Turmeric Produces Mind-Blowing Recovery From Dementia Symptoms

Turmeric produces mind-blowing recovery from dementia symptoms, multiple case studies show (Natural News, June 18, 2013):

?If you or a loved one suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease or some other form of dementia, there is hope and healing to be found in turmeric. Based on the recent findings of three independent case studies, turmeric, whose primary active ingredient is curcumin, has the power not only to heal both the behavior and psychological symptoms associated with dementia, but also help lead to full recovery of the disease in as little as just a few months.

Read moreTurmeric Produces Mind-Blowing Recovery From Dementia Symptoms

How Turmeric Reduces Oxidative Stress and Supports Your Brain and Heart

How Turmeric Reduces Oxidative Stress and Supports Your Brain and Heart (Waking Times, June 13, 2013):

Curcumin has increasingly come under the scientific spotlight in recent years, with studies investigating its potential health benefits. It has even been found to outperform pharmaceuticals in preventing disease. Curcumin is a compound found in the spice turmeric which gives it a natural pigment. It has been linked to a range of health benefits, including potential protection against prostate cancer, Alzheimer’s, protection against heart failure, diabetes, and arthritis. Two studies add to that mix with benefits for arterial aging and cognition.

The first of the news studies, published in Experimental Gerontology and performed by scientists from the University of Colorado, found that curcumin was associated with improved vascular health in aging lab mice.

Curcumin is a diferuloylmethane derived from turmeric (popularly called “curry powder”) that has been shown to interfere with multiple cell signaling pathways, including cell cycle, proliferation, survival, invasion, metastasis and inflammation.

Adding curcumin to human cells with the blood cancer multiple myeloma, Dr. Bharat B. Aggarwal of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and his colleagues found, stopped the cells from replicating. And the cells that were left died.

Read moreHow Turmeric Reduces Oxidative Stress and Supports Your Brain and Heart

Euthanasia For Children Nears Approval By Belgian Parliament; Doctors To Mass-Euthanize Children And Alzheimer’s Patients

Euthanasia for children nears approval by Belgian Parliament; doctors to mass-euthanize children and Alzheimer’s patients (Natural News, June 12, 2013):

A proposed law on the verge of approval by the Belgium parliament would allow children to decide for themselves whether they should be euthanized (“killed”) by medical personnel. Currently, Belgian law limits euthanasia to persons 18 and older, but with the rise of autistic children thanks to biopesticides, GMOs and vaccines, nations are increasingly trying to figure out what to do with all these children who have been permanently damaged by the medical and biotech industries.

The answer, of course, is to simply kill them. It’s difficult to kill children off under current law without being charged with murder, however. So this proposed new law would allow doctors to decide whether children of any age (yes, even a five-year-old) can, themselves, “consent” to being euthanized without parental consent.

The mercy killing of autistic children has already begun in the UK, by the way. As the Daily Mail reports: “Desperate mother and godmother ‘killed severely autistic boy, 14, by stabbing him multiple times in the chest’ when they became overwhelmed caring for him 24/7 after demanding he be removed from the hospital and in put in their care.”

Not surprisingly, this “mercy killing” bill was introduced by the socialist party, since socialists tend to hate humanity no matter what country they live in. The proposed legislation calls for, “the law to be extended to minors if they are capable of discernment or affected by an incurable illness or suffering that we cannot alleviate,” reports AFP.

Read moreEuthanasia For Children Nears Approval By Belgian Parliament; Doctors To Mass-Euthanize Children And Alzheimer’s Patients

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Helps Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Extra virgin olive oil prevents abnormal brain tangle formation to prevent Alzheimer’s disease (Natural News, June 10, 2013):

The number of people suffering from Alzheimer’s dementia worldwide currently totals 30 million, with new cases expected to triple by the year 2050. What has changed over the past 50 years to account for such an epidemic rise in this once extremely rare disease, now being diagnosed more increasingly in younger individuals under the age of 40? The most obvious answer is found with an examination of the fast-paced, processed diet eaten by a growing number of people that replaces natural monounsaturated fats with hydrogenated trans-fats that compete for placement in cell walls.

