SHASTA, CA: Public Hearing On Covert Chemtrail Operation (Video)

Added: Jul 17, 2014


Subject: Chemtrails
Public hearing July 15th, 2014 Shasta County Air Quality Management Board Discussing GEOENGINEERING CHEMTRAILS R-7

Expert Testimony
Dane Wigington opens the argument with the destructive chemtrails overall view., USAF Weatherman/Wildlife Biologist Alan Buckman,Biologists-scientist Francis Mangels, Airline Pilot Jeff Nelson discusses the contrail VS Chemtrail, Neurologists,
Russ Lazuka USAF Vet talks about Evergreen Aviation, Planes with no passengers on board, no squack codes (more formally transponder code), a four-digit number sent out by an aircraft’s , and over a mile long chemtrails Dr.Frank Lavosse also a pilot (steps in for Fred Meyers) talks about chemtrails in Hawaii, Quebec, Maine, Mass. talks about those employees who load these planes are in Hazmat outfits, 25% increase in lung problems because of micronized aluminum, Mark MacCandlish, secret clearance in USAF, consultant to Aerospace Companies, worked on classified systems discusses the size of NANO and what it means. MacCandlish states: ” When you look up at the sun and you see a white haze, that is aluminum floating in the air right now, and it’s coming from the aircraft.” He also discussed how chemtrails suppress the immune system, simply by breathing the air. NASA conducted a program called metalized hybrid fuel systems. ,Dr. Steve Davis resident of 30 years of Shasta speaks of the contaminants.

“People that are loading their planes with the chemical are dressed in complete hazmat outfits,” one man said at the meeting, according to KCRC. “So if this is not harmful, why are they in a complete hazmat outfit?”

The Shasta County board voted to send information from the meeting to the Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board, as well as legislators. They plan to see if a local national park has access to equipment that can measure nanoparticles in the environment to measure the potential for chemicals.

“They say they have a lot of science, they presented us a lot of information and I think it’s important for us to have that public discussion,” Supervisor Pam Giacomoni said of the group that spoke at the meeting, according to the Record Searchlight.

Other discussions: The ultimate issue goes beyond the board of Supervisors

Federal and States codes, regulations,& limitations and policies were discussed. Air Quality Management issues rules, development, maintenance of monitoring equipment etc.

The district feels that this is beyond there local capacity regarding the complaints filed today. He stated that aluminum is monitored. Other items Discussed were reduction of diesel vehicle emissions through grant programs ( retrofitting or replacing engines) and he stated that the expert testimonies today may very well be attributed to diesel emissions as well.

Conclusion: Air Quality Management District took a vote and it was unanimous to further look into the matter of nano aluminum environmental disaster caused by chemtrails, and a DEMAND for a response.

THE TRUTH DENIED is a collection from The Truth Denied Team of Investigations regarding environmental hazards,, researchers and Radio Show Hosts with subject matters such as Conspiracy in Government, Chemtrails, Aerosol Spraying, GMO, Morgellons Gang Stalking, Alien Implants, Disease, Health and Healing, NWO Agendas, Nano Technology,alternative media,Weaponizing Space, Transhumanism, Alien Bases and Technology, Healing,Nutrition & Health, Spirituality, Outer Space,UFO sightings,HAARP,Morgellons Disease, Disease, Iluminatti, secret societies, Matrix,Government,Mythology, archeology ,Ancient Aliens, Astrology,Agenda 21 Topics, Smart Meters and Conspiracy Theories that are really Facts for the public. We are a volunteer organization.

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