Student Loans Soar To Record $1.111 Trillion, Up 12% In Past Year

Student Loans Soar To Record $1.111 Trillion, Up 12% In Past Year (ZeroHedge, May 13, 2014):

We have covered the topic of the student loan bubble extensively in the past so we won’t waste more digital ink on where it comes from or what it means for the troubled US consumer, suffice to report that according to the Fed, in Q1 total Federal student loans rose by another $31 billion to a record $1.11 trillion, and up a whopping $125 billion, or 12% from this time last year.


1 thought on “Student Loans Soar To Record $1.111 Trillion, Up 12% In Past Year”

  1. Is there the remotest chance in this diminishing world economy that these poor, naive kids will ever be able to pay off the jew bankers?
    Or is it all just the next phase in the latest version of serfdom….but this time to jew banksters?


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