Read moreExtra Virgin Olive Oil Helps Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Study: New Review Of Hundreds Of Scientific Studies Surrounding Glyphosate Links Monsanto’s Roundup To Autism, Parkinson’s And Alzheimer’s

Just as Monsanto attempted to discredit scientist Gilles-Eric Seralini’s study on rats fed genetically engineered corn, the company called this peer-reviewed journal article “another bogus study” due to its “bad science.”

Study Links Monsanto’s Roundup To Autism, Parkinson’s And Alzheimer’s (Nation of Change, May 5, 2013):

A new review of hundreds of scientific studies surrounding glyphosate—the major component of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide—sheds light on its effects within the human body. The paper describes how all of these effects could work together, and with other variables, trigger health problems in humans, including debilitating diseases like gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

Glyphosate impairs the cytochrome P450 (CYP) gene pathway, which creates enzymes that help to form and also break down molecules in cells. There are myriad important CYP enzymes, including aromatase (the enzyme that converts androgen into estrogen) and 21-Hydroxylase, which creates cortisol (stress hormone) and aldosterone (regulates blood pressure). One function of these CYP enzymes is also to detoxify xenobiotics, which are foreign chemicals like drugs, carcinogens or pesticides. Glyphosate inhibits these CYP enzymes, which has rippling effects throughout our body.

Because the CYP pathway is essential for normal functioning of various systems in our bodies, any small change in its expression can lead to disruptions. For example, humans exposed to glyphosate have decreased levels of the amino acid tryptophan, which is necessary for active signaling of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Suppressed serotonin levels have been associated with weight gain, depression and Alzheimer’s disease.

Read moreStudy: New Review Of Hundreds Of Scientific Studies Surrounding Glyphosate Links Monsanto’s Roundup To Autism, Parkinson’s And Alzheimer’s

How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration – University Of Calgary (Video)

And what will happen if you inject babies with vaccines that are loaded with mercury?

Exactly the same that will happen to baby monkeys:

Study: Baby Monkeys Given Standard Doses Of Popular Vaccines Develop AUTISM Symptoms

Think that there could not possibly be high levels of mercury in vaccines, because your government cares about you???

Then listen to this doctor:

Doctor: “I have more concern about the vaccine than I do about the swine flu.”

‘Vaccine has 25,000 times the level of mercury then would be considered toxic if it was food or water.’

And mercury is in other vaccines too. So let’s give those children a 6-times vaccination just to make sure that there will be some damage in the frontal lobe!

See also:

‘Vaccine Court’ Awards Millions To Two Autistic Children Damaged By Vaccines

Dr. Gary Null Speaking Out at the NYS Assembly Hearing on Vaccinations, Fraud, Junk Science, Crimes Against Humanity and Profit

If you understand German watch this and you will get a lot of questions answered :

Dr. Joachim Mutter: Amalgam, Supergifte, Autismus & Nano-Technologie (Video)


Study Finds Berries Clear Amyloid Brain Tangles To Help Fight Alzheimer’s Dementia

Study finds berries clear amyloid brain tangles to help fight Alzheimer’s dementia (Natural News, May 5, 2013):

Positive health benefits abound in the multi-colored flavonoids found in all berries, especially blueberries and strawberries. Nutrition experts and a wealth of scientific reports show that berry consumption lowers levels of dangerous inflammation within the trillions of cells throughout our body, and can lower the risk of developing vascular disorders, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Read moreStudy Finds Berries Clear Amyloid Brain Tangles To Help Fight Alzheimer’s Dementia

Former Health Minister Of Finnland Dr. Rauni Kilde: MIND CONTROL (Video)

Start watching from 03:50 into the video.

For my German speaking readers: The translation is terrible, but still better than nothing.

Related info:

Former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert And UK Intelligence Services Agent Dr. Barrie Trower: Dangers And Lethality Of Microwave Technology (Video – 2:19:36)

Former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert: NWO TECHNOLOGY UPDATE – Deadly Mobile Phones & The Worst Genocide Ever Committed – The Dangers Of Wi-Fi To Women And Children (Video)


Global Geoengineering Programs: ‘Why In The World Are They Spraying?’ (Full Length Documentary HD)


YouTube Added: 18.08.2012


People around the world are noticing that our planet’s weather is dramatically changing. They are also beginning to notice the long lingering trails left behind airplanes that have lead millions to accept the reality of chemtrail/geoengineering programs. Could there be a connection between the trails and our severe weather? While there are many agendas associated with these damaging programs, evidence is now abundant which proves that geoengineering can be used to control weather. In this documentary you will learn how the aerosols being sprayed into our sky are used in conjunction with other technologies to control our weather. While geoengineers maintain that their models are only for the mitigation of global warming, it is now clear that they can be used as a way to consolidate an enormous amount of both monetary and political power into the hands of a few by the leverage that weather control gives certain corporations over the Earth’s natural systems. This of course, is being done at the expense of every living thing on the planet.

