The Truth About Butter

Dr. Johanna Budwig was an incorrupt genius.

She did not accept money from her boss to keep her mouth shut about her findings and lost her job.

She was a pharmacologist, a chemist with graduation in physics and chemistry. She has been described as ‘the world’s leading authority on fats and oils’.

MOST of her clients that she cured from cancer as healing practitioner, with a cure rate of over 9o%, were physicians.

IMPORTANT: If flax seed oil tastes bitter, then it is already spoiled.


The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook

Cancer – The Problem and the Solution

Flax Oil As a True Aid Against Arthritis Heart Infarction Cancer and Other Diseases (3rd Edition)


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Organic butter

(NaturalNews) Butter has been maligned as unhealthy for decades. Fortunately, the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) disagrees. The WAPF was started decades ago by Weston Price, DDS. He and his wife traveled to isolated locations and examined the diets of peoples free from civilization’s degenerative diseases.

Others have discovered the truth about butter and disagree with butter`s bad rap as well. It`s healthier for you than all the substitutes designed to replace butter, which actually damage your health. Butter is better.

Why the Negative PR Campaign Succeeded

Diet fads promoted aspartame as well as margarine as healthy choices. The overweight and even not so slim were manipulated into diets with only weight loss in mind . That popular movement had its foundation in medical misinformation, based mostly on saturated fat nonsense. That nonsense was compounded by the cholesterol scare.

Abstaining from the saturated fats was promoted as a healthy choice. Butter, coconut oil, and palm oil were all given bad press. The doctors, uneducated of real nutritional health science, went right along. Yet all three of those saturated fats are actually health promoting.

This trend was accelerated by corporate greed in the processed food industry. They could righteously insert those cheaper trans fatty liquid oils in packaged goods or sell them as healthy cooking oils. And now it turns out that those oils cause long term health damage, including obesity, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and even cancer.

As early as the 1950s, Johanna Budwig criticized the trans fatty toxic oils that were taking over the market place. She said the cooking oil industry censured her for that. She is renowned in natural healing circles as the creator of the cancer curing Budwig Diet, which includes pure flax seed oil and cottage cheese, both high in fats.

But her biggest contribution to nutritional science was her groundbreaking research categorizing different types of fats. This was uncharted territory until she did that research in Germany. So she knew what she was talking about when she trashed trans fats.

Why Butter is Better

There are three levels of butter: The ideal is butter made from the raw milk grass fed, healthy cows. Second best and more accessible is organic butter from the pasteurized milk of grass fed cows not injected with antibiotics or rBGH. Then there is the mainstream commercial stuff. Even this last contaminated version of butter is better for you than margarine .

The low fat diet is actually not healthy for most. And the heart disease hype associated with cholesterol has been exaggerated to the point of being considered a myth. A 1991 Medical Research Council study determined that men eating butter had half the heart disease risk as men eating margarine! Natural fats can be converted to carbohydrates as needed.

Cholesterol is necessary for healthy nerves, including the brain, and the gastrointestinal tract. Butter from grass fed cows is actually rich in minerals. It also contains a lot of vitamins A, D and K2, which help prevent osteoporosis and arthritis. The short and medium chain fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in butter help prevent cancerous tumors.

Glycosphingolipids in butter fat offer protection against gastrointestinal infections. These are not all of the healthy aspects of butter. You`ll find more in the sources below.

The Folly of Fake Fats

Much of the overall worsening health from dietary sources includes trans fatty acids in margarine and hydrolyzed heat processed unsaturated oils offered as health substitutes over the past five or so decades. It comes back to real versus synthetic foods. Keep it simple: Nature knows best.

Sources for more information include:

Why Butter is Better…

Weston A Price Foundation pdf – Butter is Better…

Know Your Fats…

Sources for healthy dairy products

News and information on raw milk and dairy products

The Truth About Saturated Fats…

Budwig research and cancer cure part 1…

About the author

Paul Fassa has managed to survive the Standard American Diet (SAD) and his youthful folly by deprogramming gradually from mainstream health ideology and studying holistic health matters informally with his wife while incorporating them into his lifestyle as a vegetarian.
He also practices Chi-Lel Chi Gong, and he is trained as a polarity therapy practitioner. He is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a better direction for health. You can visit his blog at

Friday, January 14, 2011 by: Paul Fassa, citizen journalist

Source: Natural News

2 thoughts on “The Truth About Butter”

  1. I love real butter, eat it in quantitys that I shouldn’t and I cook at low heat with butter and I loves it.Thank you for what you do.


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