Cesium-134 And Cesium-137 From Fukushima Already 95% Of Chernobyl

I am sure it is much, much, more than that and you will find a lot more information on that below.

Here is just one example (18.05.2011) from …

Prof. Chris Busby: ‘There’s No Doubt Fukushima Dwarfs Chernobyl’ – ‘There Has Been A Massive Cover-Up And That Cover-Up Is Still Going On (The Negative Health Effects Of Low-Dose Radiation From Fukushima!!!)

How about Uranium and Plutonium???

Oh yes, I ‘almost’ forgot:

Media Concealed Leaked TEPCO Report: 120 Billion Becquerels of Plutonium, 7.6 Trillion Becquerels of Neptunium (Decays Into Plutonium) Released In First 100 Hours

CRIMINALS OF THE WORST KIND: Japanese Government Will No Longer Measure PLUTONIUM (The Deadliest Substance On The Planet)!!!


Fukushima Now Equal To 50 Plus Chernobyls & 3,000 Billion Lethal Doses Of Radiation

Cs-134 and 137 from Fukushima are already 95% of Chernobyl (Fukushima Diary, Nov. 2, 2011):

The total contamination from Fukushima has been revised so many times by Tepco and the government, it is almost impossible to know “the lastest” truth.

Probably this is what they intended to do.

However, mixing the analysis of nature.com and IRSN, even if its only Cs, the contamination situation is already as bad as Chernobyl.

Read moreCesium-134 And Cesium-137 From Fukushima Already 95% Of Chernobyl

Big Siberian FreezeTo Hit Britain Within The Next Fortnight (Nov. 2, 2011)

The Met Office said: “Our excess winter mortality, of an average 25,000 extra deaths in winter compared to other months of the year – 80 per cent thought to be due to the cold – is very poor compared to other countries in Europe.”


UK: Winter fuel payment cuts to hit millions of pensioners, despite pre-election promises

UK: Pensioners are burning books to keep warm

Last year:

Met Office Knew Big Freeze Was Coming, Warned Ministers And Kept It Secret From The Public


BRITAIN faces a sudden shivering end to the exceptionally warm late autumn with temperatures plunging towards Siberian levels.

Winter weather will arrive with a vengeance with temperatures well below zero within the next fortnight.

Experts then predict a bitterly cold December with thermometers falling at least as low as -15C (5F).

Snow could hit the country even earlier than last year when a big freeze at the end of November sent temperatures to -20C (-4F), crippling transport. And some forecasters fear that temperatures could plunge as low or even lower this winter.

Read moreBig Siberian FreezeTo Hit Britain Within The Next Fortnight (Nov. 2, 2011)

Nuclear Fission At Fukushima Reactor 2

Fission feared at Fukushima reactor No. 2 (Japan Times, Nov. 2, 2011):

Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Wednesday that particles from melted fuel in reactor 2 at the Fukushima No. 1 plant may have temporarily triggered a criticality incident.

Although the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said there have been no drastic changes in the reactor’s temperature and pressure level, and the reactor itself is stable overall, the discovery may affect the plan by Tepco and the government to achieve cold shutdown of all three crippled reactors by the end of the year.

Suggesting that criticality, or a sustained nuclear chain reaction, may have occurred temporarily or partially, Tepco said one hundred thousandth of a becquerel per cubic centimeter of xenon-133 and xenon-135 was detected in gas samples.

Xenon-133 and xenon-135 are materials created through nuclear fission, and are not usually detected even when a reactor is in operation, as fuel rods are covered with zirconium metal. This means fission may have occurred in the melted fuel.

As the half-life of these two materials is short — five days for xenon-133 and nine hours for xenon-135, the xenon was probably created recently.

Tepco injected boric acid, which can prevent nuclear fission, into the reactor early Wednesday morning.

Tsuyoshi Misawa, a reactor physics and engineering professor at Kyoto University’s Research Reactor Institute, said if Tepco’s data are correct, “it’s clear that the detection (of xenon-133 and -135) comes from nuclear fission.”

“This amount of xenon would not be detected unless there was a certain degree of fission chain reaction,” so it is highly possible criticality took place, Misawa said.

Read moreNuclear Fission At Fukushima Reactor 2

Japanese Physician’s Diagnose Radiation As Cause Of Unusual Changes In Children (Video)

YouTube Added: 20.10.2011

Please click on “cc” button to show English subtitles. This video is from a webcast program called “ContAct,” webcasted on July 14, 2011 by OurPlanet-TV. OurPlanet-TV is an alternative media/non profit webcast station with no religious or political affiliations. It was founded by a small group of producers, video journalists and other media professionals who questioned the way mainstream media covered 9.11 and the events that followed.