How To Avoid Dementia Through Food And Diet


Again VITAMIN B3, COCONUT OIL and TUMERIC will work miracles:

Vitamin B3:

High Doses of Vitamins Fight Alzheimer’s Disease (Dec 9, 2008):

Researchers at the University of California at Irvine gave the human dose equivalent of 2,000 to 3,000 mg of vitamin B3 to mice with Alzheimer’s. (2) It worked. Kim Green, one of the researchers, is quoted as saying, “Cognitively, they were cured. They performed as if they’d never developed the disease.”

Coconut Oil:

Dr. Mary Newport: Coconut Oil May Stop And Reverse Alzheimers

Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease: Another Nightmare For Big Pharma? (Yes!)

There is also a study on GUARANA (contains lot’s of caffeine and flavonoids) being able to stop the progress Alzheimer’s.

High Blood Caffeine Levels In Older Adults Linked To Avoidance Of Alzheimer’s Disease


Chlorella 101: What You Need To Know About This Nourishing Superfood

Spirulina Explained: Here’s What You Need To Know About This Healing Superfood

Drink fresh juices:

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead (Documentary – Extended Trailer)

You need a ‘SLOW’ JUICER to not destroy the enzymes:

The Hurom Juicer Is The Best Juicer Out There … And Easily Beats The Green Star Juicer (Video)

Drink distilled water to further remove all plaques, deposits and garbage from your body:

How To Improve Your Health Condition Dramatically And Protect & Detoxify Your Body From Fluoride, Arsenic etc.

24 Doctors With The Courage To Tell The Truth About Distilled Water

Andrew Norton Webber: Healing With Distilled Liquids – Rejuvenating The Pineal Gland – Removing Fluoride, Heavy Metals And All Other Toxins From Your Body (Videos)

Consider also the GERSON THERAPY and other healthy lifestyles …

The Beautiful Truth (Video – Full Documentary – The Many Reasons For Chronic Diseases And The Cure)


‘Dying To Have Known’ (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only – For Cancer That Works!)

The Gerson Miracle (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only – For Cancer That Works!)

Dr. Terry Wahls: ‘Minding My Mitochondria’ – Healing Multiple Sclerosis And Other Diseases (Video)

Healing the Gerson Way: Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases

The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses

… and you will heal yourself and stay healthy.

How to Avoid Dementia Through Food and Diet (Natural Society, July 11, 2012):

Want to know how to avoid dementia? Just change your diet. Once again, science is substantiating what many of us already know—that diet can prevent disease, and that fruits and vegetables provide a far reaching range of benefits—specifically, that a group of compounds within produce could help protect people from Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia.

How to Avoid Dementia with Food

Dr. Robert Williams of Kings College in London spoke at the British Pharmacological Society’s Summer Meeting a few years ago highlighting the potential benefits of flavonoids found in vegetables, fruits and red wine. The research shows how to avoid dementia and related diseases through simple dietary changes, with these flavonoids being able delay the onset of Alzheimer’s.

Read moreHow To Avoid Dementia Through Food And Diet

High Intake Of Cholesterol Shown To Actually Repair Damaged Brains

See also:

Dr. Terry Wahls: ‘Minding My Mitochondria’ – Healing Multiple Sclerosis And Other Diseases (Video)

High intake of cholesterol shown to actually repair damaged brains (Natural News, June 22, 2012):

Including high-cholesterol foods as part of a healthy diet may not be the poor dietary choice we have all been told it is, suggests a new study published in the journal Nature Medicine. It turns out that cholesterol actually helps increase production of an important component of the nervous system that facilitates proper nerve cell communication, and prevents the onset of brain diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

The study focused specifically on patients with a condition known as Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD), in which nerve cells are unable to properly manufacture protective myelin sheaths. It is these myelin sheaths, which are composed of lipid fats and proteins, that allow nerves to communicate and send appropriate electrical signals that trigger movement and cognition, and that protect nerves from damage.

