Election Fraud: Proof ‘Scotland Independence Vote’ Was Rigged! (Video)

Sep 18, 2014

There is damning evidence that shows that this vote is a fraud. Just from the video and the pictures alone, we can see errors! Can you imagine how much is wrong? This is the Best Video proof you will also ever get showing the votes were changed to NO on purpose!



Sep 18, 2014

British managers stuffing box.

Britain: Tories Plan New Anti-Strike Laws For 2015 Election

Tories plan new anti-strike laws for 2015 election (Telegraph, June 15, 2014):

Sweeping measures being considered for inclusion in next year’s Tory manifesto would put an end to rolling strike campaigns by forcing union bosses to re-ballot their members every three months

The Conservatives are drawing up radical anti-strike laws to stop trade unions bringing Britain to a standstill with industrial action.

Under existing laws union leaders can call their members out on strike until a dispute is resolved to their satisfaction, with repeated waves of industrial action over issues such as pay or pensions continuing for months or years.

Read moreBritain: Tories Plan New Anti-Strike Laws For 2015 Election

Russian journalists being banned entry to Ukraine to cover presidential election

Russian journalists being banned entry to Ukraine to cover presidential election (RT, May 24, 2014):

A range of Russian news journalists from different outlets, including RT’s Spanish and Arabic news crews, accredited to cover the upcoming presidential election in Ukraine on May 25, were denied entry to the country without explanation.

RT Spanish cameraman Aleksandr Serichenko and his assistant, Andrey Peleshok, were refused entry at Odessa Airport, southern Ukraine. The journalists have accreditation from Ukraine’s Central Election Commission.

“Without explaining the reason for refusal, the members of [Ukrainian] border service forced the RT crew to buy return tickets at their own expense,” said the statement from RT’s press service.

Read moreRussian journalists being banned entry to Ukraine to cover presidential election

Thailand: Explosions And Heavy Gunfire In Bangkok Ahead Of Elections

Explosions And Heavy Gunfire In Bangkok Ahead Of Elections (ZeroHedge, Feb 1,2014):

17 years ago, the first major Emerging Market crisis started in Thailand, leading to the Russian default and the collapse of LTCM ushering in the era of Too Big To Fail. This time, all the world needed for the second major EM crisis, was for Ben Bernanke to announce he is giving global central planning a break (because one can be certain the Untaper will be right back on the agenda as soon as the S&P enters a bear market). Ironically, Thailand has largely been insulated from the EM decimation, even through it is now in as bad a political shape as it ever was, and one day ahead of the February 2 general elections things are getting from bad to worse. AFP reports that explosions and heavy gunfire rattled Bangkok Saturday as pro- and anti-government protesters clashed on the eve of controversial Thai elections seen as unlikely to end a cycle of violence in the kingdom after months of opposition rallies.

thailand 1

Read moreThailand: Explosions And Heavy Gunfire In Bangkok Ahead Of Elections

‘Shock & Outrage’: Japan TV Host Reveals Being Told He Cannot Discuss Nuclear Power Until Pivotal Tokyo Election Ends

“Shock & Outrage”: Japan TV host reveals being told he cannot discuss nuclear power until pivotal Tokyo election ends — “Somebody needs to bring these issues into the media” — #2 in trending news (ENENews, Jan 23, 2014):

TokyoReporter’s tweet, Jan. 22, 2014: Radio host Peter Barakan says broadcasters told him to avoid nuclear issues till after poll

Read more‘Shock & Outrage’: Japan TV Host Reveals Being Told He Cannot Discuss Nuclear Power Until Pivotal Tokyo Election Ends

‘Game Changer’: Former Prime Ministers Team Up To Win Tokyo Election And End Nuclear Power – ‘Our Nation’s Survival Is At Stake’


‘Game Changer’: Former Prime Ministers team up to win Tokyo election and end nuclear power — “Our nation’s survival is at stake” — “Could have biggest influence ever on national politics” (ENENews, Jan 14, 2014):