OurPlanet-TV English website: http://www.ourplanet-tv.org/?q=node/287

Translation by tokyobrowntabby, with a help from EX-SKF blog (http://ex-skf.blogspot.com/).

Physician at 4:35 into the video:

“There’s a slight swelling under his chin.

You know, he’s affected by radiation. That’s why he has dark circles under his eyes, pale face, and fatigue.

Generally speaking, I think he suffers from a weakened immune system.

Your son, Ryota, gets ill easily.

I think it would be better for him to move to a place where he can live a healthy life.”

Read moreJapanese Physician’s Diagnose Radiation As Cause Of Unusual Changes In Children (Video)

Japanese Government Official Drinks Fukushima Nuclear Plant Water!

You can’t make this stuff up!


Government Official’s Ultimate “Performance”: Drink Up Fuku-I Water (EX-SKF, Oct. 31, 2011):

Yasuhiro Sonoda, 44-year-old official in the Cabinet Office, made good on his promise and drank the treated water from Reactors 5 and 6 basements. Iodine-131 and radioactive cesium were ND (not detected). If TEPCO’s analysis of the water the other day is correct, there is no alpha nuclide, but with a good dose of tritium (H-3).

The photo is from Sankei Shinbun (10/31/2011). It was top news at NHK.

The Japanese government is good at proceeding fast with totally meaningless performance, and the Japanese media is good at reporting it.

According to Sankei, the water was taken from the storage tank of treated water on October 22, and it was boiled to remove any bacteria.

Someone asked Sonoda in this press conference, “Is there anything that you do that has made progress?” (as tweeted by Ryuichi Kino, independent journalist)

More info:

Scientist Marco Kaltofen’s Presents Data To APHA Confirming Hot Particles – Highest US Topsoil Radioactive Cesium Findings Over 10,000% Higher Than Highest Findings By UC Berkeley – ENORMOUS Radiation Exposure To The Population In Japan After The Earthquake

Japanese Government Still Refusing To Evacuate Fukushima Children (Video)

Cesium-137 Flow Into Ocean 30 Times Greater Than Stated By TEPCO: Report (Kyodo)

Ocean Absorbed 79 Percent Of Fukushima Fallout – ‘High Concentrations’ Reached North America And Europe (Forbes, Oct. 29, 2011)

AND NOW: 110 Volunteers and Residents to ‘DECONTAMINATE’ High Radiation Area in Fukushima City

Read moreJapanese Government Official Drinks Fukushima Nuclear Plant Water!

Tokyo’s High Radiation Supermarket: It’s Radium Again, Emitting 40 Millisieverts/Hr Radiation

From the article:

‘The Ministry and the Setagaya government have been saying “There is no effect on health”. Really. (1 millisievert/hour, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and we would be talking the radiation exposure in sievert.’

Setagaya, Tokyo’s High Radiation Supermarket: It’s Radium Again, Emitting 40 Millisieverts/Hr Radiation (EX-SKF, Nov. 1, 2011):

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, a glass bottle was found 40 centimeters below the surface, which was emitting 40 millisievert/hour radiation. Radium-226 is suspected.

(How many more radium-226 bottles are there buried in Setagaya-ku?)

From Yomiuri Shinbun (11/1/2011):


Regarding the high radiation detected inside the supermarket compound and in the vicinity in Hachimanyama in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, the Ministry of Education and Science announced on November 1 that the cause of the high radiation was likely to be “radium-226” buried in the soil.

Read moreTokyo’s High Radiation Supermarket: It’s Radium Again, Emitting 40 Millisieverts/Hr Radiation

Scientist Marco Kaltofen’s Presents Data To APHA Confirming Hot Particles – Highest US Topsoil Radioactive Cesium Findings Over 10,000% Higher Than Highest Findings By UC Berkeley – ENORMOUS Radiation Exposure To The Population In Japan After The Earthquake

Childrens shoes from Japan:

‘… concentration of Cesium on the kids shoelaces was astronomically high.’

Scientist Marco Kaltofen Presents Data Confirming Hot Particles from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.

Washington, DC – October 31, 2011 – Today Scientist Marco Kaltofen of Worchester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) presented his analysis of radioactive isotopic releases from the Fukushima accidents at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA). Mr. Kaltofen’s analysis confirms the detection of hot particles in the US and the extensive airborne and ground contamination in northern Japan due to the four nuclear power plant accidents at TEPCO’s Fukushima reactors. Fairewinds believes that this is a personal health issue in Japan and a public health issue in the United States and Canada.