Cholesterol, which is commonly dismissed as harmful and something that people should avoid, actually contributes to producing and maintaining myelin sheaths. Without it, as evidenced by the recent studies, individuals with PMD — and potentially all individuals — are at a higher risk of developing cognitive illness and brain degradation. And particularly those with PMD, low-cholesterol diets are almost sure to leave them exceptionally prone to nerve damage.

Read moreHigh Intake Of Cholesterol Shown To Actually Repair Damaged Brains

Chlorella 101: What You Need To Know About This Nourishing Superfood

Children who were contaminated from Chernobyl radiation and lost their hair grew it back when supplemented with spirulina and chlorella.

Studies Show Spirulina Protects, Regenerates And Detoxifies The Human Body From Radiation – Russian Patent For Spirulina In Treatment Of Radiation Sickness

How To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation:

Spirulina, Chlorella:

5 grams of spirulina a day for 45 days detoxifies radiation in both adults and children with little known harmful side effects and was used following the Chernobyl disaster. Based on the Institute of Radiation Medicine in Minsk results, the Belarus Ministry of Health concluded that spirulina accelerates the evacuation of radionuclides from the human body. Chlorella is high in vitamin B12 and helps detoxify and get rid of heavy metals and other toxic elements etc. (some may be allergic, test for stomach upset).

[link to www.enerhealthbotanicals.com]
[link to www.roberthenrikson.com]
[link to www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]
[link to www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]
[link to www.australianspirulina.com.au]

Spirulina and chlorella both detoxify the body from heavy metals, radioactive particles and toxins in general.

Also drink distilled water …

24 Doctors With The Courage To Tell The Truth About Distilled Water

How To Improve Your Health Condition Dramatically And Protect & Detoxify Your Body From Fluoride, Arsenic etc.

… and eat bear’s garlic (allium ursinum !!!), which is much better in removing heavy metals than garlic & onions and also eat fresh cilantro (or take cilantro tincture) once in a while (!) to remove even more heavy metals from your body.

I take AFA-algae (harvested before Fukushima!), chlorella and spirulina every day. It has to be organic spirulina & chlorella!

I usually collect bear’s garlic every spring.

Chlorella 101: What you need to know about this nourishing superfood (Natural News, June 6, 2012):

A single-celled, water-grown micro-algae, chlorella is widely known as a powerful “superfood” supplement with extraordinary nutrient density. It is believed to have been around for eons. One of the few edible species of water-grown algae, chlorella is full of chlorophyll. It contains all of the B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, amino acids, magnesium, iron, trace minerals, carbohydrates and a higher amount of protein (more than 50%) than meat, per grams of weight (http://www.naturalnews.com). It also has a unique set of phytonutrients (http://www.naturalnews.com/034109_chlorella_superfood.html). It binds to toxins and carries them out of the body. It’s high amount of protein makes it a staple for many people who do not eat meat. Phyllis Balch, CNC, says it is virtually a complete food.

Why take it?

One of the main uses of chlorella is to detoxify, or cleanse, the body. It has been found to chelate, or remove, heavy metals from the body according to a Russian study (http://www.naturalnews.com/035177_chlorella_cilantro_detox.html). A study involving rats demonstrated the effectiveness of using chlorella as a counteragent for heavy metal poisoning ( http://www.naturalnews.com). Chlorella-treated rats also had less tissue damage than the control group.

Heavy metals are typically very difficult to get out of your tissues. If you have mercury fillings in your teeth, work in certain industries, have received vaccinations, or have been exposed to radiation, you have heavy metals. Most people have at least some, from our environment and food supply, such as the mercury found in fish. NaturalNews’ Paul Fassa reports on a Japanese study which found that all cancer cells contain mercury (http://www.naturalnews.com/035177_chlorella_cilantro_detox.html). Additionally, heavy metal toxicity has been associated with mental decline illnesses such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Additional Benefits

Read moreChlorella 101: What You Need To Know About This Nourishing Superfood

High Blood Caffeine Levels In Older Adults Linked To Avoidance Of Alzheimer’s Disease

One study, I think it was done in Japan, showed that Guarana, which also contains high levels of caffeine, is able to stop the progress of Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer’s disease can be cured. (Links are down below.)

