Coldest Dec 16 in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia in 135 years

Coldest Dec 16 in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia in 135 years:

Record lows in both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. One record goes back to 1881, another back to 1883.


Weather summary by Environment Canada

The following stations set a daily minimum temperature record on December 16, 2016:

Grand Manan
New record of -20.9 C (-5.6 F)
Old record of -20.0 (-4.0 F) set in 1883
Records in this area have been kept since 1883

Miscou Island
New record of -15.2 (4.6 F)
Old record of -14.1 (6.6 F) set in 2004
Records in this area have been kept since 1957


The following stations set a daily minimum temperature record on December 16, 2016:

Brier Island
New record of -15.1 (4.8 F)
Old record of -12.8 (9.0 F) set in 1951
Records in this area have been kept since 1937

New record of -15.6 (3.9 F)
Old record of -15.0 (5.0 F) set in 1881
Records in this area have been kept since 1871

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