Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe Asked To Be UN’s New International Envoy For Tourism

The Zimbabwe president, accused of ethnic cleansing and bankrupting his country, asked to champion tourism

Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe has been asked by the UN to champion tourism. Photograph: Aaron Ufumeli/EPA/Corbis

Robert Mugabe asked to be UN ‘leader for tourism’ (Guardian, May 29, 2012):

With a line-up that includes Drew Barrymore, David Beckham, Orlando Bloom, and Ricky Martin, the UN’s choice of ambassadors has been known to cause raised eyebrows or the odd smirk.

Seldom, however, has there been such anger, or questioning of the organisation’s credibility, as that greeting the appointment of a new international envoy for tourism: Robert Mugabe.

Improbable as it seems, the Zimbabwean president, who is widely accused of ethnic cleansing, rigging elections, terrorising opposition, controlling media and presiding over a collapsed economy, has been endorsed as a champion of efforts to boost global holidaymaking.

Despite that fact Mugabe, 88, is under a travel ban, he has been honoured as a “leader for tourism” by the UN’s World Tourism Organisation, along with his political ally, Zambian president Michael Sata, 75. The pair signed an agreement with UNWTO secretary general Taleb Rifai at their shared border at Victoria Falls on Tuesday.

Read moreZimbabwe President Robert Mugabe Asked To Be UN’s New International Envoy For Tourism

Obama Regime Re-Defined ‘Militant’ To Mean ‘All Military-Age Males In A Strike Zone’ To Avoid Counting Civilian Deaths

And …

‘War is Peace’

To avoid counting civilian deaths, Obama re-defined “militant” to mean “all military-age males in a strike zone”

“Militants”: media propaganda (Salon, May 29, 2012):

Virtually every time the U.S. fires a missile from a drone and ends the lives of Muslims, Americanmediaoutletsdutifullytrumpetin

headlines that the dead were ”militants” – even though those media outlets literally do not have the slightestideaof whowasactually killed. They simply cite always-unnamed “officials” claiming that the dead were “militants.” It’s the most obvious and inexcusable form of rank propaganda: media outlets continuously propagating a vital claim without having the slightest idea if it’s true.

This practice continues even though key Obama officials have been caught lying, a term used advisedly, about how many civilians they’re killing. I’ve written and said many times before that in American media discourse, the definition of “militant” is any human being whose life is extinguished when an American missile or bomb detonates (that term was even used when Anwar Awlaki’s 16-year-old American son, Abdulrahman, was killed by a U.S. drone in Yemen two weeks after a drone killed his father, even though nobody claims the teenager was anything but completely innocent: “Another U.S. Drone Strike Kills Militants in Yemen”).

This morning, the New York Times has a very lengthy and detailed article about President Obama’s counter-Terrorism policies based on interviews with “three dozen of his current and former advisers.” I’m writing separately about the numerous revelations contained in that article, but want specifically to highlight this one vital passage about how the Obama administration determines who is a “militant.” The article explains that Obama’s rhetorical emphasis on avoiding civilian deaths “did not significantly change” the drone program, because Obama himself simply expanded the definition of a “militant” to ensure that it includes virtually everyone killed by his drone strikes. Just read this remarkable passage:

Mr. Obama embraced a disputed method for counting civilian casualties that did little to box him in. It in effect counts all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants, according to several administration officials, unless there is explicit intelligence posthumously proving them innocent.

Read moreObama Regime Re-Defined ‘Militant’ To Mean ‘All Military-Age Males In A Strike Zone’ To Avoid Counting Civilian Deaths

Before Vaccinating Your Children, Demand Your Doctor Sign THIS FORM!

Before vaccinating your children, demand your doctor sign this form (Natural News, May 29, 2012)

If you were to ask the average pediatrician practicing in America today what he or she thinks about childhood vaccinations, the likely response you would get would be that vaccines are safe and effective, and that their health benefits far outweigh any potential risks. But would these same pediatricians be willing to put their money where their mouth is by signing a warranty of vaccine safety, complete with documented, scientific evidence, that waives their legal immunity in the event of serious injury or death?

