The Nuclear Empire Strikes Back: Outrage Derails Manga Series ‘Oishinbo’ For Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Depiction

How dare Tetsu Kariya depict the ‘bloody’ truth!


Fukushima Insanity In Japan … You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!


Outrage derails manga series ‘Oishinbo’ for Fukushima nuclear crisis depiction (JiJi, May 18, 2014):

Shogakukan Inc. will suspend its “Oishinbo” manga series after recent installments came under fire for suggesting residents of Fukushima Prefecture had been sickened or hurt by radioactive fallout from nuclear disaster, sources said.

“Oishinbo” will not appear in the publisher’s weekly Big Comic Spirits magazine starting from the May 26 issue, the sources said Saturday. Shogakukan was to announce the decision in Monday’s issue.

Monday’s issue will contain comments by the weekly’s chief editor, Hiroshi Murayama, who is expected to note his responsibility for the criticism, while adding he and other editors will work to better review such depictions in the series.

The upcoming issue will devote 10 pages to the opinions of 13 experts about the scenes in question. It will also run letters of protest from the Fukushima Prefectural Government, the town of Futaba, which cohosts the damaged nuclear plant, and letters from both the city and prefecture of Osaka.

The city of Osaka offered to dispose of tainted debris generated by the March 2011 quake and tsunami.

The upcoming issue will be the final episode of the manga’s “The Truth about Fukushima” series. In the installment, the main characters visit a livestock farming family that moved from Iitate, near the stricken plant, to Hokkaido. The characters conclude that those who leave the disaster-hit prefecture must call for state compensation for anyone who wishes to leave it.

The controversy erupted after the manga depicted the effects of radiation exposure by showing the main character suffering nosebleeds after visiting the wrecked Fukushima No. 1 plant and by having another character, modeled after a former Futaba mayor, warn people not to live in the prefecture.

Another character called attention to the health effects of tainted debris on Osakans.

2 thoughts on “The Nuclear Empire Strikes Back: Outrage Derails Manga Series ‘Oishinbo’ For Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Depiction”

  1. Speak no truth.
    Read no truth.
    Know nothing.
    That is what their leaders want. If they are fool enough to knuckle under, they deserve it.
    When will anyone show some guts?
    The bastards ought to be facing the world court for mass genocide on a scale never seen before.
    But, you need honest people, those who work by the law, not by greedy guts special interests. I hope they send all their leaders to live in Fukushima.

  2. More on the sentencing of the girl beaten into seizures by NY cop……she is facing years in prison for elbowing a cop who grabbed her by the breast behind her, she elbowed him….no kidding, that would hurt…….and she was thrown to the ground and beaten into seizures………no bail, she is now at Rikers.


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