This 13-Year-Old Invented A Nikola Tesla-Inspired Free Energy Device For $14 (Video)

This 13-Year-Old Invented a Tesla-Inspired Free Energy Device for $14:

Inspired by the geniuses Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, teenager Max Loughan loves to invent things, in fact, he says he has known his entire short life that his purpose was to change the world with his inventions. And he may just do it.

“As cheesy as this sounds, from day one, on this planet that I knew I was put here for a reason,” said Max. “And that reason is to invent, to bring the future.” [Source]

Wearing a lab coat while speaking in a televised interview with KTVN Channel 2 in Reno and Tahoe, Nevada, Max explains the free energy device that he made in his parents’ boiler room turned laboratory.

Read moreThis 13-Year-Old Invented A Nikola Tesla-Inspired Free Energy Device For $14 (Video)

Breakthrough Energy Conference: Michael Tellinger: Advanced Ancient Technology And The Ubuntu Movement (Video)

Related info:

First Civilisation on Earth Discovered in Southern Africa:

Scholars have told us that the first civilisation on Earth emerged in a land called Sumer some 6000 years ago. The persistent research by South Africans Michael Tellinger, Johan Heine and a team of leading scientists, over an extend seven-year period, has resulted in astonishing new archaeological and scientific discoveries. It shows that the Sumerians and even the Egyptians inherited all their knowledge from an earlier advanced civilisation that lived at the southern tip of Africa more than 200,000 years ago… mining gold.

Read moreBreakthrough Energy Conference: Michael Tellinger: Advanced Ancient Technology And The Ubuntu Movement (Video)

Free Atmospheric Electricity Powers Small Motor – Tesla Radiant Energy (Video)


YouTube Added: Nov 25, 2013


I have always wanted to test a radiant energy motor. This little motor is the beginning of my research in that direction. In the near future I will be making larger more powerful motors. The precision required will probably require my 3D printer. Stay tuned for future updates.
Links to books and website:
Video correction: The 2000+ watt device was built by Jules Guillot.

Thrive (Documentary – Full Length)

For your information.

The elitists vs. the people.

YouTube Added: 13.11.2011

For more information: Thrive