Building upon an earlier template originally developed by Ken Anderson from MakeMeYounger.com, PreventDisease.com has come up with an ingenious waiver form called the Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety that every parent needs to read and consider before even thinking about vaccinating a child. If vaccines are abundantly safe for young children, as we are all repeatedly told, then no doctor should have a problem signing a Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety declaring a number of things to be true, or not true, about vaccines.

Read moreBefore Vaccinating Your Children, Demand Your Doctor Sign THIS FORM!

Should We Hide Low-Dose Radiation Exposures From The Public? (Forbes)

Inhaling 5 hot particles per day in Seattle can hardly be called a low radiation dose, …

… if you understand internal emitters.

Columbia Medical Professor: Inhaling Just One Radioactive Hot Particle Can Cause Cancer (Video)

?- Should We Hide Low-Dose Radiation Exposures From The Public? (Forbes, May 29, 2012):

When fallout from the Fukushima nuclear disaster began appearing last Spring in U.S. air, rainwater, drinking water, and milk, many U.S. media outlets ignored the story.

It was a difficult story to cover. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was releasing raw data erratically, sometimes late on Friday afternoons, and reporters either had to possess radiation expertise or take a crash course in picocuries, millisieverts, MCLs and DILs.

It was much easier for reporters to accept reassurances from government officials that the fallout drifting across the U.S. was “well below levels of public concern.” And it was much easier to heed pleas from government and industry that we not alarm the public.

Read moreShould We Hide Low-Dose Radiation Exposures From The Public? (Forbes)

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Washington’s Hypocrisies – ‘The US Government Is The Second Worst Human Rights Abuser On The Planet And The Sole Enabler Of The Worst–Israel’

See also:

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Recovery Or Collapse? Bet On Collapse! – ‘In The End, The Financial Crisis Could Destroy Western Civilization’

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Disinformation On Every Front

An article about Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:

Mindless Masses (Veterans Today)

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

The US government is the second worst human rights abuser on the planet and the sole enabler of the worst–Israel. But this doesn’t hamper Washington from pointing the finger elsewhere.

The US State Department’s “human rights report” focuses its ire on Iran and Syria, two countries whose real sin is their independence from Washington, and on the bogyman- in-the-making–China, the country selected for the role of Washington’s new Cold War enemy.

Hillary Clinton, another in a long line of unqualified Secretaries of State, informed “governments around the world: we are watching, and we are holding you accountable,” only we are not holding ourselves accountable or Washington’s allies like Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the NATO puppets.

Hillary also made it “clear to citizens and activists everywhere: You are not alone. We are standing with you,” only not with protesters at the Chicago NATO summit or with the Occupy Wall Street protesters, or anywhere else in the US where there are protests. (ref)

The State Department stands with the protesters funded by the US in the countries whose governments the US wishes to overthrow. Protesters in the US stand alone as do the occupied Palestinians who apparently have no human rights to their homes, lands, olive groves, or lives.

Read moreDr. Paul Craig Roberts: Washington’s Hypocrisies – ‘The US Government Is The Second Worst Human Rights Abuser On The Planet And The Sole Enabler Of The Worst–Israel’

Scientists Find Every Southern California Tuna To Be Contaminated With Fukushima Radiation

From the article:

“We found that absolutely every one of them had comparable concentrations of cesium-134 and cesium-137,” said marine biologist Nicholas Fisher at Stony Brook University in New York state, who was part of the study group. “It is crystal-clear data.”

On the low-level radiation myth:

Columbia Medical Professor: Inhaling Just One Radioactive Hot Particle Can Cause Cancer (Video)

Are There Safe Levels of Radiation? How Much Radiation Is Safe?

U.S. Tuna Has Fukushima Taint (Wall Street Journal, Updated May 29, 2012):

Pacific bluefin tuna migrating last year from coastal Japan to the waters off Southern California contained radioactive cesium isotopes from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, scientists reported Monday.

The amount of radioactivity in the fish was one-tenth the level the U.S. and Japan consider dangerous, and likely posed no public-health hazard or risk to people who ate the seafood, the scientists said. But the study showed for the first time that migrating sea life rapidly brought traces of radioactive elements from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors across vast distances.

“The tuna packaged it up and brought it across the world’s largest ocean,” said marine ecologist Daniel Madigan at Stanford University, who led the study team. “We were definitely surprised to see it at all and even more surprised to see it in every one we measured.”