Marco Kaltofen presentation to American Public Health Association

More info:

Japanese Government Still Refusing To Evacuate Fukushima Children (Video)

Cesium-137 Flow Into Ocean 30 Times Greater Than Stated By TEPCO: Report (Kyodo)

Ocean Absorbed 79 Percent Of Fukushima Fallout – ‘High Concentrations’ Reached North America And Europe (Forbes, Oct. 29, 2011)

AND NOW: 110 Volunteers and Residents to ‘DECONTAMINATE’ High Radiation Area in Fukushima City

Read moreScientist Marco Kaltofen’s Presents Data To APHA Confirming Hot Particles – Highest US Topsoil Radioactive Cesium Findings Over 10,000% Higher Than Highest Findings By UC Berkeley – ENORMOUS Radiation Exposure To The Population In Japan After The Earthquake

Lying, Cheating Climate Scientists Caught Lying, Cheating Again

“So I’m not going to die after all? Quelle bloody surprise!”

Lying, cheating climate scientists caught lying, cheating again (Telegraph, Oct. 30, 2011):

Oh dear. I really didn’t want my first blog post in a week to be yet another one about global bloody warming. Problem is, if those lying, cheating climate scientists will insist on going on lying and cheating what else can I do other than expose their lying and cheating?

The story so far: ten days ago a self-proclaimed “sceptical” climate scientist named Professor Richard Muller of Berkeley University, California, managed to grab himself some space in the Wall Street Journal (of all places) claiming that the case for global warming scepticism was over. Thanks to research from his Berkeley Earth Surface Temperatures (BEST) project, Professor Muller stated confidently, we now know that the planet has warmed by almost one degree centigrade since 1950. What’s more, he told the BBC’s Today programme, there is no sign that this global warming has slowed down.

Cue mass jubilation from a number of media outlets which, perhaps, ought to have known better – among them, the Independent, the Guardian, The Economist and Forbes magazine. To give you an idea of their self-righteous indignation at the supposed ignorance of climate change deniers, here is the Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson in full spate:

Read moreLying, Cheating Climate Scientists Caught Lying, Cheating Again

5.0 Gulf Of Aden Earthquake: Andromeda Council Sonic Beam Destroys Reptilian Base (Video)

For your information.

This underground base, as mentioned in the article below, has supposedly also been destroyed:

Former Governor Jesse Ventura – Secret Underground 2012 Base at Denver Airport

See also:

RT: Russians to Build 5000 Bomb Shelters in Moscow by 2012

Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S.) – US Has Been Building Large Scale Underground Cities – For 2012?

I am just posting this because WW III is/has been on the elitist agenda, starting in the middle east and then spreading from there throughout the entire world.

If  all these elitist bunkers get destroyed, then WW III will be (most probably) canceled and their NEW WORLD ORDER is in big trouble.

I could go more into detail why I have finally decided to post this ‘TOTALLY CRAZY’ material, but right now I  believe/think the time has not yet come to discuss that.

By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd

ED. NOTE: CAVEAT LECTOR – The opinions expressed in this article by interviewees are solely those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this reporter or Exopolitics.com. Thank you.

YouTube Added: 31.10.2011

5.0 Gulf of Aden quake: Andromeda Council sonic beam destroys reptilian base (Examiner, Nov. 1, 2011):

Confirmation – Destruction of Reptilian undersea base

In an exclusive Oct. 31, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview, the human representative of the Andromeda Council confirmed that a 5.0 earthquake reported by the U.S. Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) to have occurred in the Gulf of Aden at 1:22 am on October 31, 2011 was in fact an effect of a sonic beam weapons attack by the Procyon star system (members of the Andromeda Council) on a Draco & Reptilian undersea base located at the same coordinates as the epicenter of the Gulf of Aden earthquake. (See FIG A for U.S.G.S. map setting out the exact epicenter of the Gulf of Aden earthquake).

In an October 31, 2011 statement, Tolec, the human representative of the Andromeda Council stated, “Yes, I was able to confirm this event with the commander of the primary biosphere where many of the Andromeda Council meetings are held.  This was a strike by the Procyon people.  They’re just doing their job as promised.  This base in now completely collapsed & destroyed.”

Read more5.0 Gulf Of Aden Earthquake: Andromeda Council Sonic Beam Destroys Reptilian Base (Video)

The Fukushima Melt-Outs: Chernobyl Versus Fukushima – An Overview

What must be done for melt out (Fukushima Diary, Oct. 30th, 2011):

Currently, at least 3 reactors are having melt out.

