Consumer Confidence Surges To Highest Since The Last Time Markets Crashed


“Some folks” will get wiped out.

Consumer Confidence Surges To Highest Since The Last Time Markets Crashed (ZeroHedge, Jan 27, 2015):

Despite stagnant wages, surging jobless claims, and global geopolitical anxiety, US consumers have not been this exuberant since August 2007… a month before the great quant fund blow-up and the top of US equities… But it’s different this time, we’re got money-printing and low oil prices… right? Texas confidence plunged from 119.4 to 111.9 (led by a huige crash in expectations from 95.8 to 83.5). Finally, expectations for higher incomes in the next 6 months surged higher – almost at record levels of hope – despite the slump in hourly average earnings.


3 thoughts on “Consumer Confidence Surges To Highest Since The Last Time Markets Crashed”

  1. I never get asked my opinion on those polls. I was polled once, asked what I thought of GW Bush. When I said he was a terrible president, they hung up on me. Never been polled since.

    Some of the more ignorant people think cheaper gas is a good sign…..perhaps they are polling them. For those of us who know better…………..we don’t get polled, so I don’t believe any of their data because it is rigged. I have designed many surveys in my life to collect real information, not twisted rubbish, and I know when a poll is stacked……….like a deck of cards. They ask questions in ways one can only answer yes or no. It is rubbish.


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