Infowars Team Harassed at Marriott Covering Bilderberg

Related article: Bilderberg Announces 2008 Conference

Listen to Alex’s Bilderberg report

Calling into his show today from the Bilderberg confab in Chantilly, Virginia, Alex Jones told stand-in Jason Bermas that the Infowars team — bearing press credentials and obviously part of the media — were incessantly and repeatedly harassed by security personnel at the Westfield Marriott where the Bilderberg meeting is scheduled to take place.

Weimar Republic
Infowars records the coming and going of the Bilderbergers and their security goons at the Westfield Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia.

As noted earlier, this campaign of harassment and intimidation was timed to interrupt Alex’s interview with Coast to Coast AM last night. At approximately the moment Alex was scheduled to begin the interview with George Noory, a fire alarm went off in the Marriott. Fifteen minutes prior to this oddly timed event, Alex had an encounter with the head of night security in the lobby of the hotel. “Hey, have you every heard of people pulling fire alarms?” the head of security asked, adding that people often pull fire alarms in hotels as a diversion in robbery attempts. Alex believes security was attempting to set him up, but admitted he was unable to confirm this.

Upon exiting the building in response to the fire alarm, the head of security, noticing the Infowars team had cameras, “ran up and said, ‘I’m gonna f— you both up if you video tape, do you hear me Alex and Rob?’” Meanwhile, other hotel guests exiting the building in response to the fire alarm were shooting video and taking photos and they were not approached by the head of security, who specifically singled out Alex and Rob Jacobson.

Bilderberg car with the letter “B” in the window.

As Alex noted, it was peculiar the head of security would address Rob by name, as his name was not registered with the hotel. Aaron Dykes had registered with the hotel and had not mentioned Rob by name. “He knew our names, he knew everything. He said, ‘I’ve called the police, they are coming, and they are going to f— you up.’” At this point Alex pointed out that other guests were videotaping and the security man repeated his threat.

Earlier in the evening, as they sat in a restaurant at the Hilton, where Alex had secured a room for the safe stowage of equipment, they were approached by a man, a “big guy who looked just like, acted just like a cop,” who attempted to provocateur them into “infiltrating some federal buildings” and asked if they wanted “to get really serious and go into the State Department.” Alex told him he is non-violent and are reporters in Virginia to cover the Bilderberg event, not engage in violence.

Weimar Republic
Limos and security arrive at the Marriott.

The following morning, security continued its orchestrated campaign of harassment, approaching Alex and telling him they knew who he was and declaring they would throw the Infowars crew out of the hotel before check-out at noon. In addition, the security goon made a point of threatening them with arrest.

At noon check out, black sedans began arriving with large letter B’s affixed to the windows, a sign that the limousines were delivering Bilderberg security to the hotel. When Alex and crew left the hotel grounds in their rented van, security followed close behind. “Coming out the main entrance, we saw about seventy five great infowarriors out there videotaping, police everywhere… there is just like a fog of infowarriors out there totally overwhelming them, there are all these huge army intelligence guys, average six foot two, six foot three, two hundred fifty, two hundred seventy pounds, running around with earpieces everywhere in suits and in plain clothes watching us, following us, they’re all over the streets… this is a complete spectacle.”

As the experience with security at the Marriott demonstrates, minions of the Bilderbergers have absolutely no respect for freedom of the press or the First Amendment — that is unless the press is corporate and following the New World Order script consisting of obfuscation and diversion. Over the years, the corporate media has refused to acknowledge the existence of the Bilderbergers, but now that the cat is out of the bag and the agenda of our globalist rulers increasingly faces the light of day due to the work of Alex Jones and others, the lapdog corporate media declares the annual Bilderberg meetings be nothing more than business people harmlessly gathering to talk shop and refuse to cover their events, an absurd joke now revealed for the world to see.

Kurt Nimmo
June 5th, 2008

Source: Infowars


“Police agencies and military units are training around the clock every day of every week across the land in preparation for riots, confiscations and detentions on a scale never before contemplated. Communications will be controlled, then severed, as the government and the military begin a “black-out” that will erase the final “freedom” that Americans have enjoyed through the use of cell phones and the internet. This will be so they can implement their battle plans without your knowing of it or being able to sound the alarm.”


Hyperbole is not something I engage in for shock value alone and it is definitely not something I enjoy contemplating while discussing our national state of affairs. However, it is becoming more and more commonplace in discussions that deal with the United States and its immediate future.

If, as casual readers of current events, you have become aware of the escalating sense of urgency, with the impending multiple world crises, then you are most likely comprehending the current history making events as they unfold. Wars and rumors of war, pestilence, mysterious shakings in the heavens, earthquakes, AND now the ravages of world-wide famine are occurring around us at this very moment. Does this announce the Biblical introduction of the “end times?” I cannot answer that. I am not qualified to assess those prophesized events from a theological perspective. I can tell you from a military frame of mind, a common sense evaluation and a law enforcement point of view, that these days are like riding on a wild cat’s ass, and you ain’t seen nothing yet.