Even Prof. Hiroaki  Koide from Kyoyo University, who has been the most insightful advisory of us says, there is no major risk of explosion as long as the fuel rods are underground.

Tepco announced they started building the impermeable wall on the sea side of reactor 1~4 on 10/28/2011. They say it takes 2 years to build.

However, in Chernobyl, the biggest concern was the explosion underground after melt out.

They put tons of human robots to settle it down.

They assumed if melted fuel touches the underground water vein, it would cause hydrovolcanic explosion so the entire area of Europe would be uninhabited.

Soviet union was also afraid of the contamination of river.

They ended up putting 800,000 people to settle it down and they suffer from severe health damage.

In Japan, everything is concealed and nobody seems concerned about hydrovolcanic explosion and water contamination though it is likely to be going on already.

Though Fukushima had container vessel, now that all of them were destroyed,the situation is similar to Chernobyl.

Roughly estimating,Chernobyl needed 800,000 people.

In Fukushima, reactors 1~6 are in crisis, which means 800,000×6=4,800,000 people are needed to dedicate their lives.

The video is very insightful.

It explains what Soviet did to avoid hydrovolcanic explosion.

600 pilots died.

10,000 coal miners were put (all in 20s or 30s) into digging the hole under the reactor, and at least 2500 of them died before 40s.

In short, we must pay 6 times more price for Fukushima.

Yes, nuclear is cheap, and environmentally friendly.


More info:

Read moreThe Fukushima Melt-Outs: Chernobyl Versus Fukushima – An Overview

8-Year-Old Girl Has Almost 3000 Bq/Kg of Radioactive Cesium Inside Her Body


Prof. Chris Busby On Children Suffering Heart Attacks In Fukushima

8 years old girl has 2,915 Bq of Cesium (Fukushima Diary, Oct. 31, 2011):

Fukushima local government made an innocent girl a radioactive material.

Minamisoma local government has finally published the result of WBC for 2,884 elementary and junior high school students.

They announced ONLY 274 of them had cesium-137, but the results about cesium-134 is concealed.

According to their trustworthy report, only 9 students had more than 20 Bq/kg, but data about cesium-134 is concealed.

The worst case was the 8 years old girl. She had:

  • Cesium-134: 1,192 Bq
  • Cesium-137: 1,723 Bq
  • Total: 2,915 Bq

No wonder they did not check other radioactive material, such as strontium or plutonium.


More info:

Japanese Physician’s Diagnose Radiation As Cause Of Unusual Changes In Children (Video)

Japanese Government Official Drinks Fukushima Nuclear Plant Water!

Tokyo’s High Radiation Supermarket: It’s Radium Again, Emitting 40 Millisieverts/Hr Radiation

Scientist Marco Kaltofen’s Presents Data To APHA Confirming Hot Particles – Highest US Topsoil Radioactive Cesium Findings Over 10,000% Higher Than Highest Findings By UC Berkeley – ENORMOUS Radiation Exposure To The Population In Japan After The Earthquake

Read more8-Year-Old Girl Has Almost 3000 Bq/Kg of Radioactive Cesium Inside Her Body

‘Cesium In Pollen Not Viewed As Health Risk’ (Japan Times) Versus ‘Actual Fukushima Worker Warns To Get Out Of Japan Before Spring Comes’

Actual Fukushima Worker Warns To Get Out Of Japan Before Spring Comes

These journalists are still NOT distinguishing between internal and external emitters:

Are There Safe Levels of Radiation? How Much Radiation Is Safe?:

Radiation exposure is increased by a factor of a trillion. Inhaling even the tiniest particle, that’s the danger.

Yo: So making comparisons with X-rays and CT scans has no meaning. Because you can breathe in radioactive material.

Hirose: That’s right. When it enters your body, there’s no telling where it will go. The biggest danger is women, especially pregnant women, and little children. Now they’re talking about iodine and cesium, but that’s only part of it, they’re not using the proper detection instruments. What they call monitoring means only measuring the amount of radiation in the air. Their instruments don’t eat. What they measure has no connection with the amount of radioactive material.

Dr. Helen Caldicott (Co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility):

The Propaganda From The Government And The Nuclear Industry About Low-Level Radiation Is Absolute Rubbish:

You’ve bought the propaganda from the nuclear industry. They say it’s low-level radiation. That’s absolute rubbish. If you inhale a millionth of a gram of plutonium, the surrounding cells receive a very, very high dose. Most die within that area, because it’s an alpha emitter. The cells on the periphery remain viable. They mutate, and the regulatory genes are damaged. Years later, that person develops cancer. Now, that’s true for radioactive iodine, that goes to the thyroid; cesium-137, that goes to the brain and muscles; strontium-90 goes to bone, causing bone cancer and leukemia. It’s imperative that you understand internal emitters and radiation, and it’s not low level to the cells that are exposed. Radiobiology is imperative to understand these days.”

