Alarm Bells Ringing: Behind The Smoke And Mirrors Of The European Banking System

Alarm Bells Ringing: Behind The Smoke And Mirrors Of The European Banking System (ZeroHedge, Aug 2, 2014):

Alarm bells in the European banking system have been ringing for quite a while but nobody seems to be listening. The roaring capital markets are just too loud. But we have been keeping track of a few things.

1 thought on “Alarm Bells Ringing: Behind The Smoke And Mirrors Of The European Banking System”

  1. This is where the denial game comes into play yet again.
    In 2004, right after Bush got “re-elected” (My eye, people stood in line to vote for hours to get rid of that jerk) I was in the senior center in a large town not far from me. One old man pushing a cart, and an old woman in the same condition were talking. The old woman expressed delight that bush had been re-elected. She said he worked so hard and tried so much to make things better.
    Had I false teeth, I would have swallowed them in disbelief.
    How people cling to the chains that bind them! That was in the top 5 of the sickest exchanges I ever heard.
    How pathetic.
    How sick,
    How lost……….
    Right after 911, I was trying to find a number is one of the worst trailer places I have ever seen. I passed one that had American flags pasted all over his house……I really wish I had my camera and night vision equipment that night.
    People are so lost, they cannot recognize what is happening here, so they paint pretty pictures for themselves.
    Are we that mindless?
    I no longer know. The America I grew up in is so far gone as to be unrecognizable…….
    Thanks for all you do.


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