Their findings raise the possibility that other wide-ranging sea life that foraged near Japan, such as turtles, sharks and seabirds, may also have carried low levels of radioactive cesium from the accident around the Pacific basin. The scientists expect to conduct more tests on migrating bluefin as well as albacore tuna, sea turtles, and several shark species this summer.

Read moreScientists Find Every Southern California Tuna To Be Contaminated With Fukushima Radiation

US Army Internment And Resettlement Operations (PDF)



Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: Police State (And FEMA Concentration Camps) – Full Length Video


– ???????Breaking: Ron Paul On FEMA Camps – US Government Prepares For Civil Unrest And Martial Law

Rep. Ron Paul: ‘They’re Setting The Stage For Violence In This Country’

Japan’s Former PM Naoto Kan on Fukushima: ‘Experiencing The Accident Convinced Me That The Best Way To Make Nuclear Plants Safe Is Not To Rely On Them, But Rather To Get Rid Of Them’

Japan’s Former Leader Condemns Nuclear Power (New York Times. May 28, 2012):

TOKYO — In an unusually stark warning, Japan’s prime minister during last year’s nuclear crisis told a parliamentary inquiry on Monday that the country should discard nuclear power as too dangerous, saying the Fukushima accident had pushed Japan to the brink of “national collapse.”

Read moreJapan’s Former PM Naoto Kan on Fukushima: ‘Experiencing The Accident Convinced Me That The Best Way To Make Nuclear Plants Safe Is Not To Rely On Them, But Rather To Get Rid Of Them’

BBC News Uses ‘Iraq Photo To Illustrate Syrian Massacre’

The BBC is facing criticism after it accidentally used a picture taken in Iraq in 2003 to illustrate the senseless massacre of children in Syria.

BBC News uses ‘Iraq photo to illustrate Syrian massacre’ (Telegraph, May 27, 2012):

Photographer Marco di Lauro said he nearly “fell off his chair” when he saw the image being used, and said he was “astonished” at the failure of the corporation to check their sources.

The picture, which was actually taken on March 27, 2003, shows a young Iraqi child jumping over dozens of white body bags containing skeletons found in a desert south of Baghdad.

It was posted on the BBC news website today under the heading “Syria massacre in Houla condemned as outrage grows”.

Read moreBBC News Uses ‘Iraq Photo To Illustrate Syrian Massacre’

TEPCO Admits: Fukushima Radiation Almost 2.5 Times The Amount First Guesstimated By Japanese Traitor Government

Fukushima radiation higher than first estimated (Reuters, May 24, 2012):

The radiation released in the first days of the Fukushima nuclear disaster was almost 2-1/2 times the amount first estimated by Japanese safety regulators, the operator of the crippled plant said in a report released on Thursday.

Tokyo Electric Power said its own analysis conducted over the past year put the amount of radiation released in the first three weeks of the accident at about one-sixth the radiation released during the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

Read moreTEPCO Admits: Fukushima Radiation Almost 2.5 Times The Amount First Guesstimated By Japanese Traitor Government

Hillary Clinton Admits The U.S. Government Created Al-Qaeda (Video)

Another YouTube account that just disappeared:

“TheYouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.”

Found a replacement. The second video is an additional one:

Hillary Clinton : We created Al-Qaeda

YouTube Added: 27.12.2011

Hillary Clinton: ‘We Created al-Qaeda’

YouTube Added: 23.07.2012

YouTube Added: 10.04.2011


The Mujahideen were the “database” of Al-Qaeda assets. Al-Qaeda are a controlled opposition force of the Central Intelligence Agency to promote their middle east destabilization process. To give empirical U.S. Military Industrial Complex a reason to invade wherever they want in the ever widening “war on terror” fraud.