If you are inhaling hot particles every day, then your health will certainly be affected.

Cesium in pollen not viewed as health risk (Japan Times, Nov. 1, 2011):

The Forestry Agency believes cedar pollen next spring contaminated by cesium fallout from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant will be well below the legal safety limit.

The exposure from inhaling cesium-contaminated cedar pollen circulating from Fukushima Prefecture will have a maximum radiation reading of 0.000132 microsievert per hour, the agency said, based on a recent calculation of fallout affecting cedar needles and leaves.

In June, the education and science ministry studied cedar leaves in the town of Kawamata, located about 45 km from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, and determined the cesium-134 and -137 levels ranged from 54,300 to 177,600 becquerels per kilogram.

The Forestry Agency used those results to estimate the radiation exposure from pollen grains. If the level of contamination was 177,600 becquerels per kilogram and the concentration of pollen grains — a gauge of pollen density that shows how many grains are floating in 1 cu. meter of air — was 2,207, the exposure would be equal to 0.000132 microsievert per hour.

On average, the concentration of pollen grains is 89 in the Kanto region, but the calculation used 2,207, the highest figure recorded in the region in the past eight years.

The legal radiation exposure limit is 1 millisievert per year. If someone is exposed to 0.12 microsievert per hour for 24 hours over 365 days, it would equal about 1.05 millisieverts per year.

However, the entire mechanism of radiation transfer through cedar pollen remains a mystery.

Read more‘Cesium In Pollen Not Viewed As Health Risk’ (Japan Times) Versus ‘Actual Fukushima Worker Warns To Get Out Of Japan Before Spring Comes’

Travel Nightmares Plague East Coast After Snowstorm – More Than 4 MILLION People In At Least 5 States Without Power

Travel nightmares plague East Coast after snowstorm (CNN, Oct. 30, 2011):

Airline passengers left stranded by a freak snowstorm that pounded the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states were waiting to get to their destinations Sunday, many after spending a restless night on cots or airport floors.

“Whatever kind of system they had, it completely and utterly broke down,” said passenger Fatimah Dahandari, who spent a night in Hartford, Connecticut’s Bradley International Airport while trying to get to New York. “It looks like a refugee camp in here.”

More than 4 million people in at least five states were without power Sunday as the storm moved offshore. Up to five deaths, some in traffic accidents, were blamed on the storm.

Read moreTravel Nightmares Plague East Coast After Snowstorm – More Than 4 MILLION People In At Least 5 States Without Power

Japanese Government Still Refusing To Evacuate Fukushima Children (Video)

This is ‘DECONTAMINATION’ in Japan:

AND NOW: 110 Volunteers and Residents to ‘DECONTAMINATE’ High Radiation Area in Fukushima City
(Visit the links that prove that Fukushima city should have been evacuated a long time ago.)

It looks like a cleaning exercise, but it really is a suicide mission.

This is your government at work …

AND NOW: Burned Radioactive Sewage Sludge Dumped In Tokyo Bay (Video)


AND NOW: Japanese Government BURNS HIGHLY RADIOACTIVE SOIL In New Experiment To Remove Radioactive Cesium (!!!)

And again, this is GENOCIDE!!!

The truth is: You are on your own.

YouTube Added: 30.10.2011

On the 27th of October 2011, Fukushima women met government officials in Tokyo to demand that the government evacuate Fukushima children immediately. But, the government official only repeated the government’s
policy of cleaning up the contaminated areas in Fukushima.

Read moreJapanese Government Still Refusing To Evacuate Fukushima Children (Video)

School In Kashiwa City: 3.52 Microsieverts/Hr – 200Km From Fukushima (Video)


On 29 Oct 2011, I measured radiation in front of a gate of an elementaly
school in Kiwa city, Chiba pref. Japan
The monitorinig place is 200 km from Fukushima Nuclear power plant, and 35
or 40 km to Tokyo, called “Tokyo Hot Spot”.
The monitor indicates 0.28 micro Sievert per hour in air at chest hight,
3.52 on roadside sand at ground level.
I am afraid that schildren’s lung may chatch the dust from this sand in dry
and windy days.
100m from this school, There is a Garbage Ash Landfill facilities of Kashiwa
It is told that radioactive materials are con densed in garbage ash. Kasiwa
city laid such high polluted ash in the landfill place near this elememtary
school till June 2011.
Measuring instrument is made of Ukraine. ECOTEST MKS-05.