High Blood Caffeine Levels in Older Adults Linked to Avoidance of Alzheimer’s Disease (IOS Press, June 4, 2012):

Tampa, FL (June 4, 2012) – Those cups of coffee that you drink every day to keep alert appear to have an extra perk – especially if you’re an older adult. A recent study monitoring the memory and thinking processes of people older than 65 found that all those with higher blood caffeine levels avoided the onset of Alzheimer’s disease in the two-to-four years of study follow-up. Moreover, coffee appeared to be the major or only source of caffeine for these individuals.

Researchers from the University of South Florida (www.usf.edu) and the University of Miami (www.miami.edu) say the case control study provides the first direct evidence that caffeine/coffee intake is associated with a reduced risk of dementia or delayed onset. Their findings will appear in the online version of an article to be published June 5 in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, published by IOS Press (http://health.usf.edu/nocms/publicaffairs/now/pdfs/JAD111781.pdf). The collaborative study involved 124 people, ages 65 to 88, in Tampa and Miami.

“These intriguing results suggest that older adults with mild memory impairment who drink moderate levels of coffee — about 3 cups a day — will not convert to Alzheimer’s disease — or at least will experience a substantial delay before converting to Alzheimer’s,” said study lead author Dr. Chuanhai Cao, a neuroscientist at the USF College of Pharmacy and the USF Health Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute. “The results from this study, along with our earlier studies in Alzheimer’s mice, are very consistent in indicating that moderate daily caffeine/coffee intake throughout adulthood should appreciably protect against Alzheimer’s disease later in life.”

Read moreHigh Blood Caffeine Levels In Older Adults Linked To Avoidance Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Harvard To Be Tried for Alzheimer’s Research Fraud

Related info:

Dr. Mary Newport: Coconut Oil May Stop And Reverse Alzheimers

Harvard To Be Tried for Alzheimer’s Research Fraud (Alliance For Human Research Protection, May 10, 2012):

The US Court of Appeals, 1st Circuit overturned a summary judgement by a lower court ordering a whistleblower lawsuit filed by Dr. Kenneth Jones against Harvard Medical School, its teaching hospitals, Brigham and Women’s and Massachusetts General Hospital, and Dr. Marilyn Albert (Principal Investigator) and Dr. Ronald Killiany to proceed to trial.
The case involves the largest Alzheimer’s disease [AD] research grants awarded by the National Institutes of Health (from 1980 through 2007) for a large project aimed at identifying early physical signs of Alzheimer’s by scanning certain regions of the brain with MRIs.

Dr. Jones was the chief statistician for the NIH grant. He blew the whistle after realizing that measurements used to demonstrate the reliability of the study had been secretly altered. Without these alterations, Dr. Jones explained, there was no statistical significance to the major findings of the study. When he insisted that the altered measurements be subjected to an independent reliability study, and that the manipulated results could not be presented as part of a $15 million federal grant extension application, he was terminated and his career came to an end.

Read moreHarvard To Be Tried for Alzheimer’s Research Fraud

Dr. Russell Blaylock: Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum And Neurodegenerative And Neurodevelopmental Effects

Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects (National Health Federation):

By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
April 18, 2012

The Internet is littered with stories of “chemtrails” and geoengineering to combat “global warming” and until recently I took these stories with a grain of salt. One of the main reasons for my skepticism was that I rarely saw what they were describing in the skies. But over the past several years I have notice a great number of these trails and I have to admit they are not like the contrails I grew up seeing in the skies. They are extensive, quite broad, are laid in a definite pattern and slowly evolve into artificial clouds. Of particular concern is that there are now so many­dozens every day are littering the skies.

My major concern is that there is evidence that they are spraying tons of nanosized aluminum compounds. It has been demonstrated in the scientific and medical literature that nanosized particles are infinitely more reactive and induce intense inflammation in a number of tissues. Of special concern is the effect of these nanoparticles on the brain and spinal cord, as a growing list of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease and Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) are strongly related to exposure to environmental aluminum.

