they face in the contaminated area. “I personally find it very disturbing, because on the one hand you see the Japanese authorities forcing people and society to get back to normal… And yet at the same time there are still extremely high levels of radiation and the contamination of the soil, and also potentially in the food,” the activist told RT. “This is just unbelievable because at those levels of exposure it certainly poses a risk to the lives and health of the people.

If you draw a parallel to the Chernobyl disaster, then actually the Soviets decided to evacuate everyone living in the place, where radiation was three or four times lower than what we see in Fukushima City today,” added Beranek, who personally visited the Chernobyl area after the 1986 disaster.

Read moreAlert: Greenpeace Radiation Measurements In Fukushima City: Hot Spots At 500-700 Times Normal!!! (Video)

Fukushima City (Over 290,000 People) Is In Danger: Greenpeace Detects Cobalt-60 And High Radiation ‘Hot Spots’ – Children Should Be Evacuated Immediately

Radiation in Japan: Greenpeace Detected Cobalt-60 and High Radiation “Hot Spots” in Fukushima City in Fukushima (EX-SKF, June 20, 2011):

Fukushima City in Fukushima Prefecture is 60 kilometers northwest from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant. No part of the city is designated as “evacuation” zone of any kind (mandatory or planned). It is the 3rd largest city in Fukushima Prefecture with over 290,000 people.

Shukan Gendai, a Japanese weekly magazine, had a feature article in early June (for the June 24 Issue) that described the radiation survey in Fukushima City done by Greenpeace on June 7.

The article says Greenpeace detected cobalt-60 in a park in Fukushima City.

Cobalt-60?? From the RPV??

Very rough, partial translation of the Shukan Gendai (June 24 Issue) article follows:


Fukushima City is in danger
Extremely high radiation detected
Our urgent, special report reveals

More than 10 times the radiation limit. Even cobalt-60 was detected. Children should be evacuated immediately, but the government says nothing, pretending not to know anything

[body of the article]

What some have feared all along is coming true.

“This Fukushima City has become a place where children should not live. The only choice left would be a mass evacuation. But no politician understands that. Or rather, they don’t want to know, probably.”

Seiichi Nakate, 50-year-old man who lives in Fukushima City, could barely suppress his anger.

On April 19, the Japanese government suddenly raised the upper limit of the annual radiation exposure for children from 1 millisievert to 20 millisieverts. Mr. Nakate is the head of the organization called “Fukushima Network to Protect Children from Radiation“, which was set up to protest against this barbaric act.

Read moreFukushima City (Over 290,000 People) Is In Danger: Greenpeace Detects Cobalt-60 And High Radiation ‘Hot Spots’ – Children Should Be Evacuated Immediately