On Al-CIAda:

Former CIA Agent: Osama Bin Laden Died Of Natural Causes In 2006

BBC: Osama Bin Laden Was CIA Agent & Al-Qaeda Never Existed – Invented By CIA (Video)

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaeda. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US.”
– Robin Cook, Former British Foreign Secretary

Just one month after this article, published in the Guardian, Robin Cook DIED:

Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook: ‘Al-Qaida, Literally “The Database”, Was Originally The Computer File Of The Thousands Of Mujahideen Who Were Recruited And Trained With Help From The CIA To Defeat The Russians’

Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist or How The US Created Al Qaeda (Documentary)

BBC: Al-Qaeda Does Not Exist (Documentary)

<strong>On Al-CIAda:</strong>
<blockquote><span style=”color: #ff0000;”><strong><strong>“The         truth  is,   there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al         Qaeda. And  any   informed intelligence officer knows this. But   there  is      a  propaganda   campaign to make the public believe in  the   presence    of   an  identified   entity representing the ‘devil’  only   in order  to    drive  the  TV watcher to   accept a unified    international  leadership    for a war   against terrorism.   The    country behind this  propaganda is    the US.”</strong></strong></span><strong>
<strong>- Robin Cook, Former British Foreign Secretary </strong></strong></blockquote>
<strong> </strong><strong>Just one month after this article, published in the Guardian, Robin Cook DIED:</strong> 

<strong>- <a title=”Permanent Link to Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook: ‘Al-Qaida, Literally “The Database”, Was Originally The Computer File Of The Thousands Of Mujahideen Who Were Recruited And Trained With Help From The CIA To Defeat The Russians’” rel=”bookmark” href=”http://www.infiniteunknown.net/2012/03/25/2012/02/19/2012/02/12/2011/11/14/2008/01/11/former-british-foreign-secretary-robin-cook-al-qaida-literally-the-database-was-originally-the-computer-file-of-the-thousands-of-mujahideen-who-were-recruited-and-trained-with-help-from-the-c/”>Former           British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook: ‘Al-Qaida, Literally  “The          Database”, Was Originally The Computer File Of The  Thousands Of          Mujahideen Who Were Recruited And Trained With  Help From The  CIA  To        Defeat The Russians’</a></strong>

<strong>- <a title=”Permanent Link to Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist or How The US Created Al Qaeda (Documentary)” rel=”bookmark” href=”http://www.infiniteunknown.net/2012/03/25/2012/02/19/2012/02/12/2011/11/14/2011/09/21/2011/08/27/2010/08/27/al-qaeda-doesnt-exist-or-how-the-us-created-al-qaeda-documentary/”>Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist or How The US Created Al Qaeda</a> (Documentary)</strong>

<strong>- <a title=”Permanent Link to BBC: Al-Qaeda Does Not Exist” rel=”bookmark” href=”http://www.infiniteunknown.net/2012/03/25/2012/02/19/2012/02/12/2011/11/14/2011/09/21/2010/08/01/bbc-al-qaeda-does-not-exist/”>BBC: Al-Qaeda Does Not Exist</a> (Documentary)</strong>

Mexican Military Are Drug Dealers – Chocante Video Of DEA Agents Making Drug Deal With Mexican Army

YouTube Added: 10.02.2009


Undercover DEA Agent, Mike Levine, exposes Mexican Drug War Fraud with Bill O’Reilly on Inside Edition. Real undercover video footage. This was the undercover sting operation whose cover was blown by the the US Attorney General; as covered in NY Times Best-seller “DEEP COVER.” ON camera is Colonel Jaime Carranza, grandson of Mexican President who wrote the Mexican Constitution and a bodyguard for the then incoming president Carlos Salinas de Gortari

Proof: 1/3 Of CIA Agents Out-Of-Control Lying Crooks And Drug Traffickers (Video)

YouTube Added: 14.12.2009


Former Federal Agent and expert in informant handling Michael Levine on the use of informants by the CIA – or maybe the other way around..Part 3 of 3 part interview of Michael Levine, author of NY Times bestseller “Deep Cover,” DEA retired, a highly decorated undercover agent and court-qualified expert on informant handling, discussing CIA’s most scandalous, and most hidden failure. Their total ineptitude in handling Human Intelligence (informants). Try to find anything published in mainstream media about “Agent Scrub” and you will understand media manipulation



Head of DEA Judge Robert Bonner: ‘CIA Are Drug Smugglers’ (Video)



CIA Drug Smuggling – The Real Body Bag Case.with Undercover DEA Agent Michael Levine (author of NY Times non-fiction bestseller DEEP COVER) being coopted by CIA in South East Asia. Also: DEA busts CIA smuggling ton of cocaine. Head of DEA Judge Robert Bonner Accuses CIA directly of being drug smugglers. You don’t need more proof than this.

