Joe Biden On MSNBC: Obama Considering ‘Executive Order’ To Enact Gun Control (Video)

Will Obama Use An Executive Order To Enact Gun Control? (ZeroHedge, Jan 9, 2013):

Moments ago, MSNBC showed a clip in which “gun tzar” VP Joe Biden made it clear that “the President is going to act” on the issue of gun control, and that “executive orders and executive action can be taken.” Of course “can” does not mean “will” as the fallout from an executive order bypassing Congress would be rather dramatic, especially on a topic so near and dear to at least half of America, and the response, to put it mildly, would make the Piers Morgan vs Alex Jones screaming match seems like a tranquil discussion between two dignified stoics. If “can” however, does become “will“, America may have far bigger issues over the next two months than the debt ceiling, kicking the sequester down another several months, or even the quadrillion yen tuna.

Biden: Obama Considering ‘Executive Order’ to Deal With Guns

YouTube Added: 09.01.2013

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