Bilderberg Merkel: NO UPPER LIMIT For Refugees

Elite puppet Angela Merkel.

Additional confirmation for German readers:

Merkel bleibt hart: Keine Obergrenze für Flüchtlinge (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)

And if you visit the link above you can see that she did the hand sign AGAIN:


Keine Obergrenze für Flüchtlinge: Merkel erteilt Seehofer eine Absage (n-tv)

“Das Grundrecht auf Asyl kennt keine Obergrenze” (Süddeutsche Zeitung)


No upper limit for Refugees: Merkel issued Seehofer cancellation:

Chancellor Angela Merkel has rejected the CSU party, a ceiling for the reception of refugees again.

The CDU leader spoke out in favor of Munich, to protect the national borders to find European solutions to combat causes of flight.

This we save lives and we are the number of refugees reduce .With this approach we can make it as distinct from a unilaterally set upper limit, a national ceiling, to act in the interests of all , said Merkel.

The Chancellor demanded that the refugee crisis must be solved so that the European Union and the freedom of the Schengen agreement would take no harm.

Related info:

Staged Migrant Crisis To Bring About Merkel’s Downfall

Let’s see how long it will take until these people will feel very stupid indeed:

Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here

Related info:

German Hospital Forced to Hire Security Guards After ‘Refugees’ Physically Attack Nurses


Germany: Migration Crisis Becomes Public Health Crisis

AND NOW: Merkel Wants To Promote Immigration To Germany In Africa

US Ayn Rand Institute Promoting Muslim Migration to Germany

With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations (Video):

Refugees destroy Austrian town; women called ‘Christian whores,’ garbage and feces flood streets

As I’ve said many times before, the elitists have planned the greatest economic collapse, civil war and WW3 for us.

The ‘migrant crisis’ – or whatever you want to call it – is just part of the plan.

And the elitists are, like always, using ‘divide et impera’ to accomplish their plans.

They will, again, turn humans against humans to accomplish their goals.

WW2 has been a staged event and we are on the road to WW3.

And all of this is part of the plan.

(Why is it that most of those refugees are young males? Shouldn’t they mainly consist of women & children and elderly people? You wouldn’t believe how many of those migrants have ‘lost’ their passports and own the newest iPhone. And it is not reported in the media that several states in Germany have already declared a state of emergency, because those mainly young male migrants just go into supermarkets and stores, eat and drink whatever they want and take with them whatever they want, leaving a total mess. Many supermarkets/stores refuse to open without police protection and will not let more than 6 refugees inside. Many stores are not even filling up the shelves anymore. Police forces are totally overstretched. Fights between migrants are constantly breaking out on a daily basis, needing hundreds of police just to get things back under control. Then refugees are just disappearing, even entire camps just have disappeared. Also German police forces have found 3 containers full of weapons. About the containers in Germany I do have direct confirmation. There has been no report in the totally controlled media about this.)

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