Germany: Head Of The Constitutional Court Demands Referendum Over EU Bailout

And all these bailouts are doomed to fail, will further destroy the middle class, make the elitists even more rich and will just buy a little more time before the then even greater total collapse will occur.

The Multi-Trillion Euro Bailout Plan Has Already FAILED


AND NOW: Germany, France Propose COLLECTIVE ‘GOVERNMENT’ For The Eurozone Led By UNELECTED EU President

German turmoil over EU bail-outs as top judge calls for referendum (Telegraph, Sep. 26, 2011):

Andreas Vosskuhle, head of the constitutional court, said politicians do not have the legal authority to sign away the birthright of the German people without their explicit consent.

“The sovereignty of the German state is inviolate and anchored in perpetuity by basic law. It may not be abandoned by the legislature (even with its powers to amend the constitution),” he said.

“There is little leeway left for giving up core powers to the EU. If one wants to go beyond this limit – which might be politically legitimate and desirable – then Germany must give itself a new constitution. A referendum would be necessary. This cannot be done without the people,” he told newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine.

The extraordinary interview comes just days before the Bundestag votes on a bill to revamp the EU’s €440bn bail-out fund (EFSF), enabling it to purchase EMU bonds pre-emptively and recapitalise banks.

Tensions are running high after it emerged over the weekend that officials are working on plans sketched by the US Treasury and the European Commission to “leverage” the firepower of the EFSF to €2 trillion, in conjunction with lending from the European Central Bank.

Carsten Schneider, finance spokesman for the Social Democrats, demanded that Chancellor Angela Merkel and finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble clarify their “true intentions ” before the vote on Thursday.

“A new multi-trillion programme is being cooked up in Washington and Brussels, while the wool is being pulled over the eyes of Bundestag and German public. This is unacceptable,” he said.

Prince Hermann Otto zu Solms-Hohensolms-Lich, the Bundestag’s deputy president and finance chief for the Free Democrats (FDP) in the ruling coalition, expressed outrage over the secret plans.

“Unless the German finance minister can give an immediate assurance that there will be no leveraged formula, I will not vote for this law. We might as well dispense with months of negotiations if all this means is that the Bundestag will be circumvented and served cold left-overs,” he said.

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