No US Sailor Saw Osama Bin Laden’s Alleged Burial: Associated Press FOIA

Don’t miss:

President Bush Rejects Taliban Offer To Surrender Osama Bin Laden (The Independent – 15 October 2001)

See also:

Former CIA Agent: Osama Bin Laden Died Of Natural Causes In 2006

Benazir Bhutto Confirms that Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Special Ops Con, Imaginary Warfare And Non-Existent Enemies (Veterans Today)


All of this is a bad joke!

White House Refuses To Release Osama Bin Laden Death Photos

UNBELIEVABLE: ‘More Than 20 Navy SEALS From The Unit That Killed Osama Bin Laden’ Die In Helicopter Crash

Obama on 60 Minutes: ‘We Could Not Say Definitively That Bin Laden Was There’

Prof. Ramadan of Oxford University: Changing Osama Stories ‘Bizarre’ – Dropping Osama’s Body Into The Sea Is AGAINST All Islamic Rituals

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik: Osama Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag (Video)

It’s Getting Better: CIA Director Panetta Admits Complete Video Blackout During The Raid On ‘Bin Laden’ Compound

Burning The Evidence: New Footage Of Osama Bin Laden’s Compound On Fire (VIDEO)

President Obama Will Not Release Osama Bin Laden Death Photos

Clueless Teenagers Flood Search Engines To Ask: ‘Who Is Osama Bin Laden?’

– Webster Tarpley: Death of “Bin Laden” an Unproven Assertion by Obama Regime; Door Wide Open to New NATO False Flag Terror Provocations Disguised as Retaliation; US-UK Target Pakistan for China Ties, Self-Defense Pact with Saudi Arabia

Paul Craig Roberts: Osama Bin Laden’s Useful Death

White House Revises Account Of Bin Laden’s Final Moments: Gun Battle Never Happened

– MSM fail: Osama Bin Laden Corpse Photo Is FAKE – Absolute Proof!

Officials: Osama Bin Laden Body To Be ‘Buried At Sea’ (No Autopsy, No DNA Tests, No Forensics?)

Official: Bin Laden buried at sea (AP):

WASHINGTON – A U.S. official says Osama bin Laden has been buried at sea.

After bin Laden was killed in a raid by U.S. forces in Pakistan, senior administration officials said the body would be handled according to Islamic practice and tradition. That practice calls for the body to be buried within 24 hours, the official said. Finding a country willing to accept the remains of the world’s most wanted terrorist would have been difficult, the official said. So the U.S. decided to bury him at sea.

If you (still) believe the official story, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


No US sailor saw Bin Laden’s alleged burial (Infowars via PressTV, Nov 22, 2012):

More than a year after Navy SEALs supposedly killed former CIA asset Osama bin Laden, a FOIA by the Associated Press has produced emails revealing that no American sailors aboard the USS Carl Vinton witnessed the terrorist’s burial at sea.


The heavily redacted emails are said to be the first public disclosure of government information about the undocumented assassination.


An email supposedly sent by a Navy officer claims Osama bin Laden was washed, wrapped in a white sheet, and then placed in a weighted bag, according to the Daily Mail. Another email allegedly sent by Vinson’s public affairs officer claims only a small group of the ship’s leadership was informed of the burial.


“A military officer read prepared religious remarks, which were translated into Arabic by a native speaker. After the words were complete, the body was placed on a prepared flat board, tipped up, whereupon the deceased’s body slid into the sea,” Adm. Charles Gaouette said in the email.

Read moreNo US Sailor Saw Osama Bin Laden’s Alleged Burial: Associated Press FOIA

Your Internet provider is watching you

Fine print reveals that you have fewer rights than you might realize

The Comcast case is a rare example of the government getting into the ISP contract nitty-gritty. “There really should be an onus on the regulators to see this kind of thing is done correctly,” said Bob Williams, who deals with telecom and media issues at Consumers Union.

NEW YORK – What’s scary, funny and boring at the same time? It could be a bad horror movie. Or it could be the fine print on your Internet service provider’s contract.

Those documents you agree to — usually without reading — ostensibly allow your ISP to watch how you use the Internet, read your e-mail or keep you from visiting sites it deems inappropriate. Some reserve the right to block traffic and, for any reason, cut off a service that many users now find essential.

The Associated Press reviewed the “Acceptable Use Policies” and “Terms of Service” of the nation’s 10 largest ISPs — in all, 117 pages of contracts that leave few rights for subscribers.

“The network is asserting almost complete control of the users’ ability to use their network as a gateway to the Internet,” said Marvin Ammori, general counsel of Free Press, a Washington-based consumer advocacy group. “They become gatekeepers rather than gateways.”

Read moreYour Internet provider is watching you