Israel Takes Back Promise To Obama Not To Attack Iran Before The Election

Don’t miss:

Israeli Military Chief: Iran Won’t Develop Nuclear Weapons, Warns Against ‘Hysteria’ As Netanyahu Threatens Attack Again


Obama Proposes $800 Million In Aid For ‘Arab Spring’ – Foreign Aid: $11.8 Billion For Iraq, $4.6 Billion For Afghanistan, $3.1 Billion For Israel, $2.4 Billion For Pakistan And $1.3 Billion For Egypt

President Obama: ‘I’m proud that even in these difficult times we’ve fought for and secured the most funding for Israel in history’ – ‘I am proud to say that no US administration has done more in support of Israel’s security than ours. None. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. It is a fact.’

Barack Obama at AIPAC

Israel takes back promise to Obama not to attack Iran before the election (RT, May 24, 2012):

Sources from inside Washington, DC are telling the international media that Israeli leadership is upset with US President Barack Obama’s handling of Iran’s alleged nuclear threat and may take military action before the November election.

The Debka news agency quotes sources from America’s capital that say Israel has withdrawn its earlier promise to avoid striking Iran before the upcoming US presidential election this fall. The reason, reports Debka, heavily revolves around President Obama’s refusal to side with Israel’s demands in dealing with the rumored emerging threat of a nuclear program in Iran.

Previously, authorities in Israel told the White House that they would refrain from striking Iran until after Election Day as to avoid marring the race by possibly involving the US in an international war. Because President Obama has not put his foot down on Iran’s alleged nuclear warhead procurement plan, Israeli officials are not reportedly willing to attack at any moment.

“There is no need to tell us what to do, and we have no reason to panic. Israel is very, very strong, but we do know that the Iranians are accomplished chess players and will try to achieve nuclear capabilities,” reads a translated statement from Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak delivered this week in Hebrew. “Our position has not changed. The world must stop Iran from becoming nuclear. All options remain on the table.”

Read moreIsrael Takes Back Promise To Obama Not To Attack Iran Before The Election

Catholic Priest Removed Over Sex Abuse Allegations Is Now A TSA Supervisor

Catholic priest removed over sex abuse allegations is now a TSA supervisor (End The Lie, May 26, 2012):

Surprisingly, a local mainstream media outlet in Philadelphia has conducted an investigation uncovering a quite disturbing history behind a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) supervisor named Thomas Harkins.

While this isn’t entirely flabbergasting given that an illegal alien worked as a security supervisor at an airport for decades and airport employees were hired without background checks, this is even more noteworthy since this is an actual TSA employee, not just an airport worker.

CBS 3 of Philadelphia’s so-called “I-Team” has uncovered that Harkins – who now holds what they call “a sensitive security post at Philadelphia International Airport” – was a Catholic priest at churches in South New Jersey until 2002.

The Diocese of Camden removed him from the position after they determined that he sexually abused two young girls and a new lawsuit filed by a third woman alleges that she was also victimized by Harkins.

Harkins now supervises the security checkpoint between Terminals D and E in Philadelphia International Airport through which many individuals pass, including children.

Read moreCatholic Priest Removed Over Sex Abuse Allegations Is Now A TSA Supervisor

Lloyd’s Of London Preparing For EURO COLLAPSE

See also:

Home Secretary Theresa May: We’ll Stop Migrants If Euro Collapses – UK Government Draws Up Plans For Emergency Immigration In The Event Of Financial Collapse

The chief executive of the multi-billion pound Lloyd’s of London has publicly admitted that the world’s leading insurance market is prepared for a collapse in the single currency and has reduced its exposure “as much as possible” to the crisis-ridden continent.

Richard Ward said Lloyd’s of London could have to take writedowns on its £58.9bn investment portfolio if the eurozone collapses

Lloyd’s of London preparing for euro collapse (Telegraph, May 27, 2012):

Richard Ward said the London market had put in place a contingency plan to switch euro underwriting to multi-currency settlement if Greece abandoned the euro.

In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph he also revealed that Lloyd’s could have to take writedowns on its £58.9bn investment portfolio if the eurozone collapses.