Kyodo, Jan. 14, 2014: Former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa said Tuesday he will run in the upcoming Tokyo gubernatorial election with an antinuclear agenda after securing the backing of popular former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi […] The move […] could have game-changing impact on the race for the helm of the Japanese capital […] “I have made my decision to run in the Tokyo governor election,” Hosokawa told reporters after meeting Koizumi. “I have a sense of crisis myself that the country’s various problems, especially nuclear power plants, are matters of survival for the country.” […] Koizumi indicated the main focus of the election will be whether to pursue nuclear power or not, calling the election “a war between the group that says Japan can grow with zero nuclear power plants” and the group that says it cannot. […]

Read more‘Game Changer’: Former Prime Ministers Team Up To Win Tokyo Election And End Nuclear Power – ‘Our Nation’s Survival Is At Stake’

Germany: Anti-Euro Party ‘Alternative For Germany’ Makes Significant Headway Into Parliamentary Elections

Anti-Euro Party in Germany Makes Significant Headway into Parliamentary Elections (Liberty Blitzkrieg, Sep 12, 2013):

I haven’t been paying all that much attention to Germany as of late considering the incredible amount of scandals that have been emanating from the Obama administration, in addition to its ridiculous and dangerous attempts to catalyze World War III. However, with parliamentary elections set for September 22, it appears there are some interesting things afoot.

In case you haven’t heard of it, a new party was formed in Germany on February 6, 2013. The party is known as the AfD, or the “Alternative for Germany.” It is strongly anti-Euro and has gained surprising strength in the polls despite its very brief history.

Read moreGermany: Anti-Euro Party ‘Alternative For Germany’ Makes Significant Headway Into Parliamentary Elections

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Special Interests Won Again

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

The Special Interests Won Again (Paul Craig Roberts, Nov 7, 2012):

The election that was supposed to be too close to call turned out not to be so close after all. In my opinion, Obama won for two reasons: (1) Obama is non-threatening and inclusive, whereas Romney exuded a “us vs. them” impression that many found threatening, and (2) the election was not close enough for the electronic voting machines to steal.

As readers know, I don’t think that either candidate is a good choice or that either offers a choice. Washington is controlled by powerful interest groups, not by elections. What the two parties fight over is not alternative political visions and different legislative agendas, but which party gets to be the whore for Wall Street, the military-security complex, Israel Lobby, agribusiness, and energy, mining, and timber interests.

Read moreDr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Special Interests Won Again

Military Ballots Delivered One Day Late, Would Have Swung Election For Romney

… but so the ‘other‘ elite puppet won! 🙂

OK, this is from the Duffel Blog!

I actually linked to the source but ‘forgot’ to say that this is supposed to be funny/satire/humor.

My apologies if this stired up your emotions.

The military would not vote for Romney (only for Ron Paul!!!), because Romney would have meant war with Iran and WW III.

Elite puppet teleprompter Obama is also only doing what he is told to do by his elite masters and that certainly leaves WW III on the table.


March, 2012: Open Mic? Obama Tells Russian President Medvedev ‘After My Election, I Have More Flexibility’ (FOX News, Video):

At a nuclear security summit in South Korea on Monday, President Obama talked to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev about missile defense in eastern Europe. During the conversation that was likely meant to be private, Obama assured Medvedev that he would have “more flexibility” after the November election.

Obama asked Medvedev to relay this message to Vladimir Putin, saying, “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense … this can be solved, but it’s important for him to give me space,” to which Medvedev told the president he understood.

Ed Henry reports that White House officials are saying that the president is just speaking to the political reality of the situation.