More info:

Cesium-137 Flow Into Ocean 30 Times Greater Than Stated By TEPCO: Report (Kyodo)

Ocean Absorbed 79 Percent Of Fukushima Fallout – ‘High Concentrations’ Reached North America And Europe (Forbes, Oct. 29, 2011)

AND NOW: 110 Volunteers and Residents to ‘DECONTAMINATE’ High Radiation Area in Fukushima City

Fukushima Beef Now Officially Banned (BBC News – Video)

AND NOW: 110 Microsieverts Per Hour Detected At Tokyo Supermarket

France’s IRSN Estimate Of Radioactive Cesium-137 Leaked Into The Pacific Ocean: 27,100 Terabequerels = 20 Times TEPCO’s Estimate!

AND NOW: Burned Radioactive Sewage Sludge Dumped In Tokyo Bay (Video)

Kashiwa Government Insists Being Unable To Handle Radiation Hotspot On Its Own (Daily Yomiuri, Oct. 28, 2011)

Japan Considers Building New Capital In Case Of Emergency (Telegraph, Oct. 27, 2011)

Read moreSchool In Kashiwa City: 3.52 Microsieverts/Hr – 200Km From Fukushima (Video)

Snowstorm Pelts East Coast, Cuts Power To 2.3 Million – Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy: ‘If You Are Without Power, You Should Expect To Be Without Power For A Prolonged Period Of Time’ – States Of Emergency Declared In New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts And Parts Of New York (Video)

Snowstorm pelts East Coast, cuts power to more than 2M (USA Today, Oct. 30, 2011):

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) – A snowstorm with a ferocity more familiar in February than October socked the Northeast over the weekend, knocking out power to 2.3 million, snarling air and highway travel and dumping more than 2 feet of snow in a few spots as it slowly moved north out of New England. Officials warned it could be days before many see electricity restored.

The combination of heavy, wet snow, leaf-laden trees and frigid, gusting winds brought down limbs and power lines. At least three deaths were blamed on the weather, and states of emergency were declared in New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts and parts of New York.

“If you are without power, you should expect to be without power for a prolonged period of time,” Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy said Saturday night.

The storm worsened as it moved north, and communities in western Massachusetts were among the hardest hit. Snowfall totals topped 27 inches in Plainfield, and nearby Windsor had gotten 26 inches by early Sunday.

Read moreSnowstorm Pelts East Coast, Cuts Power To 2.3 Million – Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy: ‘If You Are Without Power, You Should Expect To Be Without Power For A Prolonged Period Of Time’ – States Of Emergency Declared In New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts And Parts Of New York (Video)

East Coast Snowstorm Cuts Power To 1.7 Million

Bayron Zamora, right, 15, and Jarell Finley, 17, look at a down tree as heavy snow created issues with down lines and trees during a rare October snowstorm that hit the Northern New Jersey region, Saturday, Oct. 29, 2011, in Lodi, N.J. (AP)

Early snow pelts East Coast, cuts power to 1.7M (AP, Oct. 29, 2011):

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) — An unusually early and powerful nor’easter dumped wet, heavy snow Saturday on parts of the mid-Atlantic region, weighing down or toppling leafy trees and power lines and knocking out electricity for 1.7 million as the storm headed toward New England.

Communities inland were getting hit hardest, with eastern Pennsylvania serving as the bull’s-eye for the storm, said National Weather Service spokesman Chris Vaccaro. Some places got more than half a foot of snow, and towns near the Maryland-Pennsylvania border saw 10 inches fall. And New York City’s Central Park set a record for both the date and the month of October with 1.3 inches of snow by midafternoon and more falling.

More than 1.7 million customers lost power from Maryland north through Massachusetts, and utilities were bringing in crews from other states to help restore it. Half a million in New Jersey were without power, including Gov. Chris Christie, and almost as many were in the dark in Connecticut and Pennsylvania. Both New Jersey and Connecticut declared states of emergencies.

Read moreEast Coast Snowstorm Cuts Power To 1.7 Million

Cesium-137 Flow Into Ocean 30 Times Greater Than Stated By TEPCO: Report (Kyodo)

Cesium-137 flow into sea 30 times greater than stated by TEPCO: report (Mainichi, Oct. 29, 2011):

PARIS (Kyodo) — The amount of radioactive cesium-137 that flowed into the Pacific after the start of Japan’s nuclear crisis was probably nearly 30 times the amount stated by Tokyo Electric Power Co. in May, according to a recent report by a French research institute.

The Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety said the amount of the isotope that flowed into the ocean from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant between March 21 and mid-July reached an estimated 27.1 quadrillion becquerels. A quadrillion is equivalent to 1,000 trillion.

Read moreCesium-137 Flow Into Ocean 30 Times Greater Than Stated By TEPCO: Report (Kyodo)

Ocean Absorbed 79 Percent Of Fukushima Fallout – ‘High Concentrations’ Reached North America And Europe (Forbes, Oct. 29, 2011)

The article/paper of the European Geosciences Union …

Xenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant: determination of the source term, atmospheric dispersion, and deposition

… appears to have been changed.

Ocean Absorbed 79 Percent Of Fukushima Fallout (Forbes, Oct. 29, 2011):

About 19 percent of airborne fallout from the Fukushima nuclear disaster was deposited in Japan, and only about 2 percent made it to other land areas in Asia and North America, according to a study published this week by the European Geosciences Union. The bulk was absorbed by the Pacific Ocean.

Opponents of nuclear energy have seized on the European study because it describes the total release at Fukushima as “massive.” It finds that twice as much cesium 137 was released at Fukushima than originally reported.

And it says “high concentrations” reached North America and Europe.

Read moreOcean Absorbed 79 Percent Of Fukushima Fallout – ‘High Concentrations’ Reached North America And Europe (Forbes, Oct. 29, 2011)

Prince Charles Says His Ancestry Can Be Traced Back To Vlad The Impaler, The Inspiration For Dracula

Mysterious: Bran Castle, home of Vlad the Impaler

The Prince of Wales’s 10-year battle to protect Dracula’s home and his yearning for Transylvania (Daily Mail, Oct. 29,  2011):

The last thing I expected was for Prince Charles to crack a joke about being descended from Dracula.

But when I spoke to him for my new TV show Wild Carpathia, he told me he can trace his ancestry back, through his great-grandmother Queen Mary, to the half-brother of Vlad the Impaler, the inspiration for Dracula. Prince Charles seemed quite amused by his dark lineage.

A friend took him to visit the monastery, near Bucharest, where Vlad is buried and showed him his grave. ‘So I do have a bit of a stake in the country,’ he joked. Prince Charles has been visiting Transylvania – the home of his infamous ancestor – for more than a decade and feels passionately that it’s the last corner of Europe where there’s still a real balance between mankind and nature.

And it needs to be preserved, not just for its incredible biodiversity but because it nourishes the soul. To visit Transylvania (part of modernday Romania) and the Carpathian mountains is to enter a time warp. It’s one of the last great wildernesses in Europe, where bears, wolves and lynx roam a medieval land in which farmers and shepherds live as they’ve done for hundreds of years. Prince Charles has fallen in love with this place, and so have I.

Read morePrince Charles Says His Ancestry Can Be Traced Back To Vlad The Impaler, The Inspiration For Dracula

Fukushima Beef Now Officially Banned (BBC News – Video)

From the video:

“In the air radiation can’t be carried very far from the crippled nuclear plant.”

What can you say?

YouTube Added: 28.10.2011

This video is a news report on the Fukushima nuclear disaster forcing a ban on exports of beef and the nuclear power plant still leaking as of Oct 28th 2011. This is something that the governments and officials are trying to hide as much as possible. This is a serious matter and the truth needs to be told.

More info:

AND NOW: 110 Microsieverts Per Hour Detected At Tokyo Supermarket

France’s IRSN Estimate Of Radioactive Cesium-137 Leaked Into The Pacific Ocean: 27,100 Terabequerels = 20 Times TEPCO’s Estimate!

AND NOW: Burned Radioactive Sewage Sludge Dumped In Tokyo Bay (Video)

Kashiwa Government Insists Being Unable To Handle Radiation Hotspot On Its Own (Daily Yomiuri, Oct. 28, 2011)

Japan Considers Building New Capital In Case Of Emergency (Telegraph, Oct. 27, 2011)

Read moreFukushima Beef Now Officially Banned (BBC News – Video)

AND NOW: 110 Volunteers and Residents to ‘DECONTAMINATE’ High Radiation Area in Fukushima City

What are you doing???

This is not a cleaning problem!!!

Fukushima city should have been evacuated (a long time ago), not decontaminated.