Europe accounts for 18pc of Lloyd’s £23.5bn of gross written premiums, mostly in France, Germany, Spain and Italy. The market also has a fledgling operation in Poland.

Read moreLloyd’s Of London Preparing For EURO COLLAPSE

Record 45% Of Iraq And Afghanistan Veterans Have Filed For Disability

Record 45% of Iraq and Afghanistan vets have filed for disability (The Raw Story, May 28, 2012):

According to a new report from the Associated Press, a record 45% of the 1.6 million veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are seeking compensation for service-related injuries.

This is more than double the rate for Gulf War veterans. For all the publicity given to “Gulf War syndrome,” only an estimated 21% of the veterans of that conflict have filed disability claims.

The recent applicants are also citing a much larger number of ailments than veterans of previous wars — an average of eight or nine per person, which has shot up over the past year to 11 to 14. This compares to less than four for Vietnam War veterans who are currently receiving compensation, and just two for veterans of World War II and Korea.

The causes of the increase, and to what extent it simply reflects the poor economy, are not clear. “Government officials and some veterans’ advocates say that veterans who might have been able to work with certain disabilities may be more inclined to seek benefits now because they lost jobs or can’t find any,” the AP explains.

Much of the change, however, is clearly the legitimate result of more soldiers surving life-threatening injuries, along with an increased incidence of concussions and severe hearing loss resulting from IED blasts.

Even the heavy body armor that helps save lives can often leave soldiers with back, shoulder, and knee problems that sometimes require orthopedic surgery. In addition, 400,000 veterans have already been treated for mental health problems, most often post-traumatic stress disorder, and these have been exacerbated by multiple deployments.

Read moreRecord 45% Of Iraq And Afghanistan Veterans Have Filed For Disability

Germany Sets New Solar Power Record

Germany sets new solar power record, institute says (Reuters, May 26, 2012):

German solar power plants produced a world record 22 gigawatts of electricity per hour – equal to 20 nuclear power stations at full capacity – through the midday hours on Friday and Saturday, the head of a renewable energy think tank said.

The German government decided to abandon nuclear power after the Fukushima nuclear disaster last year, closing eight plants immediately and shutting down the remaining nine by 2022.

They will be replaced by renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and bio-mass.Norbert Allnoch, director of the Institute of the Renewable Energy Industry (IWR) in Muenster, said the 22 gigawatts of solar power per hour fed into the national grid on Saturday met nearly 50 percent of the nation’s midday electricity needs.

“Never before anywhere has a country produced as much photovoltaic electricity,” Allnoch told Reuters. “Germany came close to the 20 gigawatt (GW) mark a few times in recent weeks. But this was the first time we made it over.”

Read moreGermany Sets New Solar Power Record

Dr. Satoshi Mori’s Radioautograph Of Japanese Cypress Leaves (At 17,000 Bq/Kg) From Iitate-Mura, Fukushima

Radioautograph of Japanese Cypress Leaves from Iitate-mura, Fukushima (EX-SKF, May 27, 2012):

Dr. Satoshi Mori of Tokyo University has a radioautograph of Japanese cypress leaves that he took from Iitate-mura in Fukushima Prefecture last year in his blog. He says he cannot help feeling pity for the tree:

From Dr. Mori’s blog (5/24/2012):


This picture of Japanese cypress cultivated in Komiya District of Iitate-murawas was taken in the fall of last year. I also took the leaves and female cones at the height I was able to reach.

Read moreDr. Satoshi Mori’s Radioautograph Of Japanese Cypress Leaves (At 17,000 Bq/Kg) From Iitate-Mura, Fukushima

30,000 Drones Over America – A Weaponized Fascist Police State (Video)

See also:

Gerald Celente: America Is A Full Blown Police State! (Video)

No.1 Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente: The Entire Financial System Is Collapsing! – This Is FASCISM! (Video, March 26, 2012 )

YouTube Added: 28.04.2012


Bill, HR 658 30,000 Drones To Police America

Read more30,000 Drones Over America – A Weaponized Fascist Police State (Video)

EUR Shorts Hit New Record!

