American Public Supports Torture … Because They Don’t Know THIS

IF the American public really supports torture, then it is because they do NOT want to know ANYTHING these days (because with knowledge comes responsibility) except what’s on TV.

And the mind-controlled people of other countries are no different.

You talk to a student studying economics these days (with an IQ way above 140).

They know NOTHING about the Fed, NOTHING about QE, NOTHING about derivatives, NOTHING about the financial crisis, NOTHING about what is happening in Europe.

I guess they wouldn’t find Cyprus on a map and they probably think that “PIIGS” are raised on (factory) farms.

In short they know NOTHING about what is relevant and they have no idea what is lying ahead of us.

So why would we expect the general American public to know anything or even want to know anything other than what they are bombarded with on a daily basis by MSM?


American Public Supports Torture … Because They Don’t Know THIS (Washington’s Blog, Dec 17, 2014):

New polls show that – even after the Senate torture report showed that torture is unnecessary and doesn’t work – Americans still think torture is necessary and works.


Because they still don’t know the truth … because the mainstream media has hidden it from them. Specifically, Americans still believe that torture works to produce helpful intelligence that helps keep us safe.

Americans wouldn’t support torture if they knew the following facts, proven beyond any doubt:




  • The detainees held up as “poster boy” justifications for torture actually prove the opposite

(Note: Other polls reach very different conclusions about Americans’ acceptance of torture.)

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