Norwegian Meterologist Recognizes That It Has Been Unusually Cold In Norway

Norwegian meterologist recognizes that it has been unusually cold in Norway (Ice Age Now, July 5, 2015):

Warns that longer-term weather prospects for July are far from summerlike, with forecasts the worst for Central-Northern Norway.

“As we see it now, the wave of warm weather we expect during the first several days of July will be blown away by a colder type of weather, and we’ll head back into the kind of period we’ve had earlier,” Geir Kjærnli, a senior consultant at the state Meteorological Institute, told website

He noted that “normal average temperatures” logged over a period from 1960 to 1990 may prevail, according to his colleagues at the European weather center in Reading, England: 12.4C in Tromsø, 15C in Trondheim, 15.8C in Bergen and 17C in Oslo.

Asked why both the air and water temperatures were likely to be so cold, Kjærnli cited the “polar front” that forms a divider between the warm air from sub-tropical areas and the cold air from the Arctic. This summer, the polar front has been lying south of Norway, keeping Scandinavia and parts of Northern Europe unusually cold and rainy.

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