The Latest Thing In China: Brokers Refusing Sell Orders

china no selling

The Latest Thing In China: Brokers Refusing Sell Orders (ZeroHedge, July 10, 2015):

Just think of it as brokers doing you a favor: do you really want to be arrested for “malicious” selling?

So why even bother with the pretense of “markets”, and not only in China, but in Japan, Europe, Switzerland, the US and everywhere else where central banks have directly injected $22 trillion in artificial liquidity in the past 7 years to keep the illusion afloat?

Think of how much more productive the economy will be if central banks assure that markets will close higher by 1% every day in perpetuity. Consider the amount of free time Wall Street’s brilliant “financial engineers” will have to allocate to socially useful activities for once.


1 thought on “The Latest Thing In China: Brokers Refusing Sell Orders”

  1. This is serious stuff.

    The entire western economy has leaned on China to pull us out of the economic malaise we have suffered since 2008…..

    Now, it is obvious China is even worse off than we are because their leadership is totally corrupt….A lot of US corporations are going to get badly stung.

    This is going to affect the US, European & Japanese markets…..This site has been covering this problem, but few want to face what is upon us.

    Allowing people to put up their houses to buy stock creates a bubble unlike any I have ever seen. That (if possible) creates more empty air than Mortgage Backed Securities…..but, that is what China has allowed. The bubble is broken.

    Now outlawing any open market activities… stupid is that? That will generate a panic unlike anything we have seen in our lifetimes.

    The bubble has broken, its effects will be felt all over the world.
    Add in the mess in the Euro…….?
    The debt level in the US……..?
    I don’t see anything good coming out of this…….


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