EUR Shorts Hit New Record (ZeroHedge, May 28, 2012):

Last week, when we reported on the then brand new record number of EUR non-commercial short contracts as reported by the CFTC, we said: “with such a massive surge in shorts in a short period of time, this means that the likelihood of major short squeezes is substantial on even the most innocuous of news, such as a G8 summit which promises much but delivers nothing, or China once again saying it will gladly focus on growth (as opposed to what? non-growth?), or some DieBold-inspired leadership change in the Greek pro/anti-bailout polls. Our advice to FX trading readers: be very careful with EURUSD stops: it is very likely that in their pursuit of short covering squeezes, (BIS) algos will take the pair substantially into the offer-side stop limit buffer just to force short hands out, which in turn may initiate short-term covering ramps.” As of last Friday, the record number of net short contracts (-173.9K), just rose to a new all time high of -195.4K. The result: something as worthless and meaningless as uber-volatile Greek political polls (which had Syriza with a 4 point lead last Friday, which somehow dissolved and is now in second place about 24 hours later), was enough to send the EUR higher nearly by 100 pips overnight. Obviously, with ever more record shorts in the currency, expect the desperate continent to come up with nothing but more flashing red headlines in attempts to spook weak hands and incite even more very transitory short covering.

Below is the random number generator on which the fate of capital markets rests:

We’re Not In Wonderland Anymore, Alice … And The True Greek Debt/GDP Ratio Of 421.7% … Greece Is Now A ‘Dead Man Walking’ And The Execution Chamber Is Primed And Ready

Prepare for collapse!

Got physical gold and silver?

See also:

Police Urging Greeks To Keep Their Money In Bank Accounts

– Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Recovery Or Collapse? Bet On Collapse! – ‘In The End, The Financial Crisis Could Destroy Western Civilization’

We’re Not In Wonderland Anymore, Alice… And The True Greek Debt/GDP Ratio Of 421.7% (ZeroHedge, May 28, 2012):

“You may call it ‘nonsense’ if you like,” she said, “but I’ve heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!”
-The Red Queen

Greece Through the Looking Glass

With all of the talk of Greece leaving the Eurozone and forfeiting the Euro as its currency; what if it does not? That, my friends, is now the question. The current estimation of Greece’s GDP is $308.3 billion. All of the debt of Greece, direct, derivatives and guaranteed is $1.3 trillion giving the country an actual debt to GDP ratio of 421.67%. You may recall all of the talk, all of the pandering words spit out by the IMF and the European Union that the new austerity measures would take the Greek debt to 120%; all nonsensical and a nonfactual expression of a very fantastic and fairy tale imagination. If someone has actually stepped through the looking glass I suspect it is Christine Lagarde. Perhaps she is Alice’s granddaughter? In my estimation she must have eaten some of the cake because her reputation has dwindled as she and Greece fell down the rabbit’s hole.

“There comes a pause, for human strength will not endure to dance without cessation; and everyone must reach the point at length of absolute prostration.”

-Lewis Carroll

Read moreWe’re Not In Wonderland Anymore, Alice … And The True Greek Debt/GDP Ratio Of 421.7% … Greece Is Now A ‘Dead Man Walking’ And The Execution Chamber Is Primed And Ready

Gold Bar Demand in China Jumped 51% To 213.9 Tons In 2011

Gold Bar Demand in China Surged 51% to 213.9 Tons In 2011 (ZeroHedge, May 28, 2012):

A reminder of the sharp increase in demand for gold and silver, particularly store of wealth demand, in recent years was seen in the figures released by the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association in Shanghai today.

China’s gold consumption rose 33% to 761 tons in 2011 and China’s silver consumption rose 6.8% to 6,088 tons last year.

China’s gold consumption rose 190 metric tons last year to 761 tons, Wang Shengbin, China Gold Association Vice Chairman, said in a speech in Shanghai as reported by Bloomberg.

China’s jewelry consumption jumped 28 % to 456.7 tons last year, gold bar consumption surged 51% to 213.9 tons and gold coin consumption gained 25% to 20.8 tons, Wang said

China’s silver consumption, including industrial use, jewelry and coins, rose 6.8% to 6,088 metric tons last year, the vice chairman said. The amount shows a surplus given China’s output of 12,348 tons last year, which gained 6.3%, Wang said.