??Military Absentee Ballots Delivered One Day Late, Would Have Swung Election For Romney (The Duffel Blog, Nov 7, 2012):

WASHINGTON, DC – Sources confirmed today that hundreds of thousands of military absentee ballots were delivered hours after the deadline for them to be counted, with preliminary counts showing that they would have overturned the vote in several states and brought a victory for Governor Mitt Romney.Officials say the ballots were delivered late due to problems within the military mail system. Tracking invoices show the ballots sat in a warehouse for a month, then they were accidentally labeled as ammunition and shipped to Afghanistan. At Camp Dwyer, Marine Sergeant John Davis signed for them and was surprised at the contents.

“I told Gunny we got a bunch of ballots instead of ammo,” Davis told investigators earlier today.  “He told me to file a report of improper delivery and that the chain of command would take care of it.  We didn’t hear anything for three weeks.  While we were waiting we came under fire so we dumped a bunch of them in the Hescoes.  We didn’t dig those ones back out.”

After military officials realized the initial error, the ballots were then sent back to the U.S. but suffered a series of setbacks.

Twelve boxes of ballots were dropped overboard during delivery to the USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) in the Persian Gulf, then while the ship sailed to Bahrain, postal clerks allegedly pocketed whatever ballots they wanted.

The remaining absentee ballots were loaded onto a C-130, but the flight was delayed until November 1st so the crew could get tax free pay for the month.  Once the ballots arrived stateside they were promptly mailed to each state’s counting facility, reaching their final destination on November 7th.

“It’s a shame,” Rear Admiral John Dawes said when asked for comment.  “I expected a delay so I ordered that everyone cast their votes eight months ago. It’s really unfortunate that our mail system failed us and directly affected the course of history.”

Read moreMilitary Ballots Delivered One Day Late, Would Have Swung Election For Romney

Famous Investor Marc Faber’s Asset Protection Plan: ‘Buy A Machine Gun’, No Really, ‘You’re Right, Buy A Tank’ (Video)

Marc Faber’s Asset Protection Plan: “Buy A Machine Gun”, No Really, “You’re Right, Buy A Tank” (ZeroHedge, Nov 7, 2012):

Trish Regan and Adam Johnson do their best to hold themselves together in this sublime rant by ‘Gloom, Boom & Doom’s Marc Faber on Bloomberg TV as he sees Obama’s re-election as “very negative for the economy”. From his view that the market should be down at least 20% – and maybe 50%, to the implied ignorance of both of the candidates, he believes fervently that the “standards of living of people in the western hemisphere will continue to decline.” Faber views Obama’s re-election as one of many unintended consequences of market manipulation (since Democrat attacks on the wealthy were ‘enabled’ by their profiteering from Bernanke’s money printing) and sees the need to protect one’s assets “with a gun, a machine gun... or perhaps a tank.” He concludes with a stunner as he exclaims his view doubting Obama will make it through the whole four-year term because “there will be so many scandals” since “there is so much smoke, there must be some fire!”
The pre-amble is useful and well worth listening to as Faber describes exactly what is occurring in the world…

The good stuff begins around 7:30 as Faber goes Baumgartner… and gives the Bloomberg hosts a taste of reality we suspect they have not heard from their run-of-the-mill portfolio manager sheep guests…

Faber on President Obama’s reelection:

“I am surprised with the reelection of Mr. Obama. The S&P is only down like 30 points. I would have thought that the market on his reelection should be down at least 50%…I think Mr. Obama is a disaster for business and a disaster for the United States. Not that Mr. Romney would be much better, but the Republicans understand the problem of excessive debt better than Mr. Obama who basically doesn’t care about piling up debt. You also have in the background Mr. Bernanke, who with artificially low interest rates enables the debt to essentially escalate endlessly.”

Read moreFamous Investor Marc Faber’s Asset Protection Plan: ‘Buy A Machine Gun’, No Really, ‘You’re Right, Buy A Tank’ (Video)

Fact Is, It Doesn’t Matter! Not one bit.

It Doesn’t Matter (ZeroHedge, Nov 6, 2012):

It’s really hard to ignore what’s happening today; the election phenomenon is global.