Read moreDr. Russell Blaylock: Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum And Neurodegenerative And Neurodevelopmental Effects

Study: Flavonoids From Berries Shown To Protect Men Against Parkinson’s Disease

Flavonoids from berries shown to protect men against Parkinson’s disease (Natural News, April 16, 2012):

Past research bodies have confirmed the health-protective effect of a natural diet rich in flavonoids to protect against a wide range of diseases including heart disease, hypertension, some cancers, and dementia. Researchers from Harvard University and the University of East Anglia have published the result of a study in the journal Neurology that demonstrates how these plant-based phytonutrients can significantly lower the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, especially in men.

Flavonoids from healthy foods such as berries, tea, apples, and red wine cross the delicate blood-brain barrier to protect neurons against neurologic diseases such as Parkinson’s. This large scale study included more than 130,000 men and women participants that were followed for a period of twenty years. During this time, more than 800 individuals developed Parkinson’s disease.

A diet high in flavonoids from berries lowers Parkinson’s disease risk by forty percent

Read moreStudy: Flavonoids From Berries Shown To Protect Men Against Parkinson’s Disease

Interview With Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock On MSG And Brain-Damaging Excitotoxins (Video)

Health Ranger interviews neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock on MSG and brain-damaging excitotoxins (Natural News, April 13, 2012):

In the following interview, Dr. Russell Blaylock, renowned neurosurgeon, author and researcher, talks to Mike Adams about MSG, aspartame and other brain-damaging excitotoxins that are widely used in our food supply today. Dr. Blaylock is the author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills and other important books on this important topic as well as others. In this interview, find out why Dr. Blaylock was shocked at what he found out about the effects MSG and aspartame have on our brain function and pathology and much more.

Health Ranger: Hello and welcome everyone, this is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger for Natural News.com and today I’m joined by neurosurgeon and author, researcher, Dr. Russell Blaylock. He’s widely regarded as the foremost authority on excitotoxins, and we’re going to be talking about MSG, aspartame, and other issues as we interview him today via Skype video. Dr. Blaylock, thanks for joining me today.

Dr. Blaylock: Well thank you, Mike.

Health Ranger: It’s great to have you on, you know I’m a big fan of your work and your books. In fact, one of your earlier books, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills is one of the first books I read that helped get me into the business of teaching people about health.

Read moreInterview With Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock On MSG And Brain-Damaging Excitotoxins (Video)

Dr. Terry Wahls: ‘Minding My Mitochondria’ – Healing Multiple Sclerosis And Other Diseases (Video)

YouTube Added: 30.11.2011


Dr. Terry Wahls learned how to properly fuel her body. Using the lessons she learned at the subcellular level, she used diet to cure her MS and get out of her wheelchair.

Additional commentary by Dr. Terry Wahls:

I had only 18 minutes to speak – so I did not cover everything that I discuss in my book MINDING MY MITOCHONDRIA? – or that we do in our research protocol. Vitamin D is very important and so is exercise.

Amazon.com: Minding My Mitochondria 2nd Edition: How I overcame secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) and got out of my wheelchair. Price: $38.00

Book description:

Dr. Terry Wahls links micronutrient starvation to the epidemics of chronic disease that are overtaking modern society. She explains the key roles mitochondria play in maintaining a healthy brain and body. Americans are eating so poorly, something we all know to be true, that the majority of Americans are missing key building blocks that are needed for brain cells to be healthy. The result is an epidemic of depression, aggression, multiple sclerosis and early dementia. She then teaches you how to eat for healthy mitochondria, a healthy brain and a healthy body in language that is clear and concise, even for those without a science background. In this book, Dr. Wahls explains basic brain biology in simple terms. She tells us what vitamin, mineral and essential fat building blocks are needed by the mitochondria and other key structures in the brain. Then she explains what foods are good sources for those key nutrients. Over a hundred recipes are provided to help get you started on this new way of eating. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be used to fund research into the benefits of these interventions in others.

Read moreDr. Terry Wahls: ‘Minding My Mitochondria’ – Healing Multiple Sclerosis And Other Diseases (Video)

Study: Alzheimer’s May Be Transmissible

Alzheimer’s may be transmissible, study suggests (MSNBC, Oct.4, 2011):

In some cases, Alzheimer’s disease may in fact be the result of an infection, and may even be transmissible, a new study in mice suggests.

