Air Pollution Caused 4.2 Million Early Deaths Worldwide – New Study

Air Pollution Caused 4.2 Million Early Deaths Worldwide – New Study


H/t reader squodgy:

“Together with BigAgri land pollution, River Pollution, Plastic oceans, Chemtrails, it definitely looks like we the people have allowed the Industrial Complex to poison our biosphere.
We deserve it all for trusting greedy people.”

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2 thoughts on “Air Pollution Caused 4.2 Million Early Deaths Worldwide – New Study”

  1. India’s death rate from Air Pollution accounts for about one quarter of the world total of 4.2 million (six hundredths of one percent).
    Roughly the same percentage of the Indian population which is also roughly just under one quarter of the World total.

    So, where has the pollution come from? Big US Global Corporations greasing palms to install polluting factories with minimal regulation.

    The Economic HitMan Strikes again!

    Anyone remember Union Carbide in Bopal?


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