SWITZERLAND passes law that will deny citizenship to virtually all migrants and asylum seekers

SWITZERLAND passes law that will deny citizenship to virtually all Muslim migrants and asylum seekers:

A new civil rights act has come into force in Switzerland that will deny applications for citizenship to migrants and those seeking asylum who have been receiving welfare payments in any of the past three years unless they pay back all the money they have received from the state.

Breitbart  The new regulations will make it impossible for asylum seekers and migrants who have lived off state handouts in the last three years to become citizens even if they have lived in Switzerland as permanent residents for the required time to make a citizenship application, Kronen Zeitung reports.

Along with the welfare stipulation, the new act requires migrants to demonstrate a greater level of integration than before including making them prove they have a certain number of Swiss friends and acquaintances.

Various cantons and cities in Switzerland have attempted to push back against the tide of migrants by making it less appealing for them to come to the country. Late last year, the city of Zurich voted to dramatically cut benefits to failed asylum seekers who were in so-called “F-status” in which they cannot be deported.

Many of the migrants entering Switzerland have also come without any form of identification, making it even more difficult to process their asylum claim or deport those not approved for asylum status.

Swiss national councillor Simonetta Sommaruga revealed late last year that the government is unaware of the true identity of nine out of 10 asylum seekers in the country.  

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