Researchers Find 6.15 MILLION Becquerels Per Square Metre In Fukushima City (Over 290,000 People), 4 Times Higher Than Chernobyl Mandatory Evacuation Area

Prof. Chris Busby: Fukushima Like the TITANIC – The Japanese Government Is Completely Out Of Order And If It Continuous Its Course Of Action Then It Is A Criminal Organization – ‘I Am Too Frightened To Go Closer To Meltdowns Than 100 Km’ Because Of High Levels Of Radiation

Evacuate FUKUSHIMA: Japanese Journalist Takashi Hirose: ‘It’s Like Killing Our Own Children, I Cannot Allow It To Happen’ – Teachers Force School Children To Eat Food That Their Parents Told Them Not To Eat

Prof. Chris Busby On HOT PARTICLES – ‘The Citizens Of Fukushima Are Living In An Area Which The Soviet Union Would Have Considered To Be An Exclusion Zone In Terms Of Radioactivity’!

WAKE-UP CALL: Prof. Tatsuhiko Kodama of Tokyo University To Japan Government ‘Shaking With Anger’: ‘What Are You Doing?’ (Part 1, 2, 3)

Kobe University Radiation Expert Prof. Tomoya Yamauchi On Fukushima City (290,000 People): ‘Evacuation Must Be Conducted As Soon As Possible’

Alert: Greenpeace Radiation Measurements In Fukushima City: Hot Spots At 500-700 Times Normal!!! (Video)

Fukushima City (Over 290,000 People) Is In Danger: Greenpeace Detects Cobalt-60 And High Radiation ‘Hot Spots’ – Children Should Be Evacuated Immediately

Prof. Hiroaki Koide of Kyoto University On The UGLY TRUTH About The Nuclear Disasters Of Chernobyl And Fukushima (Video)

Fukushima Now Equal To 50 Plus Chernobyls & 3,000 Billion Lethal Doses Of Radiation

110 Volunteers and Residents to “Decon” High Radiation Area in Fukushima City (EX-SKF, Oct. 28, 2011):

Everybody knows the decon doesn’t work, everybody rolls with their fingers crossed. Everybody knows the war is over, everybody knows the good guys lost. But so it goes, and everybody knows.

Or not. Maybe not these 110 volunteers from all over the country with good intentions, who chose to go to one of the very high radiation area (Onami District) in Fukushima City in Fukushima Prefecture to do the decontamination work.

Part of Onami District was “decontaminated” back in August as the “model” decontamination by the cleaning contractors hired by the city. In most locations, the radiation was hardly reduced, and in some locations the radiation after the “decontamination” went up. (Take a look at the results of the decon in August in my Japanese blog post.)

As you see in the photo by Yomiuri Shinbun, the district is in the mountains. Radioactive materials will continue to come from the mountains, no matter how (and how many times) they “decon” the roads and houses.

But Japanese media reports the effort by the volunteers and the residents of Onami District of Fukushima City trying to decontaminate, as if it’s a good thing. This one from Yomiuri Shinbun (10/29/2011):


On October 29, decontamination work started in Onami District in Fukushima Prefecture with volunteers and the residents participating.

Read moreAND NOW: 110 Volunteers and Residents to ‘DECONTAMINATE’ High Radiation Area in Fukushima City

AND NOW: 110 Microsieverts Per Hour Detected At Tokyo Supermarket

Breaking News: 110 micro Sv/h in Setagaya (Fukushima Diary, Oct. 28, 2011):

In Setagaya, Tokyo, ward mayor held an emergency press conference at 10PM, 10/28/2011.

They announced that they measured 110 micro Sv/h near a supermarket, “Powerlarks Setagaya” in Setagaya Yawatayama.

Now they are conducting the further investigation with Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to deceive us as soon as possible.

Read moreAND NOW: 110 Microsieverts Per Hour Detected At Tokyo Supermarket

France’s IRSN Estimate Of Radioactive Cesium-137 Leaked Into The Pacific Ocean: 27,100 Terabequerels = 20 Times TEPCO’s Estimate!

France’s IRSN New Estimate on Amount of Cesium-137 into the Pacific Ocean: 27,100 Terabequerels, or 20 Times TEPCO’s Estimate (EX-SKF, October 27, 2011):

From Jiji Tsushin (10/28/2011):

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On October 27, the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN, Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire) of France announced its research report in which the researchers estimated the total amount of radioactive cesium-137 leaked from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean was 27,100 terrabecquerels from March 21 to mid July. The IRSN estimate is 20 times as much as the estimate announced in June by TEPCO.

Read moreFrance’s IRSN Estimate Of Radioactive Cesium-137 Leaked Into The Pacific Ocean: 27,100 Terabequerels = 20 Times TEPCO’s Estimate!