Driving By San Onofre Nuke Plant Generator, Geiger Counter Spikes At 329 CPM (Video)

YouTube Added: 29.11.2012


Just drove by San Onofre nuke plant and they have one of the old SG in front of the plant in the road and my irad geiger counter spiked at 329 CPM

1 thought on “Driving By San Onofre Nuke Plant Generator, Geiger Counter Spikes At 329 CPM (Video)”

  1. Glaciers are melting at 61% faster rate than estimated. Does anyone really believe the ongoing Japan disaster, and leaks like this are not contributing? They might be doing far more damage than the oil and gas people……I don’t know, I am a historian, not a scientist.
    I wrote Arnie Gunderson, and asked him if this radiation was contributing to the melting of the glaciers. He never replied.
    Thanks so much for staying on these important stories. People need to know the truth.


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