Over the last several weeks, I’ve traveled to so many countries, and EVERYWHERE it seems, the US presidential election is big news. Even when I was in Myanmar ten days ago, local pundits were engaged in the Obamney debate. Chile. Spain. Germany. Finland. Hong Kong. Thailand. Singapore. It was inescapable.

The entire world seems fixated on this belief that it actually matters who becomes the President of the United States anymore… or that one of these two guys is going to ‘fix’ things.

Fact is, it doesn’t matter. Not one bit. And I’ll show you mathematically:

Read moreFact Is, It Doesn’t Matter! Not one bit.

US: The Most Expensive Election Ever In Context (Chart Of The Day)

Chart Of The Day: The Most Expensive Election Ever In Context (ZeroHedge, Nov 6, 2012):

The GDP of Nicaragua: $6.4 billion; the cost of the US presidential election to the two candidates: $6 billion, or $20 in petty cash per every US man, woman and child. Some things Wall Street (with Diebold’s help) can buy (because no matter which candidate is left standing after the recount and the legal challenge to the SCOTUS, Wall Street again wins). For everything else, there’s BernankeCard.

From BloombergBriefs:

Today’s U.S. elections may be the most expensive in history, with a total of $6 billion being spent by the presidential candidates and contestants for seats in the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Center for Responsive Politics in Washington. That is 120 times more than the cost of the 2010 U.K. election and almost equivalent to the annual GDP of Nicaragua.

In other words, the admission price to this year long tragicomical farce is about $20 per person. Not bad considering the amount of entertainment.

PIMCO’s Bill Gross Preemptively Summarizes Today’s Election Result In 22 Words

Bill Gross Preemptively Summarizes Today’s Election Result In 22 Words (ZeroHedge, Nov 6, 2012):

Presented without comment – adding anything to this concise summation of the state of the union is superfluous…

Read morePIMCO’s Bill Gross Preemptively Summarizes Today’s Election Result In 22 Words

Thousands Of Shocking Threats Of Violence By Obama Supporters On The Eve Of The Election

Elite puppets Obama & Romney 2012!

Thousands Of Shocking Threats Of Violence By Obama Supporters On The Eve Of The Election (Economic Collapse, Nov 5, 2012):

On social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook, thousands of threats of violence were posted by supporters of Barack Obama on the evening prior to the election.  If you doubt this, just go on Twitter and do a search for keywords such as “Romney riot”, “assassinate Romney” and “if Romney wins”.  We have seen very serious threats of violence against Mitt Romney and his supporters for weeks, but little action has been taken to shut these threats of violence down, and now they are reaching a crescendo as we reach election day.  At the moment, law enforcement authorities and the mainstream media do not appear to be taking these threats of violence very seriously, but they should.  Just look at what happened when the San Francisco Giants won the World Series.  Horrible rioting broke out in San Francisco and a city bus was even set on fire.  But that little bit of rioting is nothing compared to what could happen on a nationwide basis if Mitt Romney wins this election – especially if there are allegations that Romney stole the campaign.  If Romney is victorious, expect to see allegations of “voter fraud” and “election fraud” from the other side.  If there is a belief that the Republicans “cheated” (whether true or not), this would provide all of the justification that those out committing violence would need.  Many of them would actually consider themselves to be “standing up for democracy” or “fighting for their rights”.  Hopefully the scenario that I just outlined will not play out.  Hopefully Obama supporters will be calm if Romney is declared the winner.  But we would be very foolish to ignore the thousands upon thousands of threats that we have seen over the past few weeks.This is a topic I have written about before, and I received quite a bit of criticism for writing about it.  Apparently supporters of Barack Obama should be allowed to endlessly spew out threats of physical violence against Mitt Romney and his supporters and nobody is ever supposed to say anything about it.

Yes, there are a lot of Republicans that are saying some very cruel things about Barack Obama, but people know that if you make a physical threat against Barack Obama you are likely to get a visit from the Secret Service.