In the study, mice injected with human brain tissue from Alzheimer’s patients developed Alzheimer’s disease. The mice developed brain damage characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease, and over time, the damage spread throughout their brains, the researchers said.

Mice injected with brain tissue from healthy humans showed no signs of the disease.

Read moreStudy: Alzheimer’s May Be Transmissible

Dr. Mary Newport: Coconut Oil May Stop And Reverse Alzheimers

And don’t forget to download any video that you find interesting and want to share with others, because it may just disappear from YouTube.

Part 1 of 4:

Part 2 of 4:

Part 3 of 4:

Part 4 of 4:

See also:

Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease: Another Nightmare For Big Pharma? (Yes!)

The Incredible Benefits of Coconut Oil: Weight Loss – Kills Candida, Harmful Bacteria and Viruses (Incl. HIV) – Boosts Immunity – Healthy Skin

Dr. Rima Laibow Recommends What to Do About Radiation

Study: Alzheimer’s Transmitted Trough Blood

On a side note: Did you know that the rubella vaccine, a live vaccine (!),  has been grown on human cancer cells?

Do you see a problem here (after having read the article below)?

Cancer did not exist (except from very few benign tumors) in ancient times:

Study: Cancer is a modern man-made disease, was virtually non-existent in ancient world (Telegraph)

(Click on iomage to enlarge.)

Researchers have found that Alzheimer’s may be transmitted in humans through blood, but further investigations needs to be done as the initial study was done on mice.

A study conducted by Lary Walker at Emory University and Mathias Jucker at the University of Tübingen and their colleagues, the findings have indicated that brain plaques that resemble Alzheimer’s are formed in mice when the protein that is responsible for this disease is injected into their bellies.

It was not so long ago (the year 2006) that the same group of researchers found that they could trigger Alzheimer-like plaques in healthy mice that were injected with samples of plaque from other mice.

In their second experiment, the group had developed beta-amyloid protein in substantial quantities from genetically modified mice (similar to the plaques formed in Alzheimer’s) which they extracted from these mice when they were two years old, and injected it into the lining of the abdomen of transgenic mice. On the other hand, another set of mice were injected with healthy brain tissue.

In comparing the two groups after a period of seven months, researchers found that the mice injected with healthy brain tissue had normal brains while those injected with tissue that had beta-amyloid protein had developed plaques very similar to those found in people with Alzheimer’s.

And since the beta-amyloid was injected into their stomachs, caused the plaque in their brains, one important question has been asked: Can Alzheimer’s be transmitted in humans through blood transfusion?

Read moreStudy: Alzheimer’s Transmitted Trough Blood

Research: Walking Protects The Brain Against Shrinking

Neurologists who monitored 300 volunteers over 13 years say walkers could be defending themselves against memory loss

Walking could protect the brain against shrinking, US researchers have found. Photograph: Christopher Thomond

The historian George Macaulay Trevelyan wrote in 1913 that he had two doctors: “My left leg and my right”.

Now a report appears to show that the simple medicine of putting one foot in front of another is a potential defence against dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Walking may protect the brain against shrinking and preserve memory in the elderly, according to research by US neurologists who monitored 300 volunteers over 13 years.

The data lends statistical authority to anecdotal findings, including the legendary perambulations of Alfred Wainwright, Benny Rothman and the Guardian’s Harry Griffin.

Although very different in character – a grump, a communist warrior and an ex-brigadier – they lived for a combined total of 268 years thanks, in their own estimation, to lives spent largely on foot and outdoors.

The US study bears this out, with neurological tests on dementia-free people in Pittsburgh who agreed to log their walks and accept brain monitoring in 1995.

Tests nine years later, followed by a further round in 2008, showed that those who walked the most cut their risk of developing memory problems by half.

The study suggest that nine miles a week – or in the urban US terms of the data, 72 Pittsburgh city blocks – is the optimum distance for “neurological exercise”.

The paper, published in Neurology, the online medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, found no discernible bonus in going the extra mile after that.

The first round of scans showed that nine-mile walkers had larger brains than those who walked around for less.

After a further four years, 116 volunteers – 40% of the sample – had developed some dementia or cognitive impairment, with the effects 50% greater on those who walked only short distances and on non-walkers.

Read moreResearch: Walking Protects The Brain Against Shrinking