Wheelchair-Bound Man Pushed Off Curb Face-First By Evil Cop (Video)

Wheelchair-bound man pushed off curb face-first by evil cop (Intellihub, Jan 25, 2015):

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (INTELLIHUB) — At around 4 p.m. on the corner of Hahn St. and Sunnydale Ave. a wheelchair-bound man was pushed off of the curb, into the street, face-first, by a thuggish police officer who was in the process of detaining the crippled man’s cousin.

While the man in the wheelchair didn’t hit the pavement, he nearly fell out of his motorized chair as the cop tipped him forward in a full-on display of power.

“You don’t do a handicapped person like that”, said one bystander.

This incident is now under investigation by Internal Affairs.

“I’m waiting for the police officer to get removed from the force.”, said the man in an interview with KPIX 5.

1 thought on “Wheelchair-Bound Man Pushed Off Curb Face-First By Evil Cop (Video)”

  1. He will have a long wait. Until it is removed from internal affairs (investigating oneself) to a public group, nothing will get better, just worse. I have known SF cops, and the only thing that kept them from worse violence was law and outside powers. Left to themselves, they are a violent bunch…..Now, I don’t mean all S.F. Cops I have known, just ones who have told me their stories………….and all are violent.


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