Apparently the same thing does not apply to threats against Mitt Romney.  Every single hour, large numbers of physical threats directed at him and his supporters continue to pour in.  If these people mean just a small fraction of what they are saying, we are going to see American cities burn if Romney wins.

Read moreThousands Of Shocking Threats Of Violence By Obama Supporters On The Eve Of The Election

Max Keiser: ‘Barack Obama Is Clueless. Mitt Romney Will Bankrupt The Country’ (Independent)

From the article:

“I came to London,” he says, “because being here gives you a front-row seat on the imminent collapse of an entire city. I think that the Eurozone is over-rated as a disaster area. They are not yet in as bad shape as Britain. The UK pound,” he continues, “is about to collapse. And the collapse of the British economy will be one of the biggest in modern economic history. Of course you will take the American dollar and the euro down with you, for sure. But this place – London – is about to go belly up. It’s … how can I put this?” Keiser pauses. “If you see me walking the streets of your town,” he adds, “then you’re probably fucked.”

Max Keiser: ‘Barack Obama is clueless. Mitt Romney will bankrupt the country’ (Independent, Nov 4, 2012):

Some call Max Keiser a ‘traitor’ but America’s most outrageous political pundit is about to become the most widely watched newscaster on the planet. Here, he explains why he won’t be voting in Tuesday’s US election.

A serf in the days of King John, Max Keiser argues, was in many ways better off than some US voters in 2012.

“Because in the age of Robin Hood,” Keiser says, “at least the process of theft was transparent. The barons came to your house. They whacked you over the head then they took all your money.” Even if the poor didn’t exactly empathise with their oppressors, Keiser adds, they could at least comprehend their methods. “And the serfs,” he continues, “did enjoy a modicum of stability. They got something in return for their enslavement. A small plot of land. Shelter. A relationship with the lord of the manor.” In the modern age of “financial tyranny” orchestrated by what Keiser refers to as “the banksters” in charge of the major financial institutions in the US and Europe, he believes, “We have reverted to a more pernicious kind of neo-feudalism. The instruments of larceny have changed; that’s all.”

What better time, you might ask, to have the opportunity to vote in a presidential election? But the real forces which shape the destiny of his homeland, Keiser says, have long been impervious to democratic pressure.

“Barack Obama,” he maintains, “has been a huge disappointment. He reneged on every one of his campaign promises except one: he did buy his kids a dog. Of course he could be replaced in this election, but if that happens we will simply inherit a different version of the same thing, just as we have done in the US for the past 30 years. The guy in the White House,” he believes, “is really taking his orders from finance.”

Read moreMax Keiser: ‘Barack Obama Is Clueless. Mitt Romney Will Bankrupt The Country’ (Independent)

Dr. Webster Tarpley: The US Republican Election Fraud Machine

Both candidates are elite puppets. Presidents get selected, not elected.

See also:

Vote-Rigging ‘Floodgates’ Opened By US Ballot Box Flaws (Video)

Voters Say Ballot Cast For Romney Came Up Obama On Electronic Ballot Machine

Does The Romney Family Now Own Your E-Vote?

Experts Show How Diebold Voting Machines Can Be Easily Hacked By Remote Control

30,000 Dead North Carolinians Registered To Vote

US Government Programmer Testifies Under Oath That Voting Machines Are Rigged (Video)

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
– Joseph Stalin

By Dr. Webster Tarpley:


Born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 1946, Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley is a philosopher of history who seeks to provide the programs and strategies needed to overcome the current world crisis. As an activist historian he first became widely known for his book George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), a masterpiece of research which is still a must read. AB Princeton 1966, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa; Fulbright Scholar at University of Turin, Italy; MA in humanities from Skidmore College; and Ph.D. in early modern history from the Catholic University of America with emphasis on the role of Venice in the origins of the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648). During 2008, he warned of the dangers of an Obama presidency controlled by Wall Street with Obama: The Postmodern Coup, The Making of a Manchurian Candidate and Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography. His interest in economics is reflected in Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human History Against Oligarchy. His books have appeared in Japanese, German, Italian, French, and Spanish.

