How London’s Strictly Orthodox Jewish Community Handles Child Sex Abuse (Video)

‘No police’?

Oh, where have we heard that one before?

Vatican Warned Irish Bishops Not to Report Child Abuse

‘Under control’?

Well, here is what the Catholic Church did to keep things ‘under control’:

The ‘Pedophile’s Paradise’: Alaska Natives are accusing the Catholic Church of using their remote villages as a ‘dumping ground’ for child-molesting priests (Flashback)

And does this look like they have anything under control?

Pope Francis Admits There Is An Army Of Over 8,000 Pedophile Priests

But hey the Jews are probably much different than the Catholic Church, right? Right???

Well, here’s an idea how to get things under control fast:

Vladimir Putin ‘wanted to hang Georgian President Saakashvili by the balls’

Published on Jan 29, 2013


Wednesday | 10:30pm | Channel 4

A victim of child sex abuse in one of Britain’s religious communities goes undercover to expose the way his community has for decades been dealing with paedophilia.

Rabbi Ephraim Padwa, the man who leads the Strictly Orthodox Jewish community in London’s Stamford Hill, is the subject of this secretly filmed interview. He is seen telling a man who says he was sexually abused as a child by a member of this community, that he must not report his claim to the police. He says that this is ‘Mesira’, meaning that it is forbidden for one Jew to report a fellow Jew to the authorities.

Read moreHow London’s Strictly Orthodox Jewish Community Handles Child Sex Abuse (Video)