I have been sounding the call for your total commitment and preparation as one crises leads to another. I have laid out before you the need to store food, water, natural medicines, weapons, rugged winter clothing, extra tools and hardware. I have suggested geographical locations and travel routes to many of you who just couldn’t quite figure it out. Further, I have warned you of shortages of fuels, bulk foods and ammunition. The message has been loud and clear. I know also that it has been easier to shove all this aside and get on with other, simpler things. Simple times are over.



Trilateral Commission members want suffering U.S. taxpayers to shell out even more money

The Trilateral Commission-one of the three most powerful globalist groups in the world-held closed-door meetings right here in Washington, D.C. from April 25 to 28. True to form, those members of the media who knew about the meeting-or were themselves participants in the proceedings-refused to discuss what went on inside or report on the attendees. Luckily, AFP’s own editor, Jim Tucker, was on the scene to bust this clandestine confabulation wide open.By James P. Tucker Jr.

Luminaries at the Trilateral Commission meeting in Washington expressed confidence that they own all three major presidential candidates, who, despite political posturing, will support sovereignty-surrendering measures such as NAFTA and the “North American Union.”

“John has always supported free trade, even while campaigning before union leaders,” said one. “Hil and Barack are pretending to be unhappy about some things, but that’s merely political posturing. They’re solidly in support.”

He was referring to Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Barack Obama (D-Ill.).

Mrs. Clinton, they noted, held strategy sessions as first lady on how to get Congress to approve NAFTA “without changes.” As president, they agreed, she would do no more than “dot an i or cross a t.”

Candidate Obama has not denied news reports in Canada that his top economic adviser, Austan Goolsbee, assured Canadian diplomats that the senator would keep NAFTA intact and his anti-trade talk is just “campaign rhetoric.”


While they are confident they can deal with any “potential president,” the Trilateralists paid huge tribute to Ron Paul in an equally large twist of irony, by expressing alarm that he is causing “significant future damage.”

They expressed concern that Paul’s rallies have attracted multitudes of young people who are getting “their political education.” They want Republicans to pressure Paul to drop out now and stop his education rallies. This assignment was given to Thomas Foley, former U.S. House speaker.

The reasons Paul’s “education campaign” strikes fear into Trilateral hearts are obvious. Paul would refuse to surrender an ounce of U.S. sovereignty to an international organization and TC wants world government.

Paul would immediately bring U.S. troops home from Iraq, Afghanistan and from 130 UN “peacekeeping” missions around the globe. TC wants to enjoy war profiteering and global power. Paul would abolish the federal income tax while the TC wants to pile on a global tax payable to the UN.

The formal agenda was loaded with everything Paul and American patriots detest: higher taxes, more foreign giveaways, more immigration, both legal and illegal, into the United States and “engaging Iran,” among others.


Limbaugh’s “Operation Chaos” Harks Back to an Earlier Intel Operation

Rush Limbaugh’s handlers are having themselves a little joke with Operation Chaos. Limbaugh has launched his version of Operation Chaos to mess with the Democrats in true Karl Rove fashion. There is of course an older version of Operation Chaos. It was devised by the CIA.

Donald J. Myers writes for the Tampa Tribune: “Prior to the Texas and Ohio primary elections, Rush Limbaugh implemented his ‘operation chaos.’ The purpose of this was to have Republicans vote in Democratic primaries for Sen. Hillary Clinton in order to keep her in the race and continue the fight between her and Sen. Barack Obama.”

On the surface, this appears to be an attempt to have the two Democrats self destruct and thus hand the election to McCain, who is run by the same neocons who ran Bush for the last seven plus years. In fact, Limbaugh does not support McCain, he supports Hillary, same as Rupert Murdoch, who hosted fundraisers for the “liberal” Clinton. Murdoch and Limbaugh are supposed “conservatives,” so on the surface it seems rather strange they would come out in Hillary’s corner.

But then Hillary is the candidate of choice for the Bilderbergers, same as Bill Clinton was their candidate. Of course, it does not matter if Hillary, Obama, or McCain “win” the “election” come November, as turned upside down they are virtually identical — controlled by the bankers and beholden to multinational corporations. Even so, the insiders and the ruling elite are fond of running one minion against another. Our rulers call this “democracy.” It is nothing of the sort, even in the technical sense — democracy is essentially mob rule — and the mob is not allowed to do much except spectate and push the mandated button on a Diebold machine when the time comes.

As for the other Operation Chaos — it was a domestic snoop and neutralize project conducted by the CIA with the help of the FBI and the NSA. Call it a collaborative project. “CHAOS project amassed thousands of files on Americans, indexed hundreds of thousands of Americans into its computer records, and disseminated thousands of reports about Americans to the FBI and other government offices. Some of the information concerned the domestic activity of those Americans,” noted the Church committee in 1976. The most notable targets were Americans involved in the antiwar movement in the late 60s and early 70s, a big thorn in the side of Nixon and the establishment.

Read moreLimbaugh’s “Operation Chaos” Harks Back to an Earlier Intel Operation