(As a side note: Look at those nice inverted 5-pointed stars!)

The US Republican election fraud machine (PressTV, Nov 5, 2012):

On the eve of the US elections, many signs point to a close contest between Wall Street Democrat Barack Obama and plutocratic Republican Mitt Romney, with the fight for control of the US House of Representatives and Senate likely to repeat the status quo.

This year is different from 2008, when mass hatred for the George Bush neocon regime of war and depression gave Obama an advantage which was widely recognized before the vote. This year’s election will resemble those of 2000 and 2004, when the presidential candidates were evenly matched. This is the kind of an election in which election fraud, carried out by electronic voting machines and computer networks, can be decisive.

Read moreDr. Webster Tarpley: The US Republican Election Fraud Machine

Veterans Todays’ Gordon Duff: Organized Crime Funding US Presidential Candidates

Organized crime funding US presidential candidates: Analyst (PressTV, Nov 5, 2012):

A political analyst says that of the billions of dollars being contributed to US presidential candidates, more than one billion dollars is from organized crime, Press TV reports.

“…We’re estimating it to be in this election over one billion dollars worth of organized crime money that will go to support political parties in the US,” political commentator and senior editor of Veterans Today, Gordon Duff told Press TV during an interview.

“We have floating around the world in hedge funds, the most loose capital in the world. It’s related to organized crime, the drug market, which grows between 100 and 200 billion dollars per year and frankly they are very loud voices in American politics.”

Read moreVeterans Todays’ Gordon Duff: Organized Crime Funding US Presidential Candidates

Russia Skewers US Election As Undemocratic, ‘The Worst In The World’ (The Hill)

Russia skewers US election as undemocratic, ‘the worst in the world’ (The Hill, Nov 4, 2012):

The Russian government is lambasting the U.S. presidential race as an undemocratic spectacle amid growing concerns about the country’s own commitment to free and fair elections.

The Foreign Ministry this week accused America of hypocrisy following reports that some U.S. states would turn away international election monitors at the polls.

The Kremlin-funded Russia Today television station, meanwhile, is serving up a steady stream of outraged U.S. election coverage, reporting on topics such as the lack of polling places in Indian country and the short-shift given to third-party candidates by the American media.

The U.S. electoral system, Russian elections chief Vladimir Churov declared this week, “is the worst in the world.”

Read moreRussia Skewers US Election As Undemocratic, ‘The Worst In The World’ (The Hill)

New Jersey To Allow Voting By Email And Fax

Officials: Sandy-stricken areas will vote Tuesday ‘come hell or high water’ (CNN, Nov 3, 2012):

For those who can’t make it to their voting precincts, Christie ordered election officials to allow displaced New Jersey voters to place their ballots electronically by submitting a mail-in ballot application via e-mail or fax. Once approved, the voter will be sent an electronic ballot that can, in turn, be e-mailed or faxed back to the county clerk.

New Jersey To Use Military Trucks As Polling Places In Storm-Battered Areas, Extends Mail-In Voting

NJ to use military trucks as polling places in storm-battered areas, extends mail-in voting (Washington Post, Nov 2, 2012):

Republican Secretary of State and Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno said voters will find “a DOD truck with a well-situated National Guardsman and a big sign saying, “Vote Here.”

Guadagno said it was still unclear how many of the state’s 3,000 polling places are without power, but she would know by Friday. Alternate sites are to be identified in cases where polling places are gone, she said.

More than 1.6 million electric customers in New Jersey remained without power Thursday night.

Read moreNew Jersey To Use Military Trucks As Polling Places In Storm-Battered Areas, Extends Mail-In Voting